Naruto: Accidentally opening a fantasy world

Chapter 202 How to deal with the Grass Ninja Village

Chapter 207 How to deal with the Grass Ninja Village


Hanzo looked at Jin blankly, not knowing how a person with a body temperature of 36 degrees could say such cold words.

Destroy the village, and the gold means leaving no one behind.

He, a demigod in the ninja world, would not dare to do such a thing.

In the entire ninja world, there are many people who say they want to destroy villages, and there are also many people who are capable of destroying villages, but there are very few who actually do it.

Although their Rain Ninja Village is gone, they voluntarily sacrificed themselves to protect the Kingdom of Rain.

Otherwise, if they close the door and stop listening to what is happening outside the window, the Rain Ninja Village will not completely disappear.

Now perhaps only the Rain Ninja Village is left in the entire Rain Kingdom, and the Rain Kingdom cannot exist.

The three-party war will use the entire Kingdom of Rain as a battlefield, and the three-party war will not actively cause the rain ninja village with combat power.

But Hanzo resolutely led the entire Rain Ninja Village to join the battle.

Thinking of this, Hanzo's eyes became gloomy.

"If it's a village annihilation, as long as it's controlled properly, it can be hidden."

The Grass Ninja Village is, at best, a loyal ally of the five major nations, but at worst, it's just a weed that no one cares about. No one cares about them unless they make some noise.

Even if they wiped out the village, no one would take the initiative to investigate.

"As long as we control the Daimyo of the Land of Grass, all problems can be solved."

Because Jin had broken the sanctity of the daimyo, Hanzo no longer regarded the daimyo as an important person.

Now the five major countries have also recognized Jin Daming's inheritance rights.

After all, Jin's daimyo identity was obtained from a dead nobleman, and no one except them knew that Jin was a ninja.

Hanzo ponders the possibility of destroying the Kusakunin Village.

"But our people are still not strong enough to deal with the grass ninja. Their training time is too short."

They have only been training for a long time, and the combat power they have formed has not yet been fully formed, and they are still relying on the original rain ninja as a foundation.

It's possible to fight against the Grass Ninja Village, but the losses will be extremely heavy.

"I don't care how powerful they are, and I haven't thought about how much combat power they need."

Jin shook his head. He didn't really have high expectations for the army at first, just to give the Country of Rain some armed forces.

As time goes by, the role of the number of ninjas will inevitably become smaller and smaller, and personal strength may gradually determine the direction of the war.

"Then why are you building an army?"

Hanzo frowned and wondered why he had to disband his Rain Ninja Village.

Jin slowly gave an explanation.

"When the waves hit the sand, I give everyone a chance, and there will always be someone who stands out from the crowd."

These were the people he had expectations for.

Jin doesn't think that only those ninjas who rely on blood will be strong people. He thinks that there are many ordinary people without blood who just lack an opportunity.

The selection mechanism of the Ninja Village always leaves out people.

The army will not. As long as there is financial support, Jin will continue to expand the size of the army, and there will always be people who want to become stronger.

Just keep moving forward! Go forward!

There are always some amazing people coming out.

Hanzo was silent, he didn't agree with Jin's approach.


He is not the decision maker.

At this time, Jin had already thought of how to destroy the Grass Ninja Village.

"If you want to destroy a village, you must block the entrance and exit. Find ten people who are chunin or above and I will develop a sealing barrier that makes it impossible for people to enter or exit."

"One of you needs to guard the Country of Rain, and the other needs to destroy the Grass Ninja Village. Leave the Daimyo of the Country of Grass to me."

"Let me do it."

Kakuzu spoke up and took over the burden. He had already mastered the ninjutsu Jin had given him recently, and it was indeed a very suitable jutsu for him.

This is the perfect time to test your power and collect a lot of life.

"I guard the Kingdom of Rain."

Hanzo said in a deep voice.

He didn't want to destroy a ninja village, even though his hands were already full of blood.

But he wouldn't do such a thing.

Walk out of the parliament hall.

Hanzo blocked Kakuzu's path.

"Is there a problem?"

Kakuzu's green eyes looked at Hanzo.

Hanzo has some strength, enough to prevent him from doing anything excessive, but he's still a little less powerful than Senju Hashirama.

"Are you really willing to surrender to such a person?"

Hanzo asked in a deep voice.

One that completely changes the ninja system, doesn't even respect the sanctity of the daimyo, and wants to destroy a ninja village.

After all these incidents, we can only see Uchiha Jin's naked malice towards the world.

Kakuzu looked at Hanzo with interest.

I didn't expect him to come over and ask him such a question.

"Then what do you mean?"

Kakuzu asked curiously.

Hanzo was silent for a while and replied: "I don't know either."

He still doesn't know what kind of hands and feet Jin has placed on his body. Life and death are not in his hands, and everything he does is superfluous.

Kakuzu looked at Hanzo and shook his head. This guy just wanted to find someone to talk to. Everyone in the army respected him, and in the entire Rain Country, only Jin and him were equal to him.

As for telling Jin that I'm unhappy with you?

This is not how you seek death.

As for Kakuzu.

"I don't care about those things. As long as you give me enough money, I will help you kill Uchiha Kinzu."

If he loses his life, he can come back in the next life, but if he doesn't make enough money, he won't be reconciled in this life.

But if you want to kill Uchiha Jin, you need to consider his strength, status as a research and development genius, the ninjutsu Uchiha Jin gave him, and the money for betrayal.

It’s hard to calculate the amount, but it’s certainly a lot.

Hanzo looked at Kakuzu up and down at this time, wondering how he could have the confidence to say this with a strength similar to his own.

Kakuzu felt Hanzo's offense.

He snorted coldly.

"Next time you talk to me, I will charge you. If you don't have money, come to me."

Kakuzu knocked Hanzo away hard and walked forward.

Hanzo was speechless for a while.

This time, I deeply realized Kakuzu's obsession with money.

"Sooner or later, money will kill you."

Hanzo cursed and left.

When both of them left, the ceiling suddenly cracked and Jin's head stuck out from above.

"Are these two talking bad about me?"

Jin was lost in thought.

Mu Zhi stood in the military camp, feeling the raindrops falling from the sky falling on his head.

It seems that the rain in the Land of Rain never stops.

It was like this before, and it still is like this now, but it may not be the case in the future.

Because he could feel that the country was gradually emerging from the dark clouds, and he saw hope for the country.

"It's so early today."

People kept coming out of the dormitory behind him.

Mu Zhi nodded to his companion with a smile on his face.

"After all, it's always good to train more."

Mu Zhi's eyes looked into the distance, where the Yu Army was training.

As for Qian Jun, it really all depends on self-awareness.

It's completely like the legion leader Kakuzu doesn't care about their training at all.

It's hard to comment.

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