Naruto: Accidentally opening a fantasy world

Chapter 352: Deployment and sudden attack of the Cloud Ninja (two in one)

Chapter 358: Deployment and sudden attack of the Cloud Ninja (two in one)


The crow stood on the branch, tilting his head and looking down. In his dark eyes, the silver-haired boy was bowing his head in mourning.

Kakashi looked at the name on the tombstone in front of him.

The Tomb of Obito Uchiha.

"You've been recognized as a hero, Obito."

The cherry blossoms were swirling and falling from the sky, and Kakashi looked up at the blooming cherry blossom tree.

The lush cherry blossom trees are in bloom and the pink flowers are floating, making people feel happy.

But Kakashi's heart was as calm as dead water.

"This child is really a pity."

at this time.

There was a voice beside him, and Kakashi turned around to see Uchiha Jin standing next to him looking at Obito's tombstone.

"What are you here for?"

Kakashi asked coldly.

He didn't like this person from beginning to end.

Jin looked up at the surrounding cemetery decorated with fallen cherry blossoms.

"Just coming to see the heroes of Konoha."

"I just happened to see you."

Kakashi turned his head and ignored Jin, silently mourning in his heart.

But in the end, I couldn't help but ask: "What is the meaning of war?"

If there is no war, Obito will not die.

Jin rubbed his chin and thought: "Striving for the interests of those in power, that's it."

Or so he thought.

"War is essentially about grabbing profits."

Kakashi fell into deep thought, and as he grew up, he could think of more and more things.

"So we have to pursue peace."

Only in peace nothing happens.

"Then you think too much."

Jin ruthlessly interrupted Kakashi's fantasy.

"The essence of ninjas is to be a tool for war. Unless you can ban the existence of ninjas, ninjas will inevitably become swords in your hands."

The existence of ninjas makes a mockery of peace.

"Hokage-sama would never do something like that."

Kakashi answered the previous question in a deep voice, choosing to bypass this question.

The Third Hokage loved the village.

"Then your father brought it upon himself?"

Kakashi was speechless when Jin retorted. Jin's words still had an impact on him a few years ago.

Kakashi already had doubts about Naruto in his heart.

"And who told you about Naruto."

Jin shook his head.

"Did you know? Recently, the Daimyos of the Fire Country have reduced funding for Konoha."

As a member of the senior management, he knew this.

"How can it be?"

Kakashi looked at Jin in disbelief. He had never heard of the daimyo reducing Konoha's funding.

The bulk of Konoha's expenses were provided by the daimyo.

If Konoha weakens, then who will defend the Fire Nation.

"Because the Daimyo was dissatisfied with the failure of Konoha's last attack on the Iwa Ninjas. After that, Konoha only defended and did not do any offensive behavior at all. This made the Daimyo unbearable and reduced the funds. He wanted Konoha to attack other Ninja Villages. Go on the offensive."

In fact, it was entirely the Daimyo who feared Konoha.

Konoha's combat power is too high.

Jin said slowly.

"Essentially, the daimyo didn't want the war to end so early."

"As long as the war continues, Konoha will continue to consume strength, and at the same time, it can force other countries to pay compensation for defeat."

"So, I am talking about the interests of the daimyo and the interests of the nobles, and the sacrifices are only the ninjas who are tools."

Kakashi opened his mouth. He had just understood some of the nature of ninjas, and Jin came up and opened up the daimyo matter to him.

Kakashi really didn't know what to do about this.

"Then what should I do?"

Kakashi asked.

Jin asked back: "So you think you are the savior and can change the fate of all ninjas."

Kakashi was speechless.

This would be too arrogant.

"If you really think so, join us."

Jin held out his hand to Kakashi with a smile on his face.

This man is truly arrogant.

Do you really think you can control the world?

Kakashi looked at Jin's big hand and asked coldly: "Should I support you and become Hokage, or should I defect from the village?"

It's as if he has forgotten what happened before.

Although Jin did open up his mind, he never forgot the danger of this man.

"Whatever you think."

Jin withdrew his hand, Kakashi's attitude already showed his rejection.

He looked at Kakashi's normal eyes and smiled.

"It seems that the time has not come yet."

He raised his finger and flicked it on Kakashi's forehead. Kakashi covered his forehead and took a step back. He was obviously very alert.

Why haven't you escaped yet?

"Think about it, I hope you can figure it out."

Before Kakashi could retort, Jin turned and left.

"I won't go along with you."

Kakashi cursed.

Looking at Jin walking away, I actually felt a little shaken in my heart.

"Obito should be in Uchiha Madara's hands."

