Two days have passed since Uchiha Xiao subdued the four Otsutsukis. During these two days, the four Otsutsukis have been undergoing brutal training every day.

There are twenty-four hours in a day, and they have to practice for twenty hours. In Uchiha Xiao's view, the powerful Otsutsuki definitely does not need to sleep, so Uchiha Xiao gives them four hours of free time.

Uchiha Xiao felt that he was extremely wise.

Apart from the two slaves Jin Shiki and Oni Shiki, have Momo Shiki and Ura Shiki ever practiced?!

After a tiring day, four people sat around in the open space.

Taoshi frowned, blowing here and there, patting that, obviously, he has not been able to get rid of his aristocratic status.

"When does this day end?......"Momoshiki let out a desperate cry

"Two days felt like two months."Although Ura Shiki is not as delicate as Momo Shiki, he has never suffered like this before, and it was difficult to adapt to it for a while.

Just when the sad breath filled the air, a deep voice came out

Don't worry, Gao Tianyuan will send reinforcements soon."

Hearing Ghost Shiki's words, the three of them all looked sideways - Past

"Is this true?!"Momo Shiki was the most excited, and he was the one who couldn't bear it the most among the four.

Ghost Shiki nodded, raised his slender arms to support his head, and said,"Master Kamishi needs me, Gao Tianyuan needs me, the whole Otsutsuki, you all need me."

As Kamishi's right-hand man, Onishi is not very powerful, but he helps Kamishi handle government affairs all year round. He has also accumulated some reputation and connections over the years. He suddenly disappeared for such a long time, and the entire Otsutsuki work Things were not going so smoothly.

Listening to Onishi's words, the other three people also realized that if such an important person didn't come back for such a long time, Otsutsuki would definitely send more or stronger people!

Onishi's eyes became sad. He stood up and said,"If Master Shenshi sees my miserable state,......"

The other three people felt the same way and felt frustrated. Not only were they beaten to pieces by a native, but they were now turned into slaves!

They are not the kind of guys who are greedy for life and afraid of death. Under such circumstances, they would even rather die!

Soon, the sadness continued to grow.

At this moment, the sound of footsteps came over.

Several people looked around and saw that the person with snake-like eyes and aura was none other than Orochimaru.

Seeing Orochimaru, the four Otsutsuki felt a surge of resentment in their hearts.

Orochimaru also contributed a lot to the technology of cloning, and some of them also collected intelligence about the ninja world.

Uchiha Xiao, who brought them infinite pain, was resurrected by Orochimaru!

Orochimaru is the source of all their disasters!

If looks could kill, Orochimaru would probably be riddled with holes at this moment.

However, Orochimaru looked indifferent. He looked around the four of them, and his sinister voice made them feel uncomfortable:

"You guys, come here."

The four people had to follow, because Orochimaru also mastered the tight spell that caused them pain.

Under the leadership of Orochimaru, the four people were once again taken to the basement of the Scientific Research Department

"What is this......"

What was placed in front of the four people was a machine that looked extremely sophisticated. Around the machine, there were countless parts and devices that could not be identified.

Amado came out of the darkness and raised his glasses. The light reflected from the glasses made the four of them feel that something was wrong.

"call! boom!"

Reina punched out, and the strong sound of breaking through the air made the space agitate.

"here you go! Reina!"Tsunade admired from the side.

This was not Tsunade's flattery, but her sincere praise for Reina.

At this time, Rena was in her prime, and the strength she showed was already very impressive. According to the standards of the ninja world, Rena's strength has surpassed that of ordinary jounin

"Sister Tsunade taught me better!"Reina said excitedly. What she just used was the strange power that Tsunade taught her.

Combined with the strange power and the exquisite skills unique to the Uchiha clan, Reina's physical skills are already very good. Even against Tsunade, it is... You have to be prepared carefully. If you are not careful, you may even be defeated by Reina.

Kaguya Otsutsuki looked at this scene and smiled happily. She was not a jealous person. On the contrary, she felt at home watching this scene.

She had never felt this feeling in thousands of years. The race called"Otsutsuki" really had a past that was unbearable to look back on.

Just as this heartwarming scene continued to play out, the smile on Kaguya's face suddenly disappeared. It was replaced by incomparable solemnity.

Tsunade also noticed something was wrong. She knew that Otsutsuki's perception was very good. She quickly asked Kaguya:"What's wrong?!"

Kaguya's expression was very solemn. The blood vessels around her eyes began to bulge, and her white eyes extended her vision infinitely.

The next second, Kaguya seemed to see something. Her mouth opened slightly, as if she saw something unbelievable..

Tsunade also frowned at this time. She protected Reina behind her, and then continued to ask Kaguya:"What did you see?"......"

However, before Tsunade could finish her words, a deafening explosion bloomed on the top of the palace.


Countless broken tiles and boulders fell down, and the strong wind blew the clothes of the three people.

Tsunade took a step forward, and powerful chakra poured out from her fist.

"Tongtian Fist!"

A burst of blue light exploded instantly, and the boulder that was about to fall above the head was shattered by Tsunade's punch.

Soon, the aftereffects of the explosion slowly dissipated, and the surrounding area fell into calm.

The three of them raised their heads and watched. They looked at the wounds caused by the explosion in the palace.

The dome of the palace was instantly emptied, and the blue sky and white clouds were visible at a glance.

The three people's pupils shrank, and only a few black spots appeared in the sky, and then slowly enlarged.

"withdraw!"(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Kaguya shouted, she waved her hands, and the portal of Huangquan Hiraban appeared next to her.

Tsunade hugged Reina with one hand and jumped without hesitation. Entered the portal.

However, when Kaguya was about to enter the portal, she found that she couldn't get in!

"What, how is it possible?!"

The dark Yomi Hiraban seems to be a hard wall at this time. No matter how hard Kaguya knocks, he can't get in.

This is really weird!

The abilities of each Otsutsuki are their respective left and right hands. The Yomi Hiraban's failure , as if the originally flexible and powerful hands suddenly couldn't move. It was very strange and puzzling.

Soon, Kaguya understood that this should be the ability of the visitor.

Kaguya's eyes were fixed on the sky, From Byakugan's perspective, a huge light appeared in the sky, which meant that the chakra of the visitor was very strong.

That chakra was more than ten times stronger than Kaguya's former master Otsutsuki Ishiki!

And this chakra There are two weaker chakras next to the chakra, but the so-called weak is only relatively speaking, each of them can be compared to Kaguya!

The people of Ming Ninja Village also naturally noticed the explosion in the palace.

At first, people thought That was just some new technique that Uchiha Xiao was experimenting with. After all, in the entire ninja world, who would be idle enough to touch Uchiha Xiao's tiger?

Moreover, with the level of defense of Uchiha Xiao's palace, most ninjas You will be discovered before you get close!

But when the villagers saw countless guard ninjas running towards the palace, the villagers felt that things were not as simple as imagined.

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