Naruto: Accidentally opening a fantasy world

Chapter 613: Transformation of the Divine Body into Uchiha Jin?

Kurosaki Ichigo is lying down sleeping, with Yoruichi lying next to him. The most important thing now is to recover his body.

In the sky outside, night has turned into day.

Kurosaki Ichigo wakes up from his deep sleep.

"you're awake?"

A burst of hot air blew into his ears. Kurosaki Ichigo woke up instantly and turned around to see a woman with a wheat complexion lying naked next to him, blowing hot air into his ears.


Kurosaki Ichigo screamed and moved backwards and to the side, his whole body rolled to the ground, and he lay on the ground without daring to get up.


Yoruichi looked at Kurosaki Ichigo and laughed.

"If you want to see it, just go ahead and see it."

She smiled and teased Kurosaki Ichigo.

Kurosaki Ichigo felt that something was wrong with him, so he stood up quickly and shifted his gaze quickly.

But by this time the woman was already dressed.

"Hahaha, it seems you are very disappointed."

Yoruichi rolled over from the bed and landed on the floor.

"No way!!"

Kurosaki Ichigo turned his head and argued loudly.

Just a little blush on his face.

"Okay, you've had enough rest, it's time for us to train."

Ye Yi said seriously.

"who are you?"

It was only then that Kurosaki Ichigo remembered to ask the other party's identity.

Why did such a woman appear for no reason, and how did the other party know that he wanted to train.

"Yorichi, Sifengyuan Yoichi."

Yoruichi winked at Kurosaki Ichigo.

"Impossible!! Yoruichi is obviously a cat."

And it's still a male cat, how could it suddenly turn into a human and a woman?

"Do you need me to change you again?"

Yoruichi licked her arm like a cat, and her ears actually grew black cat ears.


"No need." Kurosaki Ichigo turned his head with a slightly red face.

He already believed that the other party was Yoruichi.

Yoruichi shrugged.

"So, get ready to start training."

In the barren valley.

Yoruichi stood in front of Kurosaki Ichigo with a solemn expression on his face.

"From the beginning to the ten thousand solutions, even talented people will need decades to succeed in cultivation."

"But I want you to learn swastika in three days."

Of course, the price of failure is also very serious, including death and even losing the Zanpakutō.

Kurosaki Ichigo nodded, she never cared about the price.

All we need now is to keep moving forward.

Yoruichi took out a white doll.

"So where did you get such a big thing from?"

Kurosaki Ichigo complained.

"very good."

Ye Yi nodded.

"You are already a qualified complainer."

She placed her hand on the white doll.

"The Senshin Body is one of the most important special spiritual tools of the Secret Mobile Team. He can forcibly transcribe the Zanpakutō's body and materialize it."

Kurosaki Ichigo looked blank.

"I don't understand it at all, so how does he use it?"

Yoruichi continued to explain.

"What Hakkai needs is dialogue and synchronization with the Zanpakutō."

"What the swastika needs is the embodiment and surrender of the Zanpakutō."

"You need to defeat the embodied Zanpakutō."

Before Yoruichi could say anything, Kurosaki Ichigo's sword instantly penetrated the Tenshin Body.

"You talked a lot, just tell me what to do."

He doesn't need the other party to tell him whether it's okay or not, he just needs to give him a goal to save him.

"Defeat the Zanpakuto?"

And he had never seen anything like the manifestation of Yoruichi's Zanpakutō battle.

In his inner world, there is only Uchiha Jin.

Why does it feel so strange?

Anyway, he really wanted to see what his Zanpakutō looked like.

Kurosaki Ichigo himself followed a completely different path from the God of Death.


The strong black air current spreads outward from the body of Zhuan Shen.

The color of the night changed, resisting the strong wind.

Something doesn't seem right.

Transforming into a divine body shouldn't be like this.

Turning around, the body suddenly shattered like powder.

Kurosaki Ichigo looked at Yoruichi in confusion.

"Is this a failure?"

"No, it worked."

A chuckle suddenly sounded.

Kurosaki Ichigo suddenly felt his body stiffen and turned his head like a machine.

He only saw Uchiha Jin standing behind him and looking at him with a smile.

Before Kurosaki Ichigo could react.

A figure instantly appeared in front of Uchiha Jin, half-kneeling on the ground.

"Meet His Majesty the Emperor."

Ochako saluted Uchiha Jin with a full face.

Kurosaki Ichigo: "Huh?"

Yoruichi: "???"

How could Kurosaki Ichigo's Zanpakutō look like the so-called Emperor of the Kingdom of Shadows?

"Why are you, Jin, the emperor of the Kingdom of Shadows?!"

He looked at Jin with a dull look on his face.

Isn’t this expansion a bit too magical?

"I didn't say I wasn't."

Jin looked at Kurosaki Ichigo with an innocent face.

"Then why does an emperor like you appear in my inner world!!"

Kurosaki Ichigo was questioning.

And why he felt this was so strange.

"I didn't say I was either."

Jin still looked innocent. He was just a clone, not his real body. What does it have to do with the fact that the emperor is his real body and that he was a clone.

