Naruto: Accidentally opening a fantasy world

Chapter 746 Conspiracy and Losers

How could Scorpion not want his true nature to return?

But the difficulty is Uchiha Jin.

But now in the entire ninja world, who is Uchiha Jin's opponent?

If he really went to rescue him, his clone might even get involved.

Even if all the six powerful men are gathered together, they may not be a match for Uchiha Jin with one hand.

While they haven't yet found their way to the Root, research is making it increasingly clear what the Root is capable of.

The birth of the six powerful men is due to the abundant natural energy.

The root, then, is the source of countless natural energies.

The other party can even easily change the laws of nature.

Although the Six Paths are not human, they cannot change the laws of nature.

That is an existence equal to that of the entire planet, according to Scorpion's speculation.

If a strong source dies, it may even completely turn into a living planet.

"Since I can tell this matter, I naturally have the means to deal with Uchiha Jin."

Uchiha Madara said coldly.

If there is no way to deal with Uchiha Jin, if you continue to charge up, you are looking for death.

"Tell me?" Xia looked at Uchiha Madara.

He wouldn't rush forward if he wasn't 100% sure. If the other party wanted to trick him into being cannon fodder, that would be impossible.

Uchiha Madara had a smile on his face.

"The root is indeed strong enough. Before the root is promoted, it is no match for the other party, but we can seal it."

"Seal?" Xie frowned and looked at Uchiha Madara.

What kind of seal can directly block a strong source?

Even if there is.

"This seal must not be easy." Xia asked Uchiha Madara.

Uchiha Spot nodded: "The only thing that can restrict the root powerhouse is the planet. Using your technology and my ability, you can create a planet that is specially designed to seal the root powerhouse."

"As long as we lead Uchiha Jin there and seal it, we will have a chance to release your true form and them all."

This method was found based on the memory of the Spirit King.

The other party was sealed inside the planet in this way and has been unable to escape.

Now he was going to use this method to get Uchiha Jinya into it.

"Are you sure how long it will take to seal Uchiha Jin?" Xie asked in a deep voice.

"Decades at most." Uchiha Madara said solemnly.

That method could trap that waste Spirit King for thousands of years, but Uchiha Jin was definitely not that kind of waste, and the other party would definitely find a way to get rid of the seal soon.

Scorpion fell into thought.

If the opponent is sealed, in addition to being able to release the Six Paths imprisoned by Uchiha Jin.

Maybe we can also find his parents and bring them all out together.

"Okay." Xie nodded.

Now that there is a way to seal the other party, it is not difficult to lure the other party there.

"All that's left is to gather people." Uchiha Madara said coldly.

"The Kingdom of Shadows is not easy to deal with."

The existence of Uchiha Jin prevented them from making any move against the Kingdom of Shadows. He was a strong man who suppressed them all.

But even without the other party, the Kingdom of Shadows is not at the mercy of others.

Those legion commanders are not easy to deal with.

"If Aizen joins forces with us, the winning rate will be much greater."

Xie said in a deep voice and looked at Uchiha Madara, wanting to see if the other party had joined forces with Aizen.

If these two people join forces in advance, then he will have to think about it.

Don't wait until then.

Uchiha Jin was sealed, and these guys teamed up to deal with him.

"I convinced Nagato, but I haven't contacted Aizen yet." Uchiha Madara said in a deep voice.

Aizen is as arrogant as him, and it is not easy to convince him.

Although Scorpio is also very arrogant, at least this person is not someone who cannot hear clearly what others are saying.

"That's okay, you go contact Aizen." Xie nodded.

"What we need is six-level combat power. I will contact Senju Hashirama in Konoha."

If you want to accomplish these things, you need to unite the power of all the six levels of the ninja world.

There is only a slight possibility of success.

And Uchiha Jin, who was being plotted, was lying on the recliner holding a premonition in his hand, looking up at the dazzling sun.

"It's really nice weather."

It’s just that I can’t catch any fish. What’s going on?

Didn't he ask someone to take the initiative to put the fish on his fishing rod?

He stood up and looked curiously at the bottom of the lake.

I saw a group of people unconscious at the bottom of the lake.

These people are all powerful chakra users, and their breathing is not affected even in the water.

"Uchiha Shisui!!!"

Uchiha Jin roared.

Only Uchiha Shisui had been to him during these times, and who else could do such a damaging thing besides him.

"This little bastard." Jin gritted his teeth, sooner or later he would settle the score with this little bastard.

Throw the fishing rod in your hand.

"Forget it."

