Naruto: Accidentally opening a fantasy world

Chapter 706 Preparation Completed

Edward and Alphonse are in Scorpion's laboratory.

The two of them eagerly obtained all the knowledge they wanted from the books left by Xion.

In addition to some world physics, there are also research materials on various energy systems.

These things are valuable knowledge for both of them.

Alchemists are essentially a group of people who turn knowledge into abilities.

As long as the knowledge is enough.

What they can do is even comparable to that of gods.

"Chakra, natural energy are two conflicting forces."

Edward is doing experiments.

Chakra is the prerequisite power that every ninja must possess, and it needs to be continuously transformed into natural energy later on.

According to the conclusion drawn from Scorpion's experiment.

The Six Paths themselves are the incarnation of natural energy and have little to do with Chakra.

"But these two conflicting energies are entangled with each other." Alphonse was also full of confusion.

He didn't quite understand the characteristics of these two energies.

Why are these two forces so strangely related?

"But Lingzi can integrate the two powers very well."

In Scorpion's laboratory, the main research is on four kinds of energy, chakra, natural energy, and a kind of power born from the soul, the spirit child.

As for the fourth power, Scorpion has never specifically said what it is.

"So what is the energy of alchemy?" Edward fell into thought.

With these three powers, various powerful spells can be continuously constructed.

Any magic technique is completed by the transformation of these three forces.

How much strength can be achieved.

So where does the energy of their alchemists come from.

Alchemy only consumes mental calculations and physical energy.

But according to the information given by Xie, their efforts are not proportional.

So where does the energy come from?

Alchemy has always maintained the principle of equal exchange, but now it seems to be breaking it.

"The Door of Truth!!" Edward and Alphonse said in unison.

The two brothers thought of it together at the same time.

"In other words, alchemy is not our power."

"But the power that belongs to the gate of truth."

Edward and Alphonse looked at each other, if that was the case.

Then the Gate of Truth can seal their power, preventing them from completing their training.

Then another problem arises.

Why did the Gate of Truth teach alchemy to them.

The two thought hard for a long time, but they couldn't understand why the Gate of Truth did such a thing.

While the two were thinking hard.

The ground suddenly flashed with arcs of electricity.

Their pupils shrank.

"This is!!"

Alchemy formation! !

The two Edward brothers quickly clapped their hands and were about to push them to the ground. At this time, they had to use alchemy as soon as possible to resist.

But their hands touched the ground.

Only to find that nothing happened.


“Why can’t it be used!!!”

The two of them looked confused, but the alchemy formation on the ground would not wait for them to figure it out. The ground quickly swept towards the two of them, tying them up quickly.

The two of them were unable to move at all.

"Well done, Hohenheim." A familiar voice suddenly sounded.

Edward both raised their heads at the same time and saw two people who looked exactly the same.

One is squatting on the ground with his hands on the ground, which also shows who uses this alchemy.

A man wearing a white robe stood like a magic stick, looking at the two Edward brothers.

The faces of these two people.

"Hohenheim!!!" Edward roared angrily.

This man is their father.

"But which one is the father?" Alphonse tilted his head in confusion and looked at the two people in front of him.

"Now is not the time to think about that kind of thing!" Edward yelled at Alphonse.

"No matter who they are, these two people are our enemies!!"

Edward looked at the two Hohenheims in front of him with a sullen face.

This time, the other party directly attacked the two brothers.

"What an outstanding brother." The little man in the bottle, his father, said aloud.

In the realm of alchemy.

These two brothers also have high achievements.

Hohenheim glanced coldly at the man in the bottle.

"He is your father."

The little man in the bottle pointed at the crouching Hohenheim, letting the two brothers know that it was his father who attacked them.

"Asshole!!" Edward glared at Hohenheim.

Even without this incident, he still couldn't completely forgive this man.

Now he just lets him hate the other party openly.

The soil continued to grow upward, binding the two of them to the bottom and completely submerging them.

"I got the two human pillars." The little man in the bottle nodded with satisfaction.

To complete the process of becoming a god, five human pillars are needed.

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When Edward woke up again, he saw a woman being tied to the ground, looking forward angrily.

"Master!!" Edward's pupils shrank.

I didn't expect to see my master here again.

Izmi Kadis.

The alchemy master of the two Edward brothers, both of them grew up to this point because of the teachings of Izmi Caddis.

