The status of aristocrat is a status that many Otsutsuki people dream of! Such a distinguished status has no precedent for aliens!


Wu Shi ignored the exclamations from the outside world and stared at Uchiha Xiao.

The Otsutsukis outside started talking

"This Uchiha Xiao is so lucky!"

"I also wanted to follow Mr. Wu Shi at that time, but he told me that I was not worthy......."

"This earthling is really lucky, it’s me who has already agreed."

No Otsutsuki thought that Uchiha Xiao would refuse Takeshi's request.

At this moment, Uchiha Xiao raised his head.

Takeshi's eyes flashed with hope. This man was going to agree. Really?!

However, Uchiha Xiao's performance was different from what he expected.

The corners of Uchiha Xiao's mouth rose, and the muscles on his face began to twitch.

"Hehe, hehe, hahaha......"

There was a sound of ridicule that was extremely cold.

The laughter made Wu Shi's expression become even worse.

"Do you know who the last person who wanted me to surrender was?!"

After laughing, Uchiha Xiao asked a question.

Wu Shi did not speak, but looked at Uchiha Xiao in the light curtain.

Uchiha Xiao said:"That is Otsutsuki Ghost Shiki. You also know his fate. Bar?"

"Is this your answer? Wu Shi's voice became disappointed.

The air was silent for a while, and then Wu Shi said,"Don't worry, I won't follow in his footsteps.""

As he said that, dozens more phantoms appeared in the light curtain, and at the same time, dozens of weapons of various kinds emitting golden light were aimed at Uchiha Xiao.

"Golden energy light killing array!"

Wu Shi started to speak while avoiding the fierce attack.

"I don't care how strong your Otsutsuki is, I only care about my relatives and my home, as long as anyone dares to intrude on them."

As he spoke, Uchiha Xiao's eyes emitted a burst of red light.

"Then I will kill even your Otsutsuki god!!!!"

After saying that, Uchiha's right eye turned golden, with chrysanthemum-like golden lines all over the black pupil.

"This is you!"Wushi saw Uchiha Xiao's golden eyes, and his voice became panicked for the first time.

"what happened?!"(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The Otsutsuki people outside stretched their necks. They wanted to know what Wu Shi saw before he exclaimed like that.

Uchiha Xiao showed a sneer. , and then the ability of Otsutsuki Ishiki in the right eye began to activate

"My name is Vigana!"

In an instant, Uchiha Xiao's figure disappeared in an instant, no, to be precise, it became smaller.

Now Uchiha Xiao has become only the size of an ant.

As mentioned above, this golden wall is actually made of gold flakes , the gap between the gold pieces was quite big, Uchiha Xiao jumped directly out of the gap.

Shaoning Vigana closed, Uchiha Xiao's body became normal size, and appeared outside the golden wall


"How did this earthling escape?!"

"Did he crack Master Wu Shi's technique? work!".

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