Uchiha Madara’s secret base, in front of the Outer Path Demon Statue, under the statue of Hashirama.

Uchiha Madara is holding Feiyu to coax her to sleep.

He has been holding her for a long time and is reluctant to let go.

Even when he goes to the toilet, he takes Feiyu with him.

If others are watching, Madara may not be able to urinate.

But when Feiyu is watching, he doesn’t care at all, and even urinates farther and more forcefully than usual.


Almost two meters away!

Madara nodded with satisfaction: “Although not as good as my heyday, two meters is not bad.”

This is the most direct sign of recovery! !

The reason why Madara is so inseparable from Feiyu is indeed because he wants to recover as soon as possible.

But the bigger reason is that Madara really likes this child more and more.

He even likes him to the extent that he is afraid of dropping it when holding it in his hands and afraid of melting it when holding it in his mouth.

Feiyu naturally enjoys Madara’s doting to the extreme.

It seems that I should be able to spend my most vulnerable childhood peacefully. I didn’t expect that Madara-sama has such a gentle side…

It’s just that the habit of not washing hands after going to the toilet is not good…

But enjoyment is enjoyment, White Zetsu and Obito are really slow…

It’s been a long time since I went, and the diaper and milk haven’t been found.

Now Feiyu is in a dilemma.

The upper mouth is crying for food, and the lower one is holding it in.

Feiyu really wants to vent freely, but because Madara-sama has been holding him in his arms every minute and every second, Feiyu can’t bear to draw a map on his thin, worn and non-waterproof clothes.

For this reason, Feiyu began to smack his lips back and forth, and patted his belly back and forth with his two little hands, trying to make Madara-sama understand his intentions.

“Aba Aba…”

“Aba Aba Bala Bala…”

Seeing the little angel in his hand suddenly become unruly, Madara quickly turned into a cradle and rocked it, rocking and coaxing: “Little Feiyu, what’s wrong? Are you cold? Don’t be afraid, godfather will hold you tighter~ Let’s hold each other for warmth~”

As soon as the voice fell, Madara slightly exerted force and hugged Feiyu in his arms tighter.


Feiyu was going crazy.

His belly was really not suitable for being squeezed now!

Squeezing was fine, but rocking and squeezing, what Feiyu couldn’t stand the most was that in order to make himself happy, Madara would hum a whistle-like sound from time to time.

‘Madara, you are too hard, don’t do this, I… I can’t control it! ‘

‘Um… It’s coming out! ‘

This sound was like a catalyst, Feiyu couldn’t stand it anymore, there are three urgent things for people, this is the first of them.


A warm and moist feeling, through the swaddling clothes, poured down along the corner of Madara’s clothes.

Then, a pungent ammonia fragrance slowly filled the air…

“Hmm?” Madara was stunned: “Little Feiyu, you are not…?”

He sniffed towards Feiyu’s arms and frowned slightly.

Sure enough…

It was indeed urinated.

Feiyu’s little face was almost red, and he kept smacking his lips: “Aba Aba Ma Ka Baka…!”

‘Madara, this is just foreplay! Put me down quickly, it’s not just about liquid next! You can’t stand it! ‘

At this critical moment, Obito finally came back.

“Obito, come here! Little Feiyu has peed, change his diaper!”

“Ah this…” Obito said speechlessly: “I don’t like children.”

Uchiha Madara frowned: “Don’t listen to me? Don’t you want to see Lin again!”

Obito: “Is seeing Lin related to changing the diaper of this kid?”

Madara said proudly: “Of course! If I say there is, there is!”

Obito was helpless and cursed in his heart: “Damn it! This evil old Uchiha…”

No matter how much he cursed in his heart, now that he was living under someone else’s roof, and he really needed Madara’s help, Obito had to obey Madara’s arrangements in everything.

Obito took the little Feiyu in Madara’s arms with a look of disgust, put it on the stone platform next to him, opened the swaddling clothes, and took out a diaper to change it.

“Eh? Wait! What’s that smell?”


