Naruto: Accidentally opening a fantasy world

Chapter 615 The Fifth Army's Assault Begins

Senju Tobirama is sorting out documents.

Now the real Kingdom of Shadows has entered another space.

Most of his technological equipment is unusable, so he naturally has free time to organize things here.

Although this matter is usually done by Yamato and Uchiha Kagami, and there are other military commanders in charge, Senju Tobirama usually just spends time in the laboratory.

But neither of them expressed any dissatisfaction.

Senju Tobirama also has this ability. Although he sometimes quits doing things, it's not that he doesn't know how to do it, it's that he doesn't want to do it at all.

Not to mention that he himself is their commander.

Yamato looked at Senju Tobirama who was working hard, lowered his head and fell into deep thought.

More than ten years ago, he followed Gen and Jin. Although his original Mu Dun was gone, his strength was not much worse.

Now he is one of the top ten military commanders in Senju Tobirama's hands.

However, through his memory review some time ago, he also knew that he could use Wood Release in the past, and he truly mastered Wood Release under Senju Tobirama's experiment.

The strength is also stronger.

At least stronger than those in memory.

In addition to the fact that Kakashi-senpai never liked to trick him, life in the Kingdom of Shadows was better than in Konoha.

Many things cannot be compared.

As a ninja, not only are you on call 24 hours a day, but you also have to make sacrifices for the village at any time.

There are also things like ninja prohibitions that restrict them.

The Kingdom of Shadows is different. They have a replacement system. Each person will not be on call for more than twelve hours, and there are various holidays.

During the holidays, just rest peacefully at home.

You can also ask for leave if you encounter special circumstances.

This kind of life is really not comparable to the life of those ninjas.

The Uchiha mirror next to him was also silent.

He had no idea.

Everything depends on the teacher.

The resurrected Uchiha Mirror originally appeared in the former Kingdom of Shadows, and was imprisoned because he wanted to go back to help Konoha.

There are many people like him.

In the end, it was his teacher Senju Tobirama who brought him out.

Now he is the deputy commander of the army.

The strength is also much stronger than before.

He and Yamato are also Senju Tobirama's right-hand men.

"Master Tobirama, what is the situation in the new city now?"

Yamato couldn't help but ask aloud.

Because the new city is so strange now. It is obvious that the enemy has either escaped or been captured.

But Xincheng still did not lift its defenses.

The defense of the new city is to transfer the real new city to the inner world. The outside world is just a layer of skin. Only when the defense is cancelled, the new city will emerge from the inner world.

Every city in the Kingdom of Shadows has this kind of defense mechanism.

Even those captured intruders are still alive and do not move.

For an intruder like this, according to the normal procedure, one should first explore the memory and then kill it directly.

The Kingdom of Shadows is never kind.

But the current situation is really incomprehensible.

"It's just a battle for the commander of the legion."

Senju Tobirama glanced at Yamato and explained.

Yamato and Uchiha Kagami looked at each other, both seeing the other's disbelief.

How come the battle for the legion commander started quietly?

"Has anyone been promoted to Dharmakaya in the Kingdom of Shadows?"

Uchiha Mirror said with some doubts.

But he didn't see any signs of success in the Black Tower.

Could it be that he was promoted on his own?

“There’s always someone with a gift.”

Qianju Tobijian said slowly: "But now that we have become Dharmakaya, we can no longer open a new army, so the position we sit in will naturally be coveted."

The legion commander has too much power.

Even bigger than the daimyo of the past.

In this case, how could no one care about it?

"But there will be no changes in your Fifth Army."

Unless Orochimaru or Hinata Kiyo takes action against him.

Otherwise, he would really not take the ordinary Dharmakaya seriously.

Six paths.

The penholder in Qianju Tobijian's hand broke.

The evil Madara Uchiha can actually become Six Paths.

Yamato and both of them kept silent. Senju Tobirama was definitely not very happy at this time.

Usually Senju Tobirama would suddenly do something like this.

As long as you don't talk to Senju Tobirama at this time, it will be fine.


Suddenly there was a loud noise in the distance.

"Yamato go take a look."

Senju Tobirama raised his head and said.


Yamato's body disappeared instantly.

The Uchiha mirror turned to look out the window, and there was a building collapsing in the distance.

"Are those intruders here again?"

Doesn't the other party still know the strength gap between the two parties?

"Don't worry about them, it's just a game played by that brat Uchiha Jin."

Qianju Feijian snorted coldly.

The fight for the commander of the legion was not just for the fun of that evil kid.

Uchiha Mirror didn't refute anything. The grudges and grudges of these big shots were not something they could get involved in.

"I guess what they want is to transfer people away."

Senju Tobirama stood up and walked to the window, looking at the collapsed building outside.

"You go to the prison and guard it. If it doesn't work, just give up and just show it to that brat."

The most they can do is show off.

Nowadays, the new city in the outside world is just a war zone and has nothing to do with their Fifth Army.