"So are you or not?"

Kurosaki Ichigo was fooled by what Jin said.

"Of course not."

With a weird smile on his face, Jin turned to look at Chako: "Chako, get up, you are really capable of causing trouble."

Seeing Chako getting up obediently.

"You still said you weren't!!!"

Kurosaki Ichigo stepped forward and grabbed Jin's shoulders and shook him back and forth.

"Everyone listens to you so much."

And Jin seems to be very familiar with Ochako.

It's simply not normal.

Yoruichi couldn't tell at all for a moment. The other party didn't look like what a Zanpakutō should look like.

The Zanpakutō itself is the embodiment of the Shinigami's heart.

There should be no contact with the outside world.

Or maybe it’s because of Kurosaki Ichigo’s wrist.

"To be precise, I am a trace of the original body's power, now residing in your body."

King offered an explanation.

"When you completely digest this bit of my power, I will disappear completely."

Kurosaki Ichigo's face darkened: "How could this happen?"

Jin saw Kurosaki Ichigo's expression at a glance and patted him on the shoulder.

"Don't worry. If you want to digest my strength, you may have a chance to do so after waiting tens of thousands of years."

"There is no sincerity in your way of comforting people!!"

Kurosaki Ichigo complained helplessly, how much he looked down on him.

"Then how should I solve it now?"

Ichigo Kurosaki looked at Yoruichi in confusion, asking the Zanpakutō to surrender, but he didn't see the Zanpakutō.

Yoruichi silently pointed at Uchiha Jin.

This kind of thing is actually very obvious.

The person summoned by the divine body is the target that the God of Death wants to subjugate.


Kurosaki Ichigo and Ochako said at the same time.

The two looked at each other.

Kurosaki Ichigo has definitely experienced the power of Uchiha Jin.

Ochako, on the other hand, clearly understood that even a trace of Uchiha Jin's power was not something that ordinary people could defeat.

Besides, if the opponent defeats Uchiha Jin.

Even with a little bit of strength, these two people can't even think of leaving the Kingdom of Shadows.

Yoruichi frowned at the two people's decisive answers.

Kurosaki Ichigo is not the kind of person to doubt, and the other party's flat refusal must confirm the fact.

As for Chako, she didn't make any comments.

"It really doesn't work."

Jin touched his chin and looked at Yoruichi: "If it were anyone else, there would indeed be no problem with using the Tenshin Body, but this method is useless against Kurosaki Ichigo."

"Do you know about the divine body?"

Yoruichi frowned and looked at Jin.

Jin explained.

"With just one look at that kind of technology, I already know about it."

"That technique of yours is only useful when the Zanpakutō and the Shinigami are essentially two individuals."

The Zanpakutō is indeed the embodiment of the Shinigami's heart, and it is the name that carries the power.

But when the Zanpakutō reveals the inner power of the Shinigami, they are already two individuals.

It's just that the two are very closely connected, but even so, the differences between the two cannot be completely erased.

"It is completely useless against Ichigo Kurosaki, because he has already merged with the power of the Zanpakutō."

Zangetsu's power belongs entirely to Ichigo Kurosaki, not the power of the Zanpakutō.

Even if the Zanpakuto is destroyed, Zangetsu will reappear as long as Kurosaki Ichigo survives.

You don't even need a Zanpakutō.

"Integrate into one?"

Yoruichi looked confused, which was completely contrary to her knowledge.

"Then how can I swastika?"

Kurosaki Ichigo was also dumbfounded. If so, she wouldn't be able to complete the swastika.

Jin touched his chin and thought for a while and said: "According to your current growth, as long as you train steadily for a few years, you will be able to master the swastika naturally. You don't need to surrender the Zanpakutō like those Shinigami, you just need to continue to master it. Just use your own strength.”


Yoruichi looked unbelieving, she had never heard of Zanpakutō Swastika being able to master it like this.

"So you didn't listen to what I said?"

Jin looked at Ye Yi speechlessly.

"Or you just don't want to believe it."

Yoruichi's appearance keeps changing, and no one in the entire Soul Society has this ability.

There may be only one person who can do it.

She looked at Uchiha Jin solemnly.

"You are the Spiritual King of the Kingdom of Shadows!!"

The living spiritual king.

Jin touched his chin and nodded: "It's okay if you understand it that way."

Ye Yi's heart sank completely. She didn't know how far a living spiritual king could reach.

But she knew that absolutely no one in Soul Society could resist this man.

Unless like what the four ancient families did.

Kill the opponent with a sneak attack.

"But I don't have that much time."

Kurosaki Ichigo also said helplessly.

He now needs to rescue Tayuya and all those who were captured, and he doesn't have a few years.

The daylilies will be cold by then.

"If you want it to be fast, you can actually do it."

King said.

"Any way, as long as I can become stronger."

Kurosaki Ichigo looked at Jin with a serious face.

Jin looked at Ichigo Kurosaki with a slight smile on his face.

"A fight to the death."

"As long as you are in danger of imminent death, your body will inevitably continue to tap into the power within your body out of instinct."

In the face of death, the body of oppression continues to evolve.

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