Naruto: Accidentally opening a fantasy world

Chapter 415 The capital of the Kingdom of Thunder is destroyed

Cardo was standing at the highest point of the Daming Mansion, looking for someone who might be the Daiming, but he couldn't find him after searching for a long time.

What worried him even more was.

His eyes looked toward the battlefield in the sky.

Strong attacks continued to fall, but were resisted by countless shining thunders.

If he read correctly.

The one who wants to destroy the city along with them should be the Kakuzu Army Commander.

Kado took out a sweat towel and wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.

It was their highest officer who wanted to kill them, but it was their enemies who protected them.

It's just bizarre.

You need to worry more about your own life following this legion commander. If he gets the upper hand, he will kill everyone no matter who they are.

Kado, who was standing high up, was too conspicuous to the people below, and soon someone rushed up to him.

"Die to me!!"

A cloud ninja holding a thunder hammer rushed towards Cardo.

Cardo sneered when he saw the enemy's attack.


"Help!! Someone wants to kill your deputy commander!!!"

Screams like those of a pig being slaughtered quickly rang out.

Cardo also immediately rolled backwards and crawled to run.

Nowadays, Kado's rating is still a genin, so how can he beat other ninjas?

But in terms of escape speed, it is said to be top-notch.

"Don't even think about running away!!"

Yun Ren was chasing after him. He stepped forward and jumped up high. He raised the thunder hammer in his hand and was about to hammer Cardo to death on the spot.

But he hadn't waited for his thunder hammer to fall.

A figure suddenly appeared and kicked him.


A powerful kick sent the person flying with a hammer.

"Don't even think about hurting our legion commander."

At the same time, a group of people climbed up from all directions and swarmed towards Yun Ninja.

Cardo wiped the sweat from his forehead and snorted, then took out the money from the Country of Rain.

"Qian Escape! The art of summoning people!"

Merits and money can be used to make others in Qian's army fight to the death for him.

As long as Qian's army becomes stronger and stronger, his Kado's power will not be too weak.

His most powerful move has excellent results after being used, but the price is too heavy.

The cost of the Qian Escape Summoning Technique is that all Kaduo's deposits are instantly cleared.

He loved and hated this legion commander.

Soon Yun Ren was completely dead. Qian Juncai was the deputy commander and had nothing to do with their team members.

"Deputy Corps Commander, what should we do now?"

Everyone else looked at Cardo. After all, they had almost killed all the nobles in the city.

In the distance, the Eight-Tails Jinchuuriki and Vander were still playing a game of chasing each other.

It looks like two people fishing.

Looking at the destroyed city and the battle in the sky, countless strong winds continued to sweep downwards, making all the buildings tremble.

Kado said with a bite: "The whole army is leaving now."

It doesn’t matter if his name is dead or not, if he’s not dead then just kill him back.

But if they don't leave, then they will all die here.


The others looked at each other, but immediately listened to Kado's opinion.

After Kado made his decision, he no longer hesitated and forcefully removed the buttons on his cuffs.

This is the signal to retreat.

In an instant, the buttons on many people's cuffs fell off.

Vander, who was chasing Kirabi, stopped.

Kirabi also took advantage of the situation and slid his feet on the ground for a short distance before stopping facing Vander.

Hands gesturing.

"Yo yo, don't you want to chase? Yo yo."

Vander looked at Kirabi with a solemn expression. This jinchuriki was stronger than he imagined, even much stronger than the four-tailed jinchuriki.

What makes the opponent powerful is not only the chakra of the tailed beast, but also his own strong fighting ability.

Even without the tailed beast, this person is still a strong man who is not weak.

"The battle ends here for today."

"Looking forward to seeing you next time."

What is that bastard Kado doing? At this time, the retreat signal was issued, but now even the shadow of the daimyo was not seen.

But who made him the deputy commander?

Vander stepped hard on the ground with both feet, turned his back and shot backwards.

His eyes were still fixed on Kirabi, leaving his back to the enemy was the stupidest choice.

Kirabi did not take action, nor did he choose to pursue.

Now he was full of thoughts.

Where did the name go?

He won't die in this city, so what should we do about the future of the Kingdom of Thunder?

Kakuzu also received Cardo's signal to retreat immediately.

But he realized in an instant what the other party meant.

Cardo's fear of death is to make room for him, so that he can give full play to his abilities.

But Cardo probably thought too much.

Kakuzu never held back from the beginning, but all his attacks were blocked by Raikage Ai.

Now the Thunder God's dharma body is in dilapidated condition, the armor on his body is shattered, and even most of his head has disappeared.

According to the normal growth rate of Dharmakaya, if the opponent has not recovered yet, it is known that a lot of natural energy has been lost.

"How many more interceptions can you make?"

Kakuzu said coldly.

Although his final shot at full power does not necessarily consume much less.

The natural energy in his body is also somewhat insufficient.

Ai was also hesitating about this question, not knowing at all whether the name of the Kingdom of Thunder had been transferred.

And he really couldn't hold on any longer. If he continued to resist, he would probably die here.

Just as he was thinking, the mask arm on Heixianfa once again began to gather white energy.

The lightning on Raikage Ai's body flashed again.

He thought of the daimyo's rejection of his proposal, and of the daimyo's order to let them go to the Land of Rain to die.

At this time.

The white laser burst out instantly and penetrated Ai's Thunder God body.

As the white lasers fell heavily on the distant city.

There was a strong explosion.

The whole city was enveloped in white light.

Everything is destroyed in white light.

Kaduo, who had just left with Qian Jun and others, wiped the cold sweat from his forehead with a sweat towel.

But Fan hesitated for a moment.

They were really going to die completely in that city.

The commander of the Kakuzu Corps didn't care about their life or death at all.

On the battlefield in the sky.

"Damn it!! I didn't block it!!"

Raikage Ai was very upset.

Kakuzu recalled how the opponent transformed into thunder and lightning, allowing the final shot to penetrate directly.

Lost in thought.

If this wasn't intentional, he would have gone to twist off the golden Uchiha head.

Ai looked up at Kakuzu.

"You won today!!"


Kakuzu sneered twice, the capital of the Kingdom of Thunder was destroyed, and neither of them could escape their relationship.

"Do you, the Country of Rain, really want to start the Fourth Ninja War?"

Raikage Ai asked coldly.

The operation of the Kingdom of Rain seems to be to provoke a war.

Kakuzu shook his head.

"You can ask Uchiha Jin about this. I'm just following orders."

Ai's face is livid. If he dares to question you, he will come to ask you Kakuzu.

It’s just this country of rain.

They really don't take them seriously.

In the end, he could only let Kakuzu leave.

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