But Uchiha Xiao's body was still affected by this attack.

A deep fear arose in Uchiha Xiao's heart.

Surprised, Uchiha Xiao showed a smile:"I haven't felt this emotion of horror for a long time."

Such emotions have little impact on Uchiha Xiao. A strong man like him has a very strong heart..

Having said that, the kaleidoscope of Uchiha Xiao's eyes changed again.

"Yuzu’s destiny!"

Although the effect of Yuzu's life was greatly reduced in front of Otsutsuki, the time to stop was not even enough for one second!


But for a strong man like Uchiha Xiao, this little time is enough to gain an advantage!

In the eyes of Wu Shi and Wu Shi, Uchiha Xiao's figure suddenly got closer to them!

"Ten Fist Swords!"

A small ten-fist sword appeared in Uchiha Xiao's hand, and the leaping flames exuded a breathtaking light.

This is the ability that Uchiha Xiao can obtain by developing the Sharingan to the extreme. Those abilities can only be obtained by Susanoo. The weapon used can also be used in reality.

Seeing that the sword was about to strike, Wu Shi's other ability was activated instantly.

Two red lights flashed on Wu Shi and Wu Shi.

In the blink of an eye, the two figures appeared Came behind Uchiha Xiao.

This is Wu Shi's ability. It can teleport designated people or objects to a certain location. It is an excellent weapon to avoid battle and death.

Wu Shi looked at Wu Shi with some gratitude:

"Thanks, Wu Shi."

Then he found that Wu Shi's body was still scratched a little by Uchiha Xiao's Ten Fist Sword.

"Is the injury okay?"

Wushi looked at the wound on his waist, then shook his head:"I don't feel any discomfort, it should be fine....."

However, before he could finish his words, his wound suddenly burst into flames.

"Na, nani?!"Wushi let out a burst of exclamation. He covered the burning wound with both hands, but it was of no use at all.

Severe pain assaulted his waist, but what frightened him most was not the pain, but that he felt it in his soul. Deep in his body, he seemed to be in pain.

An inexplicable force was fighting with his soul.

"Aha...."Wu Shi's figure suddenly became rickets.

"Master Wu Shi!"As a respected old man, Wu Shi respected him very much.

Wu Shi suddenly looked at Uchiha Xiao, his eyes filled with anger.

He saw bursts of strange chakra erupting from the Ten Fist Sword in Uchiha Xiao's hand. Fluctuating.

Uchiha Xiao felt Wu Shi's gaze, he cast a smile, and faintly said the name of Shu: (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"`.Ten Fist Sword-Seal."

Following Uchiha Xiao's thoughts, Wu Shi's body suddenly began to twist, and (Qian Zhao) himself burst out into a shrill howl.

The light on the Ten Fist Sword became more and more powerful, A stream of light emerged from the Ten Fist Sword and hit Wu Shi's body.


The pain in Wu Shi's body became stronger and stronger.

An illusory shadow appeared from Wu Shi's body, and the fiery red light continuously pulled the shadow out of Wu Shi's body.

Wu Shi knew that this was his Soul!!!!.

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