The eyes of all the ninjas lit up, and their initially frightened hearts were instantly filled with fighting spirit.

"Jiejie, I added gasoline, how could it be extinguished so easily?"

"The legendary Otsutsuki is nothing more than this!"

"We are all equipped with scientific ninja tools! Otsutsuki has nothing to fear!"

The ninjas looked at the burning Xue Yue and were very excited. It seems that Otsutsuki is not as scary as they thought!

However, some calm ninjas discovered the clues, and they looked at Otsutsuki Wushi with doubtful eyes. and Otsutsuki Kagetsu.

As two people of the same race, they actually had no reaction to this scene at all, as if they had not seen it.

This seemed very unreasonable!

Finally, the lazy Wu Shi couldn't help but look sideways, and he looked at Xue Yue, howling in the flames, said:

"Xue Yue, what you shouted was too ugly."

As soon as Wu Shi's words came out, the figure rolling in the flames stopped moving instantly, and the shrill howl disappeared, turning into laughter like silver bells.

""Giggle, giggle~ I know, Lord Wu Shi~" As he said that, the burning flames dissipated instantly, and Xue Yue appeared in front of everyone intact.

"Wha, what?!"

Not to mention Xue Yue was injured, even her clothes were not burned!

The eyes of the ninja who had just fired the flames were splitting, and his hands were trembling slightly because he felt the strong murderous aura on Xue Yue's body.

20 I only saw Xue Yue Her nails began to grow longer, and the longer nails revealed a jade-like texture.

She looked at the horrified ninjas and showed a bloodthirsty smile:"Innocent lower races, accept death!"

Xue Yue jumped into the crowd, and in an instant, dozens of heads flew into the sky!


The ninjas burst out in exclamation. They didn't expect that Xueyue was actually acting and teasing them?!

The long white nails flew past quickly, heads and blood lines. The number of ninjas increased in Xueyue's direction. She fell rapidly under the attack.

Kaguya couldn't stand any longer. She wanted to step forward to help, but Huayue blocked Kaguya's way. Huayue smiled charmingly and softly said the murderous words:"If you don't tell the answer to the question, then all these insects will die~"

After hearing this, Kaguya frowned, and listening to the waves of curses coming from her ears, a look appeared on her face. An unbearable look.

If it were Kaguya thousands of years ago, she would not be in this situation at all, but in just over a year, she felt care that she had never experienced before, and at the same time, in her heart Otsutsuki’s rare compassion was also born.

"Let’s kill the Ashes together!"

A light gray rod-shaped object appeared in the sky. Kaguya waved his hand, and the rod-shaped object fell towards Xue Yue like raindrops.

Xue Yue snorted disdainfully, and his body rolled and jumped very flexibly, sweeping away all the densely packed gray bones. Avoided


Under Kaguya's control, the Ash Bones of the Shared Killer avoided the ninja and were deeply rooted in the ground. In an instant, a large area of ​​land turned into white ash. A gust of wind blew by and all dissipated in the air.

"It's really different after eating the fruit~" Xue Yue looked at the destruction caused by Kaguya and showed a contemptuous smile.

Kaguya ignored Xue Yue's sarcasm, but turned to look at the ninjas in the guard:

"You guys, stand down!"


"We are the guard, and our duty is to protect your safety!"

Although the guards were afraid of Xue Yue's strength.

However, Kaguya's Ash Bones saved them, and now he wants to stand in front of them alone.

How could these bloody ninjas allow such a thing? What happened?!

Kaguya said bluntly:"Your strength is too weak. Rather than wasting it here, it is better to go back to the village to maintain stability. I think there are already a lot of shackles in the village due to such a big commotion here. Make a mess."

After a year of getting along with Uchiha Xiao, Kaguya's whole person has become different. Not only has his strength improved, but his IQ has also improved a lot.

Listening to Kaguya's words, the guards were stunned, and then they remembered I know the Ninja Village is still behind me.

"Your duty is to protect the Ming Ninja Village. The enemies of Xiao and I are beyond your reach."After saying that, a crack opened in Kaguya's forehead.

The crack opened suddenly, the bright red Rinne Sharingan was revealed, and a surging pressure spread out.

"Everyone! retreat!"A captain-like figure gave the order and led the guard ninjas to retreat immediately.

Because he knew that what Kaguya said was correct, and their stay would only hinder Kaguya.

"Hello! All my toys are gone!"Xueyue said angrily, her mouth pouted. If it weren't for the two hands that were still bleeding, they would have been very cute.

As she said that, Xueyue wanted to hunt down the ninjas in the guard.

Hui. Ye Yan's eyes widened, and the Rinne Sharingan on his forehead glowed with blood-red light.

"Heaven's Royal Center-Snow Country!"

In an instant, the three of them noticed that the surrounding environment suddenly changed. The originally broken palace turned into a snowy field full of ice and snow.

Looking at the Rinne Sharingan on Kaguya's forehead, Wu Shi said lazily:" A humble servant is a humble servant. After eating the fruit, did she only open one?"

Kaguya didn't speak, Wu Shi continued:"Now I can be sure, it was not you who killed Ishiki, right?"

Hearing Wu Shi's words, Kaguya's brows furrowed even more tightly.

Wu Shi suddenly asked:"Tell me, who is behind you?"

Hearing Wu Shi's words, Kaguya was stunned.

"With your level of strength, it would be difficult to kill even one, right? What's more, what about that old ghost in Ghost Style? Although I can't stand that guy in Ghost Style, you can't defeat him on your own."

Wu Shi's eyes were very sharp, and he could see Kaguya's strength at a glance, and he could deduce the matter almost within a few seconds.

Kaguya didn't speak, she knew that the best thing for her now was not to say anything. good

"Is that so? It seems that we need to take some measures."With that said, Wu Shi stood up from the chair, his lazy expression remained the same, but his eyes glowed with a strange light.


The wind and snow suddenly blew up, blowing Kaguya's hair 420 degrees. The next second, Kaguya's figure disappeared with the wind and snow.

There was a rumble in the dark underground, and the next Seconds later, a scary red light illuminated the ground, and several black shadows elongated under the red light.

"how? Xiao Jun."A gloomy and hoarse voice sounded, and it was Orochimaru with long flowing hair who spoke.

Next to him stood Uchiha Xiao and Amado.

Uchiha Xiao rubbed his chin and nodded. In front of them, there was The Momoshiki quartet, here referred to as Otsutsuki F4.

The F4s all showed a very strange expression.

Looking down slowly, I saw that most of their bodies had more or less lost some flesh.

Precision machinery was embedded in Their flesh, colorful light flowed in these machines, and then fed back into their bodies.

Jin Shi stretched out his thick arm, and the next second, the arm suddenly split open, and a giant Gatling deep weapon with twenty barrels appeared. It was deeply embedded in his arm.

Jin Shi raised his arm and the barrel of the gun began to rotate rapidly.

"Blah blah blah blah!!!"

A burst of blue light bloomed at the muzzle, and then countless bullets began to pour out crazily. The bullets were very powerful, and each bullet had the power to penetrate a boulder.

And the gold-modified Gatling can Shooting a full three hundred rounds of bullets!

The firepower was so terrifying that Uchiha Xiao could even deduce that after firing this Gatling for ten seconds, he could penetrate his Susanoo!.

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