Naruto: Accidentally opening a fantasy world

Chapter 280 The mastermind behind the peace is in action.

Chapter 285 The mastermind behind the peace is in action.

Cloud Ninja Village.

Kim stepped out of the darkness,

He did not enter Kage's office directly like Suna Ninja Village and Iwa Ninja Village.

After all, the identity of the Grass Ninja Village has not been dealt with by Kumo Ninja, so it still needs to be respected.

In the past, it was Kumo ninja and Kakuzu who contacted each other.

If they appeared in the Cloud Ninja Village and reminded them that they were related to the missing two-tailed Jinchuriki, it would be more than worth the loss.

The other party may not agree to his plan, and a war may start directly.

He appeared directly at the entrance of the Cloud Ninja Village.


The cloud ninja was instantly alert, and two ninjas quickly appeared in front and behind him.

"Trouble reporting, the Grass Shadow of Kusakunin Village is visiting."

The two Kumo ninjas looked at each other, and the one in front nodded to the Kumo ninja behind Jin.

Kumokage's identity deserves the attention of the Cloud Ninja Village.

The Kumo ninja behind him used the teleportation technique to disappear.

"You'd better not make any moves."

The only remaining Kumo ninja put his hand on his back, keeping ready to draw his sword at any time, and looked at Jin warily.

Look at the other person's vigilant posture.

Cloud Ninja Village is really different from Suna Ninja Village.

The guards at Sand Ninja Village directly demanded property, but Kumo Ninja remained vigilant.

The quality is really different.

"rest assured."

Jin patted the Yun Nin's shoulder. The Yun Nin's pupils shrank, he turned around and quickly distanced himself, with the knife in his hand already drawn out.

But there was no one behind him.


King hit him hard on the head.

"It's easy to kill you, so don't worry."

Yun Ren turned around and looked at Jin with a livid face, but still put the knife in his hand back into the sheath behind his back.

The opponent's strength is indeed far greater than his, and if there is any malicious intention, he will not be able to react at all.

The Kumo ninja who left quickly appeared.

"Raikage-sama wants to see you."

"Lead the way."

Jin looked at the livid-faced Yun Nin with a smile.

The two Cloud Ninjas took Jin to the Cloud Ninja's office.

He saw the majestic Third Raikage, and out of the corner of his eye he also saw a similarly dark-skinned young man next to him. This person should be the future Fourth Raikage.

"Mr. An from Cao Ninja Village, don't you know why you came to our Cloud Ninja Village?"

The third generation Ai asked Jin in a deep voice.

Mr. An from the Grass Ninja Village knew about it, and the Grass Ninja Village had no intention of hiding it.

To be able to beat that old guy Onoki, he still has a lot of strength.

Just looking at the other person's mask, Ai narrowed his eyes slightly.

I really want to know the other person’s true appearance under the mask.

Although the transformation technique can also hide one's identity, the purpose of wearing a mask is still very curious.

"I wonder if Lord Raikage knows about Konoha's R\u0026D department."

Jin asked bluntly.

Ai knows this very well.

"The new department formed by Uchiha Jin and Orochimaru of Konoha will continue to provide Konoha with new ninjutsu."

The Kumo ninja had fought against the ninjas of Konoha in this peaceful era.

The opponent's ninjutsu is getting stronger and stronger with each new generation.

Thinking of Konoha being stronger than before, Ai's face darkened.

If it continues like this, it is estimated that it will be difficult for Yun Ninja Village to replace Konoha, and as the gap in strength widens, Yun Ninja Village will have a difficult time in the future.

The five major ninja villages have a great influence on each other.

"Well, I don't know if Yun Ninja Village wants the research information from the R\u0026D Department."

"You?" Ai frowned and looked at Jin. He naturally knew what kind of business the other party was doing.

Kumo Ninja was also involved.

If it weren't for fear of the opponent's strength, he would have bulldozed the entire Kusanagi Village.

"I don't have it, but I really want it too."

A smile bloomed on Jin's face, and his voice was full of bewitching.

"I have a way to enter it without disturbing Konoha. I don't know if Lord Raikage is interested in doing something."

Ai rubbed his brow in thought.

He has indeed been coveting that R\u0026D department for a long time.

"How can I believe you? You are not working with Konoha to set up a trap."

He was indeed moved, but he was still worried that the other party had contact with Konoha.

Jin touched his chin and thought for a moment before saying, "You Cloud ninjas have been dealing with us for so long, don't you deserve your trust?"

They had emptied Konoha's ninjutsu from themselves.

Ai thought for a moment, and it seemed true.

All Konoha's ninjutsu has been leaked, something Konoha cannot do.

"And I have already invited the other Kages, but you are the only one left, Raikage-sama."

This made Ai completely moved.

Since they were not the only ones, there were other villages who could share the wind direction with them, which made him feel relieved.

But the benefits were divided into four parts, which made him not very satisfied.

"Follow the rules of our Kumo ninja."

Ai stood up.

"If you win, we will agree to your plan unconditionally. If you lose, don't mention it."

Konoha's combat power is not weak, even if there are five Kages together, it will be very dangerous with White Fang around.

If the opponent is strong enough, you can think about it.

Kim smiled.

Sure enough, you still need to use force to persuade.

The martial arts training ground of Yun Ninja Village.

Jin held out his hand to Raikage who was rubbing his wrist.

"Please begin your performance."

Ai frowned.

"It seems I've been underestimated."


King vetoed it and said, "I just look down on you."

A scowl appeared on Ai's face, and a large number of arcs flashed across his body.

"I want to see why you look down on me."

"Thunder Escape Chakra Mode!"

Give it your all.

Ai, who is known as the strongest thunder escape kai.

See above.

The next moment, a blue lightning flashed across, and Ai appeared in front of Jin, raising a finger.

It's just a full blow.

"Hell thrust! One hand!"

If you can't handle this, there's no point in talking about it.

Jin also quickly put away his contempt.

The pupils of both eyes turned into Sharingan eyes, the magatama quickly connected together, and the rotating scythe moved rapidly.

"Mangekyo Sharingan! Tsukuyomi!"

Just relying on the developed Tsukuyomi, coupled with the blessing of Kaleidoscope and Tianmo Gong, the power is even greater than the original.

"In my thunder escape chakra."

Ai was about to say something more, but the words suddenly stopped.

The surrounding world has turned into a scarlet world at some point.

Why, obviously under the stimulation of Lei Dun, the illusion should be useless to him.

"you lose."

Jin Zhan looked down at Lei Ying Ai from a high place.

Ai found his body bound by a cross.

"The Mangekyo Sharingan has appeared again."

Ai frowned and looked at Jin who was high up. Their clan was once very close to the Uchiha clan, so they naturally knew about Mangekyou.

The illusion cannot be broken.

He did lose.

"I agree with your plan."

Ai agreed directly.

A huge smile appeared on Kim's face.

"It's all here."

Golden figures appeared all around.

“It’s never too late to leave after enjoying yourself.”

Various weapons were picked up by Jin.

Ai's face turned the color of pig liver.

"Now that's the most troublesome part."

Jin raised his head and looked in the direction of the Kingdom of Water.

Uchiha Madara is not that easy to deal with.

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