Jin walked towards the Hokage building.

He was originally summoned by Hiruzen Sarutobi, and he passed by the cemetery and saw Kakashi stopping there.

"With a pair of eyes, Obito's combat power may be much stronger than in the original timeline."

Next, Uchiha Madara will definitely arrange for Obito to awaken the Kaleidoscope.

The rest is a matter of ontology.

The main body really wants to take advantage of Uchiha Obito, and Uchiha Madara is eyeing Obito, while the main body is eyeing Kakashi.

Except Lin.

She was going to die anyway.

It doesn't matter.

Walking into the Hokage's office, surprisingly, Sarutobi Hiruzen was the only one there.

"What? Aren't you afraid that I will cheat on you?"

Kim is someone who speaks his mind.

Sarutobi Hiruzen's face turned dark at that moment.

Isn’t this also an ANBU? .Bah. How could he, Sarutobi Hiruzen, be afraid of Uchiha Jin? After all, Uchiha Jin was also a part of the village.

The darkness spread under Jin's feet and turned into a stool.

"So tell me, why did you come to see me?"

Calling him over suddenly didn't look like he was arranging something good.

Sarutobi Hiruzen took a drag on his cigarette and blew out the smoke, with a bit of sadness on his face: "Kin, you seem to have always had some opinions about me."

The other party never treated him in a good tone.

Even if other Uchiha were dissatisfied with him, they would respectfully call him Hokage-sama when they saw him.

It would be completely different if it were Uchiha Jin.

"You can remove it."

Kim made no attempt to hide it.

Sarutobi Hiruzen's face darkened, this Jin Zhen had no eyesight at all.


"You think I'm unqualified as a Hokage, don't you?"

Jin looked up and down playfully as Sarutobi Hiruzen crossed his legs.

"There is essentially nothing wrong with you as Hokage. You really love the village and are working hard for its development, inheriting the will of the first and second generations. Except for Uchiha, no one in the entire Konoha Village has the right to say that you are not doing your best. Try your best.”

"So why except Uchiha?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen asked curiously, but Jin rarely praised him.

"Do you still need me to tell you?"

Jin asked back.

Just make it clear that you reject the Uchiha clan.

Sarutobi Hiruzen fell silent. He did have some shortcomings for the Uchiha clan, but that was the will of the second generation, and he was just the successor.

"However, you are not capable enough."

Jin directly denied Sarutobi Hiruzen with one sentence, causing his face to darken.

Jin is probably the only one in Konoha who has the confidence to talk about him.

And this is just the beginning.

"My strength is average, my brains are average. Facing these two wars, I relied entirely on Konoha's foundation and the disciples you trained. To be honest, your approach would be similar to what a fool would do like you."


Sarutobi Hiruzen pointed at Jin and became angry.

Finally, he put down his hand silently.

Sighed deeply.

"Maybe I really didn't do it well."

For Uchiha Jin.

Apart from White Fang and Uchiha, Sarutobi Hiruzen really had nothing to say to the entire village.

Although he is a little greedy for power.

But Konoha's talented ninja can be well cultivated.

As a member of the ninja clan, he continues to improve the status of civilian ninjas.

He is really working hard for the village.

Of course, the Sarutobi clan has benefited a lot from him becoming the Hokage, but Hiruzen Sarutobi is not a saint after all, and he naturally prefers his own family in the face of interests.

There is no such thing as seeking private wealth for the family. This single direction is enough to make the Sarutobi clan far more powerful than the Warring States Period.

This is a human problem and no one is immune to it.

It's just that the development of Konoha has little to do with Sarutobi Hiruzen. The basic structure of the village is all the way of the second generation. Just like when Tsunade innovated the medical ninja, Sarutobi Hiruzen finally built a hospital to appease Tsunade.

If it were anyone else, Sarutobi Hiruzen would not agree at all.

The construction of the R\u0026D department was completely forced out by money.

Without Tsunade and Jin, what Konoha was like during the second generation will remain like that from now on.

He is still afraid of Uchiha every day.

Except for Hiruzen Sarutobi, who was on the battlefield in the first battle, he defended Konoha in the two battles, relying entirely on his apprentice to lead him to victory.

The only great thing about him may be his brainwashing, making most of Konoha's ninjas risk their lives for him.

He also taught three apprentices.

Looking at Hiruzen Sarutobi who seemed to be resigned to his fate, Jin curled his lips disdainfully.

Do you really think that Konoha developed thanks to him?

The first generation founded the village, the second generation planned the system, and the third generation brainwashed the village.

It can be considered a contribution.

