"Is that so? I look down upon you......."The ghost voice returned to its usual dull tone, and the black substance kept changing in his hands, sometimes turning into a stick, sometimes turning into a sword.

Onishi originally thought that the essence of Uchiha Xiao was the same as their Otsutsuki, they all became stronger for the sake of becoming stronger.

However, he saw something different in Uchiha Xiao's eyes, which was different from Otsutsuki's eyes.

Although Uchiha Xiao has the same arrogance as Otsutsuki, he can see that Uchiha Xiao's purpose seems to be contrary to their Otsutsuki.

There is no problem with Onishi's prediction, because if Uchiha Xiao didn't know about Otsutsuki's invasion, then Uchiha Xiao would definitely settle for the status quo and spend the rest of his life with his family.

"In this case, then I can only kill you, Uchiha Xiao!"When Oni Shi shouted the last character, the black substance turned into an extra-long spiral sword in his hands!

If Uchiha Xiao cannot be used by Otsutsuki, then people like Uchiha Xiao will be in the future It will definitely become a hidden danger for Otsutsuki!

In this case, this child must not be kept!!


The ghost-like figure suddenly moved forward, and the spiral sword in his hand began to rotate. Countless airflows gathered on the spiral sword. For a moment, sand and rocks were flying, and strong winds rolled!

Uchiha Xiao thought in his heart, and Susanoo began to bloom. glowing red

"Eight-foot mirror!"

The Eight-foot Mirror is an ancient artifact like the Ten-Fist Sword. It has very powerful defensive capabilities!

Soon, the two collided.


First there was a crisp sound, and then the strong wind swept towards Uchiha Xiao like a roaring wave, and huge power exploded instantly at one point of the spiral sword.

"Bah! Bah! Bah!!!!"

The harsh sound reminded Uchiha Xiao of the noisy machine tools and equipment in the factory in his previous life.


Uchiha Xiao frowned and saw that the eight-foot mirror, which is famous for its hardness, actually had a crack!

He knew that if this continued, the defense would be broken sooner or later!

Thinking like this, Uchiha Xiao controlled Susan and shot towards the ghost with three arms. Shi Shi launched an attack together.

However, in the face of this attack, Oni Shi did not dodge. The golden light of the Samsara Eye on his chest lit up, and in the next second, more black matter swept up!


After the powerful impact, there was a piercing sound that could reach the soul. When this sound sounded, even Uchiha Xiao frowned a little.

He looked over and saw a huge oval black in front of him. The substance is like a mirror, but it does not reflect anything. Even light seems to be swallowed up by this black substance.

"It's my turn!"Ghost Shi shouted, and the huge black mirror turned into a black hammer and swung it towards Uchiha Xiao. The chakra in Uchiha Xiao's body began to mobilize suddenly, and the pattern of his eyes began to change crazily.

First, It quickly transformed into the three magatama sharingan, then into the shape of a fuuma shuriken, and finally into a spinning vortex.

"Twenty times-divine power!!!"

The space in front of the giant hammer suddenly became distorted, and in an instant, a huge vortex hovered in the air!


With the loud noise, the huge vortex in the air began to rotate extremely fast, and the falling giant hammer also began to slow down greatly.

Soon, the giant hammer almost stopped, and the body was being torn away by the divine space bit by bit.

Ghost. Shi rushed over quickly, trying to interrupt Uchiha Xiao's display of divine power, but just when his fist was about to hit Uchiha Xiao

"Prison on the edge of the wheel tomb!"

Several illusory shadows surrounded Onishi. Because of Otsutsuki's bloodline, Onishi naturally sensed the existence of the prison on the edge of the tomb.

"How much ability do you still have?!"The well-informed Ghost Shiki is very surprised.

Uchiha Xiao has shown too many abilities, and each one is not weak. I can't imagine how many people's abilities he has absorbed!

"Haha, beyond your imagination."Uchiha Xiao showed a sneer, and in the next second, twenty times the divine power swallowed up the black giant hammer.

Then he turned his sight to Oni Shi, and the four shadows on the edge of the wheel tomb all appeared with red light.


Four giants emitting red light surrounded Onishi. Although they were not as tall as Uchiha Xiao's kilometer, they looked particularly scary.

Onishi was not to be outdone. He raised his hands, and the black material was like a sea. It generally lifted up, and then formed the appearance of a giant.

A dark giant with a height of 1,000 meters, which looked strange and powerful. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Humph, it’s not over yet."Uchiha Xiao sneered, and then he thought.

The next second, the earth began to tremble

"boom!!! Boom!!"

A big hole opened in the ground on both sides at the same time, and two huge creatures came out of the hole.

"Dog Feeding Healthy Life!"

Several huge monsters with dragon heads and snake bodies appeared, and they roared with soul-stirring roars.

"Ape rock!"

A tall lava giant appeared. The red lines caused by the magma were distributed on its rock-solid body. It looked very destructive!

This is Otsutsuki Momo's skill, which uses the five elements to create huge monsters. Every time They only have the strength of tailed beasts!

Although it is a bit unsatisfactory to face the ghost style, Xiao Uchiha did not expect that these monsters alone can cause damage to the ghost style, but there must be a certain degree of interference..

For these monsters, Onishi could neither completely ignore nor kill them quickly.

As a last resort, Onishi had to resist the attacks of the monsters while always paying attention to Uchiha Xiao's sudden attack.


The dragons and snakes roared and pounced on the black giant. Their bodies were very flexible and they immediately wrapped themselves around the black giant's torso. As soon as the black giant raised his hand, his arm instantly transformed into a giant axe, and quickly With one slash, several dragons and snakes were decapitated.

At this moment, Ape Rock on the side also struck out quickly. It raised its magma-filled fist and hit the black giant's head like a heavy hammer.

Saruwa's strength is (very good) very strong. In the plot, he can even suppress the Nine-Tails.

This powerful punch almost knocked the black giant over, but soon, the black giant launched a counterattack.

And at this time, just now Several earth-type dragons and snakes that had been beheaded were instantly resurrected, and their dragon heads grew back. They twisted their bodies and pounced towards the black giant.

Seeing Oni Shiki being entangled by two behemoths, it was difficult to find time to deal with Uchi. Uchiha Xiao interfered.

Uchiha Xiao raised a sword finger and chakra started to activate.


Uchiha Xiao shouted in his heart. In the distance, Hidan, who looked confused, seemed to feel something. Then he followed the procedure established in the genjutsu and picked up the test tube placed next to him.

Hidan pulled out the test tube. gag, and then poured blood into his mouth


The sharp blade cut his wrist, and bright red blood flowed to the ground.

Hidan stretched out his hand and skillfully painted the blood into a strange pattern on the ground.

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