"Edward! Alphonse!" Izmi Kadis' pupils shrank when he saw the two brothers.

He looked at the man in a white robe sitting in a chair in the distance.

"What are you going to do!!!?"

She asked angrily.

She was attacked at home and brought here, but when she saw Edward and his brother.

She realized that something was wrong. The three of them had one thing in common, that is, they had all opened the door to truth.

"Explore what you can explore, and know everything you can know." The little man in the bottle said lightly.

"That's what I want to do."

Izmi Kadis sank: "You want to become a god!!"

This kind of thing is not exclusive to gods.

The little man in the bottle looked at Izmi Kadis and laughed: "Hahahaha, yes, I want to become a god."

"Give you appropriate despair, this is the truth."

Izmi Kadis's face sank, and her hands struggled hard. She wanted to break free from the restraints, but the alchemist himself was just an ordinary person.

The strength was not enough to break free from the restraints on her hands.

"We are still short of one more human pillar." The man in the bottle ignored Izumi Kadis and looked at Hohenheim who was standing next to him.

To completely open the Gate of Truth, five human pillars are needed.

The requirements for human pillars are not that simple.

Having opened the Gate of Truth is only one of the necessary conditions, and some important characteristics are also required.

"So what are you going to do?" Hohenheim looked at the man in the bottle.

Since the other party is planning to start preparing at this time.

He must have made some preparations.

"I already have a candidate." The man in the bottle chuckled.

The androids around him are already taking action.

Roy was sitting in the office.

He was holding a book on ninjutsu.

This kind of book is written for people like them who have no basics, mainly to let them better understand the current ninjutsu system.

"Chakra?" Roy stretched out his hand.

Blue light condensed in his hand.

"This power is really magical."

It is even more magical than their alchemists.


The whole door suddenly exploded.

Four figures walked in slowly from the gate.

Roy looked at the gate, and four figures walked in slowly.

"Who are you!?" Lisa Hawke quickly pointed her gun at several people.

"Stop moving forward now and explain the matter clearly."

Seeing that the four people did not stop moving forward at all, the gun in his hand fired directly.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!" Shoot directly.

The short Gratoni rushed forward instantly, opened his mouth and swallowed all the bullets into his mouth.

The remaining three rushed towards Roy at the same time.

The next moment.

"It seems to be coming for me, but you have chosen the wrong opponent." Roy raised his fingers and snapped them directly.

"Bang!" Flames quickly emerged.

The emerging flames hit the wall directly.


The wall was directly shattered by the impact of the flames.

Two figures quickly appeared beside Roy, one with a sword and the other with a fist.

Roy was about to make a move.

The only female android, Rasta, appeared behind Lisa, with black thorns on her fingers pointing at Lisa's neck.

"You!!" Roy glared at Rasta.

But he had no time to care about the attacks of the two.

His shoulder was stabbed instantly, and a fist hit him directly.


Roy spat out a mouthful of blood, rolled his eyes and fainted.

Kim Bradley looked at the unconscious Roy coldly.

"The fifth pillar has been selected."

Several people began to divide the work and began to refine alchemy.

Roy was the one who chose them from the beginning, and the other party's obsession was enough to become the fifth pillar.

As the alchemy was completed.

A figure walked in from the door.

Zolf J. Kimble, the alchemist who had been imprisoned.

"What a pity, Roy, the person chosen was you." Although Zolf J. Kimble said regretful, his voice was completely gloating.

The pillars were a group of victims, and he also participated in this plan.

"All this is for the Empire!!"

He opened his arms and laughed loudly.

He pressed his hands directly on the alchemy array.

As the arc began to flicker, the entire alchemy array lit up.

An eye appeared in the alchemy array, flickering up and down.

Finally, it slowly turned into a stone door and slowly opened.

Roy was completely trapped in it.

"The opportunity to face the door of truth is rare, Roy!! Hahahaha."

Zolf J. Kimbley opened his arms and laughed loudly.

This is the closest to the truth.

It is also what countless alchemists are pursuing.

Naturally, he also wants it.

But if he is a sacrifice, forget it.

The little man in the bottle tilted his head and looked at the bound Roy thrown on the ground.

"Now the five pillars are complete."

He slowly stood up and looked behind him.

There is also the land alchemy array that has been prepared long ago.

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