“Damn! This brat has pooped!”

Madara shouted angrily: “Obito, who are you calling a brat?”

“Where is it? Lift it up and let me see!” The Uzumaki Zetsu on Obito’s body took a look and put his hand on his chin in contemplation, and said seriously: “Wow~ Not a bad shape!”

Obito snorted: “If you like this thing, then help this brat change it!”

Uzumaki Zetsu: “Hehehe, now I’m attached to you, you are me, I am you, it doesn’t matter who changes~”

“Ah…”Obito wiped the little Feiyu’s body clean and put the diaper on her. He heard a “wahaha” sound and realized that Feiyu had been smiling at him.

This was the first time the two looked at each other.

After a few seconds…

Obito was also a little bit conquered…

This child is just as White Zetsu said, there is a magical power, so kind that he can’t help himself.

Obito, who was full of disgust just now, completely changed his face at this time, his eyes were full of tenderness and protectiveness.

The feeling Feiyu gave him was completely different from Kakashi and Lin.

Kakashi is friendship.

Lin is unrequited love.

And Feiyu… is an existence beyond these two feelings, like blood connection, an unnamed feeling in the depths of the soul.

People call it “family affection”.

But Obito didn’t understand. From childhood to adulthood, he had never experienced what family affection was.

So now he really felt it, but he didn’t know what it was.

“This child is really cute. No wonder the cold-blooded Madara likes him so much. I didn’t expect that even I…”

While sighing in his heart, Obito suddenly noticed some strange feelings coming from his face.

Even the hollow of his left eye began to have a slight warm current flowing into it.

“My injured eye is recovering?”

“Is this the rejuvenation that Madara mentioned?”

Obito was amazed and liked Feiyu even more.

Uchiha Madara on the side whispered: “Hey, Obito, are you done changing? If you are, hurry up and give Feiyu back to me, I want to hug him.”

“Uh…” Hearing this, Obito immediately took off Feiyu’s diaper with both hands: “No, wait a minute.”

“Can changing a diaper be so slow? Hurry up!”

“Well, I know…”

He put it on and took it off, took it off and put it on again, back and forth several times. When Madara’s patience was finally about to burst, Obito had to reluctantly return Feiyu to Madara.

After returning it to Madara, no matter where the father and son went, Obito always followed Madara closely and was unwilling to leave.

Madara asked curiously: “Boy, why don’t you go back to bed and lie down and follow me all the time?”

Obito awkwardly turned his head and looked away: “Um… I’m taking a walk.”

While looking away, he did not forget to secretly glance at Feiyu with his eyes slanted.

Who is Madara? When he saw Obito’s expression, he immediately noticed his little thoughts.

“What? You also want to hug my godson?”

Obito nodded repeatedly. Just as he was about to reach out, he saw White Zetsu crawling out from the ground and blocking in front of Obito, flatteringly asking: “Mada, it’s my turn to hug Feiyu~”

“Humph, you are finally back.”

Madara glared at White Zetsu coldly, and when he saw White Zetsu’s empty hands, he was instantly furious: “Where’s the milk? Where’s the milk my son wants to drink?”

“Here, here!”

The next moment, a dozen White Zetsu clones suddenly appeared on the empty ground around them. The stomachs of the clones burst one after another, and more than a dozen charming and plump young women actually crawled out of their stomachs.

Uchiha Madara was stunned: “White Zetsu! I asked you to find milk, why did you bring back so many women???”

White Zetsu explained proudly:

“This is the team of wet nurses I just kidnapped from the daimyo’s mansion in the neighboring country. They were originally serving the daimyo’s youngest son. I felt that the quality was good, so I brought them all back…”

“I think it’s better to find the source of food directly instead of looking for milk. It’s so fresh and sustainable. Xiao Feiyu can eat it whenever he’s hungry. It’s guaranteed to keep him full~”

After listening to White Zetsu’s explanation, Madara and Obito cast a look of approval at him at the same time:

“Well done!”


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