In the center of the battlefield, Wu Shi felt the pain caused by the cuts on his arms, and endless anger arose in his heart.

Wu Shi looked at Uchiha Xiao who was close at hand, with a look of resentment in his eyes:"Why, why do you always have so many means, why do you, an earthling like you, have such strong strength!"

He didn't understand, he But the genius of the Otsutsuki clan is the hope for the future of the Otsutsuki clan!

Why is it so difficult to fight at the hands of the natives of this small planet!

It's like a king lion from the grassland that strayed into a group of weak sheep.

Just when the lion thought he was invincible among the sheep, a sudden sharp horn shattered the lion's pride into pieces!


But this is all so ridiculous! Before the lion died, he couldn't figure out why among the thousands of sheep that had been docile, a sheep that could kill a lion suddenly appeared.

Uchiha Xiao listened to Wu Shi's words, and a sarcastic look flashed in his eyes:"Isn't all this caused by you Otsutsuki yourself?"

Hearing Uchiha Xiao's words, Wu Shi was speechless.

"Whether it was Ishiki and Kaguya who came to earth, or whether you sent troops on your own initiative, I was forced to resist everything."Said, Uchiha Xiao suddenly smiled

"Ironically, it was during my fight with you, Otsutsuki, that I discovered the true power of these eyes."As he spoke, Uchiha Xiao's Rinne Sharingan slowly changed its shape.

In Wu Shi's surprised eyes, two swirl-shaped patterns slowly appeared in Uchiha Xiao's eyes.

"Whatever you do, you will pay a price no matter what the result is. This is something that all children know."As he said that, the patterns in Uchiha Xiao's eyes began to rotate slowly.

"Yujia's Royal Soul-Seal!"

Soon, Wu Shi felt that his power was being continuously pulled out of his eyes.

Wu Shi was shocked. His ears could no longer hear Uchiha Xiao's words. A kind of"survival" will was in his eyes. A sudden thought appeared in his heart.

He wanted to escape, but Uchiha Xiao directly condensed a six-path fairy fire, and then hit Wu Shi very skillfully.

"Whoa......"Wu Shi spit out blood, and for a moment, he felt the same pain as Wu Shi.

With all his strength and chakra sealed, and the loss of both arms, Wu Shi's strength dropped to its lowest point in history.

Now let alone Uchiha Xiao, a genin could probably kill Wu Shi.

Feeling the power that was constantly being absorbed in his body, Wu Shi felt infinite sadness emerging from the bottom of his heart.

Just like a general who has been fighting for many years, he has fought countless powerful enemies, but in the end he died under a farmer's hoe.

How could this not make Wu Shi feel unwilling and desolate?

"Martial arts!"

Wushi also saw the scene of Wu Shi being absorbed.

No! Wu Shi is in danger!

Wu Shi anxiously picked up his crutches, and regardless of the pain deep in his soul, launched a fierce attack on Uchiha Xiao.

And Uchiha Xiao He didn't look at Wu Shi, but simply stretched out a hand.

The next second, a dark red ball appeared in his palm.

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