If it weren't for Uchiha, he would be quite happy to have such an idiot leading him.

But Uchiha's identity destined the two not to be together.

"Let's get back to the topic, what exactly are you looking for from me?"

Jin asked directly.

Sarutobi Hiruzen handed a file on the desktop to Jin.

Jin picked it up and flipped through it.

It says that there are frequent changes in Mist Ninja Village.

"What's the meaning?"

Jin looked askance at Sarutobi Hiruzen.

Sarutobi Hiruzen sighed and said: "There are frequent changes in Mist Ninja Village. Although Fugaku is a good ninja, I am afraid that a third-level strongman will appear in Mist Ninja Village. I hope you will guard the front line of Mist Ninja Village."

Sure enough, it came.

A fool's mind really doesn't need to think too much.

"So it's enough to have Minato in the village, right?"

Jin asked with a sneer.

The other party is just playing the trick of killing the donkey.

Sarutobi Hiruzen didn't care about Jin's attitude, he was already used to it anyway.

"If the other party has a third-level existence, I hope you can get rid of the other party, and I will give you the corresponding position of Hokage Advisor."

That is to say, if there is no identity, it is impossible to give the identity. If there is, gold will have to fight for it.

What a good idea.


"That's it."

Jin agreed directly. Anyway, he had already planned this.

Hope he can withstand the surprise that comes next.

"Then it's up to you."

Sarutobi Hiruzen said sincerely.

Sarutobi Hiruzen moved very quickly.

Three days after King Kong promised, the forward team had completed the standard configuration.

He turned around and glanced at Hinata Qing, Bei Liuhu, and some people who belonged to him in the R\u0026D department.

Basically, all the combatants who could be transferred from the R\u0026D Department were put into the team guarding the front line of Mist Ninja this time.

"I really want to pick fruit."

That leaves a lot of vacant positions in the R\u0026D department, which will inevitably be filled by Sarutobi Hiruzen F4 members.


Jin turned to look the other way.

Namikaze Minato was explaining something to Nohara Rin and Kakashi.

This time the two people in the team actually got in.

He even doubted whether Sarutobi Hiruzen was also controlled by Uchiha Madara.

Isn't this just like a sheep entering a tiger's mouth, just waiting to open a kaleidoscope for Obito.

The Mist Ninja Village is completely Uchiha Madara's territory.

After explaining to the two of them, Minato Namikaze came over.

"I didn't expect you to be sent out this time, Jin."

Namikaze Minato scratched his head.

The guard of Mist Ninja Village was supposed to send him, but suddenly he was replaced by gold.

He felt a little sorry.

"It's the same for anyone dispatched." Jin shrugged and said meaningfully to Namikaze Minato: "When I come back this time, I will compete with you for the position of Hokage."

"Hahaha." Namikaze Minato laughed and punched Jin's shoulder: "If the opponent is you, I won't give up so easily."

It's just that the third generation doesn't look like he wants to retire.

Namikaze Minato had doubts in his heart.

"Be careful, you'd better not lose to me."

Jin patted Namikaze Minato on the shoulder.

After all, he had no interest in the position of Hokage, just because of Hatake Shoshige's promise before his death.

Fight for one.

"I will try my best."

Namikaze Minato nodded seriously.

"And come back alive."


King waved his hand.

The army advanced outside Konoha.

Namikaze Minato's face showed confusion, leaving aside the issue of competing for the position of Hokage.

The current third generation is not old-fashioned at all because of his basic internal skills. Although some people do say that he can run for the position of the next generation of Hokage, he clearly understands that the position of Hokage cannot be replaced in more than ten years.

Why, according to Jin, it feels like the Third Generation will step down as soon as he comes back.

"Kim, what do you want to do?"

It's a pity that he has no idea what Jin is thinking.

Just as Jin set off for the Mist Ninja.

Kumo Ninja Front.

The Kumo ninja suddenly launched an attack on Konoha's defense line.

"Kushina-sama?" The Jonin next to him stepped forward.

Kushina, who was wearing a green vest, frowned and looked into the distance. Cloud ninja was silently rushing from a distance.

Especially the leading man.


"Avenge the Raikage!!"

Burubi roared angrily, and his body suddenly transformed into a huge bull, with eight octopus-like tails flying behind him.

Completely transformed into a tailed beast.

Eight-tailed bull ghost.

"Intercept them!!"

Kushina also roared, and the golden light instantly turned into a huge golden fox.

Completely transformed into a tailed beast.

Nine-tailed Nine Lamas.

The two behemoths collided instantly.

The battle begins.

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