Wu Shi jumped into the air just as the light wave was about to hit him. He dodged the light wave's attack and rolled onto Otsutsuki Suijing's spaceship.

After landing on the spacecraft, Wu Shi's face showed unprecedented solemnity.

"It's an unknown energy. No wonder so many of our companions are dying on earth."Wushi couldn't help but sigh as he looked at the spacecraft slowly disintegrating in space.

Shui Jing's nose twitched:"Well~ This energy does not contain the slightest chakra. Instead, I felt a...Strong vitality?"

When he said the last few words, Shui Jing was a little unsure. Isn't this kind of life force healing? How could he suddenly burst out with such strong power?

"vitality? Hahaha....This planet has many secrets. It seems that when we win the battle, we will have to learn more about it."Wushi touched the beard on his chin.

Wu Shi looked back at the Datong Buzhi who were talking nonsense just now, and snorted in his heart. Do you know how powerful Uchiha Xiao is?

At the same time, he was also a little frightened. , he did not expect that in just over two years, Uchiha Xiao would actually acquire such a powerful ability, and actually launch an attack from tens of thousands of meters away, which is simply appalling! Yes

, in Wu Shi's heart 830, This is another new technique developed by Uchiha Xiao. The so-called technology has no concept in his mind! In the central control room, Uchiha Xiao touched his chin and said with some annoyance:"I actually escaped them all. I would have known that in the first place During the first attack, I fired a few more rounds, and maybe I could kill two more Otsutsuki."

Now that Otsutsuki has seen the power of the chakra cannon, he must have been prepared and will not be hit so easily.

Uchiha Xiao patted the leader of the central control room on the shoulder:"Fire freely, don't be stingy with shells."

After saying that, he flashed and disappeared into the central control room.

In the past two years, Uchiha Xiao's strength has not stagnated due to the lack of Otsutsuki's absorption.

Instead, it has benefited from these two years. , Uchiha Xiao's strength has been well accumulated.

When he first obtained those abilities two years ago, Uchiha Xiao was not very skilled. He basically gathered chakra together and then released it randomly.

But now It's different. Two years of accumulation has given him a more thorough understanding of his abilities, and he can release more powerful attacks in a less laborious way.

As soon as he returned to his office area, Uchi (caae) Bo Xiao discovered that Reina had already stand in front of

"elder brother!"Reina turned around with a smile in her eyes.

In the past two years, Reina has grown into a big girl.

"Reina, why are you here?"

"I saw traces of the chakra cannon. The enemy has already attacked, right?"Reina is a little less naughty and more intellectual than before.

Uchiha Xiao nodded.

Reina said:"Can I participate in this battle?"

Uchiha Xiao just wanted to refuse, but when he saw Rena's bright eyes, he hesitated.

"Yes, but when you act, you must be by my side, or by Momoshiki's side, do you understand?"Uchiha Xiao said, the four Momoshiki are now the strongest in the entire ninja world except Uchiha Xiao.

Reina's strength has also grown very fast in the past two years, and has entered the level of Kage, and She can already activate Susanoo, plus the ability of the Mangekyou Sharingan.

It can be said that ordinary shadows can no longer do anything to Reina. Reina can even touch Kaguya now, which is already considered progress. It’s so fast.

After receiving her brother’s agreement, Reina nodded happily:"Thank you, brother!"

Uchiha Xiao smiled and touched Reina's head with a doting look on her face.

Reina also knew Uchiha Xiao's character and knew that this was already a big concession for Uchiha Xiao. Two years ago, I'm afraid a sealing technique came over and imprisoned Reina without giving her any idea.

At this time, Kaguya's figure also appeared from the side:"I'll also help you. Tsunade is going to the rear and preparing to treat the injured.."

Uchiha Xiao looked at the two women in front of him, and an inexplicable emotion suddenly rose in his heart:

"It seems that my battle will never be lonely again.

Reina smiled sweetly:"Brother is never lonely!""

Uchiha Xiao showed a smile, then stretched out his hands and put them on their shoulders.

"The art of flying thunder god!"


The three people came to an open space in an instant, and there were five hundred ninjas wearing exoskeletons standing on the open space.

These ninjas are all elites selected from across the country. They are among the best among their peers, and their strength is also ranked first. They , will be the first batch of ninjas to confront Otsutsuki!

All the ninjas stood upright, staring at Uchiha Xiao with burning eyes.

Logically speaking, ordinary people would do a pre-war mobilization at this moment to boost their morale. Reaching the highest point.

However, Uchiha Xiao never liked Uzumaki Naruto's long-winded mouth. He looked around at the five hundred excellent ninjas. He waved his hand and shouted:

"Dear gentlemen! Good luck in martial arts!"

As Uchiha Xiao's voice shouted, all the ninjas shouted in unison:

"For the empire and the people!"(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Seeing everyone's morale so high, Uchiha Xiao couldn't help but smile, and then shouted loudly:

"Everyone, attack!"


In an instant, the figures of all the ninjas suddenly began to float against gravity and began to rush towards the sky.

While flying into the sky, the scientific ninja tools on their bodies also began to rotate.

Uchiha Xiao watched the ninjas fly into the sky, and he He opened his mouth and said:

"You have a good idea, Ohnoki."

I saw a short old man at Uchiha Xiao's feet with a speechless face:"Such a large amount of ultra-light rock techniques exhausted me."

The reason why ninjas can fly is because Onoki injected the ultra-light rock technique into a specific device, so that the ninjas can get the same effect.

As he spoke, Onoki stretched out his arms, and his old bones made a clicking sound.

"Thanks for your hard work, you don't have to fight in this battle. You're an old man and you'll die if you go."Uchiha Xiao said without any scruples.

Onoki snorted coldly:"I'm going back."As he said that, his body floated towards the direction of Iwagakure Village.

Although he acted unconcerned, Onoki still had a lot of worries about this battle in his heart. This is dozens of Otsutsuki! It's equivalent to dozens of Otsutsuki! There are dozens of Ōtsutsuki Kaguya!

In the past, there was just one, and even all the power of the ninja world might not be able to defeat it. Now, although technology has developed rapidly, the number of enemies has also increased to fifty.

Ōtsutsuki I didn't know whether the ninja world could win this time.

Uchiha Xiao raised his hand, and the special anti-gravity of the Rinnegan was also applied to Reina. The three of them followed the army and flew towards the sky at high speed. Go..

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