The figure of Uchiha Mirror taking orders disappeared.

Senshou Tobirama looked outside through the window, and saw a figure gradually approaching from a distance.

Yoruichi's figure appeared at the window, half-crouching on the window, looking level with Senju Tobirama.

"You are the commander of the fifth legion, Senju Tobirama."

The other party's name was mentioned by Ochako, and the man in front of him was ranked third among the legion commanders in terms of strength.

"Yes, it's me, what do you want to do?"

Thousand Hands Tobirama said coldly.

"I want to see if you are really strong."

Yoruichi smiled.

The figure was instantly behind Senju Tobirama and punched Senju Tobirama.

"Kid, if you attack me, be prepared to be caught by me."

Senshou Tobirama appeared behind Yoruichi, reaching out to grab Yoruichi.

Yoruichi's figure returned to the window in an instant.

‘Then try it. ’

Yoruichi shouted, looking at Senju Tobirama with a provocative expression.


Senju Tobirama turned to look at Yoruichi with a sneer on his face.

The figure teleported in front of Ye Yi and kicked him.


The air roared, but it didn't hit Yoruichi.

Yoruichi's figure appeared high in the sky, and he glanced at the damage on his shoulder from the corner of his eye.

"I really can't underestimate you."

Just the force of the wind can cause damage to her.

"Try to see if you can catch me."

A smile appeared on Yoruichi's face, and he looked up and down at this serious man: "And I'm hundreds of years older than you, kid."

"Come and try to catch me."

Qianju Feijian snorted coldly.

The figure instantly appeared above Ye Yi and struck down with a fist.

The magic of strange power is the foundation of the Thousand Hands clan.

Yoruichi disappeared once again.

Her figure appeared in the distance, and she saw a drop of water condensing in the corner of her eye. The next moment, she turned into the figure of Senju Tobirama and kicked her over.


A piece of clothing was kicked to pieces in an instant.

Yoruichi appeared in the distance, her yellow clothes disappearing, revealing the tights underneath.

"A way to move faster than Shunpo?"

This is really challenging.

Senju Tobirama teleported again and appeared behind Yoruichi.

Yoruichi continued to dodge using Shunpo.

The two of them chased and then escaped, chasing each other in the air.

This is the competition between Shunpo and Flying Thunder God.

Uchiha Mirror stood in the prison.

The prison is actually a tower shape with cells built into the walls in a spiral fashion.

There are seven floors in total.

Today's prison is empty, with only the first floor still occupied.

They are all enemies who have invaded the Kingdom of Shadows.

However, Uchiha Mirror looked at these people with doubts.

"It looks just like the Cloud Ninja Village."

After losing their weapons, they lose most of their strength. The chains tied to these people can only be said to be made of hard material. If they show their normal strength, they should be able to break free easily.

As a result, they put away their knives and they couldn't break away at all.

His eyes glanced at the weapons rack next to him, which were all their weapons.

"It's really perfunctory."

Uchiha Mirror complained, by putting the weapons clearly here, doesn't it just tell them to escape from prison?

And there was no one to guard them. All the sergeants of the Fifth Army had already appeared in Lixin City.

"Boom!" a sound.

The door was suddenly violently opened.

A figure walked in slowly.

"Finally here."

The Uchiha mirror looked at the person who was wearing the uniform of their Kingdom of Shadows. There was nothing written on the white frame behind him, and a huge kitchen knife was carried on his shoulder.

Kurosaki Ichigo glanced at the members of the Masked Legion in the prison.

Finally, his eyes focused on Uchiha Mirror's face.

"Can you please let them out?"

Uchiha Mirror scratched his face.

"It's my responsibility to guard them. Are you asking me to let them out? Isn't it too much?"

"Indeed, then the only option is to defeat you."

Kurosaki Ichigo's figure instantly appeared in front of Uchiha Mirror.

"Darkness! Crescent moon clashes in the sky!!!"

The black slash struck out, and the black crescent blade rushed towards the Uchiha Mirror.

"Ah, are you just going to attack like this?"

Scarlet pupils appeared in the eyes of the Uchiha mirror, and three magatama quickly rotated into one.

"See you Oyamatsu!"

The shadow of a layer of mountains shrouded his body.

The pupil technique exists entirely for protection. As long as the pupil technique continues, no one can tear down the shadow of the mountain.

The black slash hit the phantom of the mountain, causing ripples, but the final slash disappeared.

Uchiha put his mirror hand on his left eye, and the opponent's slash was really powerful.

He died because he relied on the phantom of the mountain to withstand an attack that exceeded his own limits, and finally died fighting someone.

Kurosaki Ichigo fell to the ground, and the knife in his hand slashed wildly at the mountain phantom, but no matter how hard he tried, he could not completely break it.

However, the Uchiha mirror was also uncomfortable, as the opponent's slashes were much stronger than they looked.

Just like real damage in the game.

"It's really difficult to deal with."

Uchiha Kagami began to consider what Senju Tobirama said to be pretentious.

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