Jin walked towards home.

Looking at the Uchiha tribe with even fewer people, all the Uchiha's combat power is now devoted to fighting Kirigakure.

Walk to the door of your home.

I thought it would be another messy home.

After opening the door and walking in, it was extremely clean and tidy.

It was even cleaner than when he left, which surprised him.

This was not the case last time. A certain cat bully had many younger brothers.

Go inside.

Xiaomei walked up the stairs to Jin and rubbed against his trouser leg.

"Meow~ You're back."

Jin lifted Xiaomei off the ground with both hands.

Looking it up and down.

"Are you sick?"

He didn't remember Xiaomiao living like this. This thing was a ninja cat and had the same mind as a human.

And they have the same bad habits as Uchiha, they are very arrogant.

I don’t know who learned from whom.

Hearing Jin's seemingly taunting words, Xiao Meow suddenly became anxious.

"Meow! Human, don't be ignorant, I just welcome you home!"

Xiao Miao immediately showed her true colors and struggled desperately in Jin's hand, trying to give him a few blows.

It's all like this, and this damn human being is indifferent.

"Oh, right."

Jin suddenly understood, as if he knew why Xiao Miao had this attitude.

"It seems our contract has expired."

He agreed with Xiao Miao on a one-year cat life, during which he could live in his own home.

This time came while Jin was out on a mission.

It's been a long time now.

After hearing this, the little cat calmed down, started to lick his paws, and made the Lucky Cat gesture to Jin.

Kitten! Cute attack!



The attack has no effect.

Seeing Jin's disgusted expression, Xiao Miao put down his paws, and a cat's face showed a flattering look that only a human could have.

"Let's discuss it~ The wild cats outside are very ferocious."

As he spoke, Xiaomiao put on a tearful and aggrieved look.

Nowadays, Ninja cats are having a hard time. Bully cats are rampant. The handsome calico male cat is occupied by a group of bully cats. They also like to bully this weak little white cat.

It has food and shelter here, and it doesn't want to go back and be bullied again.

The cats that came last time were poor cats who were bullied by those bully cats.

Jin spread his hands: "But I plan to let Xiaobai live at home."

At the mention of Xiaobai, Xiaobai came out from Jin's collar. He stared at Xiaomiao and tilted his head, looking silly and cute.

Xiao Bai followed Jin's arm and quickly climbed up to his shoulder, and hugged Xiao Bai's head.

"Xiaobai and I have a life-long friendship, and I can get along very well with him."

Xiao Bai was confused and his head was held by Xiao Miao.

Jin placed the two small objects on the ground, one in each hand.

He knelt down and looked at Xiaomiao.

"you sure?"

"I am sure!"

Xiao Miao nodded affirmatively.

Today Xiaobai is his half-sister.

Both are female.

"That's fine, as long as you two can get along well."

Jin nodded, stood up and walked towards the stairs.

Xiao Miao watched Jin walk up to the second floor with a human smile on his face. Xiao Bai, who had been following Jin, wanted to follow him upstairs.

However, Xiao Miao hugged his head. In an instant, all the muscles in Xiao Miao's body exploded. Xiao Bai could not break away for a moment.

Xiao Miao breathed a sigh of relief when Uchiha Jin could no longer be seen.

I wiped the non-existent sweat on my head, and it was all white hair.

"It's finally okay."

It can stay in this home again.

From now on, he can eat cat strips from one bag and look at the other, and no bullies will come and snatch them away.

When the hateful Uchiha is addicted to the claws of the ninja cat, it can come back to the world again.

"Hahahaha." Xiaomiao stood up, crossed her chest and laughed.

Xiaobai hit it with his head to make it realize that he was still there.

This made Xiao Miao's smile freeze, and she looked at the little white snake in front of her with a gloomy face.

"You stupid snake!!"

A question mark appeared on Xiaobai's head.

Just when it was confused, Xiao Meow had already rushed up.

"I am the boss in this family."

Faced with Xiao Miao's attack, Xiao Bai had no intention of evading it.

A cat and a snake instantly got into a fight.

Xiao Meow is now an adult cat, and he is also a ninja cat. He is also the dominant cat among the weak psychic beasts.

Xiaobai is still in a young state and does not have Jin's chakra blessing.

A cat and a snake suddenly became inseparable from each other.

Jin, who was squatting on the wall outside, could see clearly through the window.

He shook his head regretfully.

"Xiao Bai's current strength is still not good enough."

The cat and the snake couldn't tell the difference for a while.

King walked back to the second-story window and back into the house.

He was thinking in his heart.

"It's time to give Xiaobai a ninjutsu that can enhance his strength."

"Do you want to create a demon cultivation technique?"

"It's a bit difficult."

The arrival of winter makes the entire ninja world become covered in silver.

It also pressed the pause button on the war.

The frequency of battles in the major ninja villages has dropped a lot.

Even the manpower of all parties withdrew one after another.

Many people in Konoha also retreated to the rear.

Waiting for the next edict.

Namikaze Minato and Kushina were among the evacuating team.

The two young ninjas in the middle of the war were not conspicuous among the returning ninjas.

After all, if the record is not too big, it is basically difficult for other ninjas to know the specific situation.

Most of those who returned to the rear this time were injured and cruel and many too young children.

Although they returned to the village, there was no smile on everyone's face, only numbness and fear.

With everyone stepping into the gate of Konoha.

The residents of Konoha are ready.

"They're back."

"Heroes of Konoha."

"I see my son."

The residents of Konoha gathered around excitedly.

It's just that this excitement comes and goes quickly.

Some people found their son who lost his arms, and some saw his daughter who lost her legs.

Even though the child was intact, he was indifferent to the arrival of his parents, with a lingering fear on his face.

The cheering people also fell into silence.

War itself is cruel.

Namikaze Minato and Kushina had already left the crowd.

Both of them are orphans, and there will be no one to help them.

"Are you going to find Jin? He should be in the village now."

Namikaze Minato asked Kushina.

"Clean up first, it stinks so much."

Kushina didn't refuse, but this image would definitely be laughed at by that bastard.

The clothes on both of them had turned into beggar's clothes, and with the torn marks and dried blood stains on them, they looked like two beggars.

The changes of clothes they brought have long been used up, and this is still the most complete thing on their bodies.

The two of them talked and laughed and walked home together.

It takes a lot of effort for these ninjas who have returned from the war to settle down.

Late, two

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