Naruto: Accidentally opening a fantasy world

Chapter 239 The Two-Tailed New Jinchuuriki

Chapter 244 The Two-Tailed New Jinchuuriki

The land of thunder.

Cloud Ninja Village.

Pedestrians on the road stopped at the street corner, where there was a lively scene.

"Beat her!!"

"I am also the hero who defeated the tailed beast! Haha!"

"You monster!!"

A group of children did vicious things at an innocent age. They were punching and kicking a little girl, and some even laughed.

When the residents who stopped saw this scene, they did not come out to stop them. Instead, they looked at these children with smiles.

There are even people cheering loudly for them.

"Come on, you are our heroes!!"

The two teak men huddled up and endured the beatings from several children.

She didn't understand why this was happening.

Ever since Mr. Matsuri was sealed in her body, it seemed that the entire residents of Kumo Ninja Village began to hate her.

She obviously didn't do anything wrong.

She didn't even dare to speak out, as this would only lead to more severe beatings.

If it weren't for the strict orders of the ninja adults in the village, those adults would actually have wanted to beat her.

If the adults take action, they can really kill her.

Her memory goes back to that day.

The gentle Master Di touched her forehead with his hand, the sadness lingering on his face.

"The fate of a jinchuriki is to accept people's malice. If you are not strong enough, you will be swallowed by malice."

"Remember, stay strong."

With the transfer of the tailed beast, Master Di died.

She heard other ninja masters say that people who were separated from the tailed beasts in the past would die immediately.

However, due to the existence of basic internal strength, Master Di is obviously not life-threatening except that he is very weak.

But he was still found dead in his room the next day.

Even the gentle Lord Di chose death because of the village's malice.

Can she really bear it?

The two teak doors fell into deep suspicion.

"What are you doing!!?"

There was an angry roar, and a ninja ran over from a distance and drove away a group of children who were beating up the two teak doors. All the other residents watching the excitement turned around and left as if nothing happened.

The little boy running away was still making faces at the two-bit teak door.

The Kumo ninja sighed and complicatedly raised the two teak doors.

This happens every day and there is nothing they can do to stop it.

All the factors were actually caused by the former Di-sama and Burubi-sama.

It also carries the consequences of the previous Jinchuuriki.

At that time, there were no basic internal skills that could strengthen the seal that blocked the tailed beast's power.

Rampage is a common state, and every time he goes berserk, even Kumo Ninja can't guarantee that he will survive, not to mention the residents of Kumo Ninja, who also suffer heavy losses.

As the number of times increases.

The hatred for tailed beasts naturally spread.

After all, many people's relatives died at the hands of rampaging tailed beasts.

Although he won't go berserk now.

But the villagers became even more unscrupulous.

No matter how much Yun Nin tried to persuade him, it was of no use.

But this child, who is less than five years old, has to bear all the consequences.

"Are you OK."

Yun Nin asked the two teak gates with concern. He knew that the two tails would no longer go berserk.

Naturally, I have a lot of sympathy for the two teak doors.


The two teak men forced a smile on their faces and thanked the cloud ninja.

"If this happens again, find other ninjas, them."

This Kumo ninja originally said that those ninjas would help her, but saw the fear on the faces of the two Yuzukimen and fell into silence.

There are also some ninjas who hate tailed beasts.

Even though he knew the truth, he still exposed his malice towards the Jinchuuriki.

"You have to be strong. If you see me, call my name loudly and I will help you."

"My name is Xi Liuxi."

"Thank you, Lord Xiliuxi."

The two teakmen said respectfully, as to whether they would really seek help in the future, that was not certain.

The adults among the residents did not dare to do anything to her because of the ninja's ban, but the ninja had no scruples.

Unconsciously touching his abdomen.

The last time I asked for help from a ninja, I still vividly remember being kicked away.

That kick was more painful than a spanking for these kids.

She even felt like she was almost dead.

Xi Liuxi looked at the child's expression and sighed heavily.

Stop talking about him.

Even the Raikage couldn't do anything, the village's hatred for the tailed beasts had penetrated deep into their bones.

Who doesn't have a few relatives who died due to tailed beast rampage?

Lord Raikage also issued a restraining order, otherwise it would be even worse as a Jinchuuriki.


The wilderness of Yun Ninja Village.

The two teak men stood on the reef, looking at the fish swimming under the water, and quickly grabbed them with both hands.

Soon a fresh and plump big fish was caught in her hand.

Walk to the shore and start grilling fish.

The two teak doors began to accumulate chakra again.

This is what she has to do every day. The basic internal skills were given to her by Master Ninja.

It is also a way to stabilize the tailed beast.

"But Mr. Youlu is obviously very good."

The two teak doors held her chin, and sometimes she could still enter the sealed spiritual world. When she saw Erwei traveling again, he was obviously a gentle big cat.

You Lu, who was in the teak door body, rolled his eyes. If his basic internal strength hadn't been sealed so well, do you think he would be willing to be so calm?

I can't get out, I can't resist, I can't resist.

I can only lie down and idle away my days.

Once you communicate with the host, you won't be restricted.

You must know that since the emergence of basic internal strength, jinchūriki can do whatever they want to the tailed beasts in the spiritual world.

Even Dee, that wimp, can do it.

It's a pity that this person has long since passed away.

He clearly had the choice to live, but he ended his life.

He turned over again and continued to sleep.

The two teak men looked at the grilled fish and began to eat happily. Maybe this was her happiest moment.

"I have to be strong and take Master Di's life with me! Live well!"

She still couldn't forget Master Di's always dark eyes.

"Then she's really relieved."

A chuckle suddenly sounded.

The two teak men tilted their heads and looked at the masked stranger sitting next to them in confusion.

She didn't even notice when it came.

"Who is you?"

After looking around, there was only the fire source in front of her, and the other places were a bit dark. Could this person also be here to take revenge on her? The two teak men showed fear on their faces, and they moved to the side carefully.

If she was beaten to death in this place, no one would really come to save her.

"Don't worry, I don't have that much malice."

Jin looked at the actions of the little blond girl in front of him in amusement.

"I'm just here to invite you."

"How about going to a place where no one will bully you like this, and where many people love you?"

A gentle smile appeared on Jin's face, looking into the distance.

In the dark night.

On the tree in the distance, three withered corpses were hanging on the treetops.

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