"Can you control others if you can't move them?.....What a dangerous ability....."

Uchiha Xiao sighed in his heart.

Therefore, Uchiha Xiao continued to work intensively, and the base in Mingren Village was also speeding up the production of Gundam and various new weapons.

Soon, the time came to ten days later. At this time, it was less than five solar days before the expedition against Otsutsuki.


During these ten days, the earth also stopped the production of high-tech weapons and military recruitment.

Because the war is coming, everyone, including all the people on the earth, has entered a state of war preparation.

The observatory also started working overnight, with computers and satellites running at high speed, vowing not to miss any corner of outer space.

Although the plan of the Super Planet Convention is to march the army directly to Otsutsuki's formation after five solar days.

But Uchiha Xiao also wants to prevent home theft, and Otsutsuki has mastered the coordinates of the earth.

If Otsutsuki attacks the Earth while they are at war, the Earth's scarce military strength may not really be able to resist.

In the dim room, a hunched figure was crawling on the ground. His mouth opened and closed, as if he was murmuring words like evil gods and sacrifices, as if he was a madman.

At this moment, a portal opened in front of the man, and a not-so-bright light shone into the dark room.

"Huh~ It seems to be recovering well."This was a cold and somewhat frivolous voice.

The madman stopped talking. He raised his head and looked at the man in front of him who exuded the aura of a king.

"Uchiha, Xiao."The man's voice was extremely calm, as if the crazy scene just now no longer existed.

Uchiha Xiao looked at Hidan in front of him, and with the help of the faint light, he saw that Hidan's body was covered with bandages, and the missing flesh and blood disappeared from his body. It could be seen from the gaps in the bandages that they had all been mended.

Uchiha Xiao squatted down and stared into Hidan's eyes:"Thank me for giving you such an honor to contribute to the empire and the ninja world."

Listening to Uchiha Xiao's words, Hidan was dismissive, but he was too lazy to refute. He has been trapped in this place for more than five years.

Except for rare times, Uchiha Xiao would channel some blood and let him use it. Apart from Shiji's attacks based on his blood, he would spend the rest of the time admiring himself in this dark space.

In this space, Hidan had even lost the concept of time and had no idea whether he had been there for one year or ten years.

Hidan Seemingly accepting his fate, he looked into Uchiha Xiao's eyes:

"This time, who do you want me to kill? 637....."

Uchiha chuckled:"It's just an ordinary Otsutsuki." As he said that, he took out a blood vessel and placed it in front of Hidan.

"As per the old rules, as soon as I inform you, you will activate the spell."

This is a bit of blood collected during the direct battle with Otsutsuki Tenzen. Uchiha Xiao believes that at the critical moment, this spell can play a key role.

However, Uchiha Xiao did not stop the movement in his hands, and A dozen test tubes were placed in front of Hidan.

Hidan's numb expression finally changed a little:

"There are so many more?".

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