He lay directly on the lounge chair and looked up at the dazzling sunshine.

"This breakthrough is so difficult." Uchiha Jin sighed.

Today's bottleneck prevents him from being able to see the growth of his strength like before, and now he is stuck there.

"If you want to break through, you will need the power of an entire planet."

Uchiha Jin touched his chin.

Use force to break through the bottleneck, but the power of an entire planet is hard to find.

Ordinary planets cannot do this. You must have a planet with will.

And it is not the kind that the Sand Ninja Star found.

The kind that only has the will of the planet, but no corresponding powerful energy, will not help him even if he uses it.

Now the only planets with the will of the planet are the Shadow Star and the Sea Star under his feet.

But the energy of these two planets is not enough. The will of the former was born not long ago. If you want to help him advance, it will take a long time to accumulate.

The latter is because Hashirama Senju ate the core of the other party, and the energy is completely insufficient.

It is not easy to find a planet that can help him advance.

"There is no good news so far."

Jin sighed.

Now the entire Shadow Kingdom is looking for that kind of planet, but there has been no good news.

The starry sky is so big.

But it is too difficult to find a planet that is qualified to be his sacrifice.

"However, I can stay for a few hundred years anyway, and these people may not pose a threat to me for a few hundred years."

He is not so urgent.

It is not easy for those people to become the root, and it takes a long time.

"But, should I let Minato Namikaze and the others out?"

He found that after the loss of Minato Namikaze and the others, those people did not catch up.

Instead, some of them regressed.

Only Nagato and Uchiha Madara stood out.

Jin shook his head, took a hat from the side and put it on his face, he planned to go to sleep directly.

Now there is no need to practice hard.

Then enjoy life.

Konoha Star.

'Kakashi' stood on the Hokage Mountain and looked at the city below.

From here, this Konoha Star is still very similar to their Konoha Village.

Except that the sky has always been dark.

Just then the air next to him suddenly twisted.

Obito walked out.

'Kakashi' looked at Obito wearing a green vest and tights inside, and suddenly a relieved smile appeared on his face.

He once thought that if Obito in his world had not died, he would definitely wear such clothes on the ship.

"Hey, hey! Kakashi, you're smiling weirdly!!!" Obito yelled, pointing at Kakashi's smile.

'Kakashi's' smile gave him goosebumps.

'Kakashi's' mouth twitched, and it was only Obito who could do this.


'Kakashi' snorted coldly and turned back to look at the present Konoha.

He saw many people he was familiar with in this Konoha, many of whom should have died in the war, but here he could see them standing in front of him again.

The feeling of comfort was indescribable.

But many people who should have been in Konoha also disappeared.

"How about it, this place is not bad." Obito walked to 'Kakashi's' side and put his hand on his shoulder.

"I have contributed to the establishment of this."

He is mainly responsible for transportation.

Now Obito is the strongest transporter on Konoha Star.

He has become an indispensable and important part of Konoha.

"If Obito in our world knew that he could do so much, he would be very happy." 'Kakashi' sighed as he looked at Obito with a smile on his face.

The smile on Obito's face froze for a moment. He felt that the self in that world might not be dead.

It was very likely that he was saved by the hidden Uchiha Madara.

Thinking of the wrong things he had done before, he didn't want to say more.

I just hope that Obito in that world is really dead.

Otherwise, that self has done many unforgivable things.

"It's great that you have Uchiha Kin in your world." 'Kakashi' sighed.

If there was also Uchiha Kin in their world, he might not have lost so much.

When a person who has lost something sees that there is a way not to lose it, his heart must be in pain.

"Don't mention that name!!" Obito said in a deep voice.

"You in this world were bewitched by him and betrayed Konoha."

According to his attitude when he met Kakashi, Kakashi definitely joined the Kingdom of Shadows because he was threatened by Uchiha Kin.

‘Kakashi’ glanced at Obito’s gloomy face.

“Then don’t you think he is very happy? His father is not dead.”

(New World Kakashi folded his hands: “I hope my father will not see tomorrow’s sun”)

“Although his best friend has become an enemy, he is not dead. Nohara Rin, whom you entrusted me to take care of, also survived. Don’t you think he is very happy?”

“Kakashi.” Obito stared at Kakashi in this parallel dimension with wide eyes.

He didn’t expect the other party to have such an idea.

“Being threatened and surrendered can also be considered happiness.”

‘Kakashi’ shook his head: “Because you have never really lost anything, you don’t know the pain of losing everything.”

“How could I not know!!”

Obito growled and grabbed ‘Kakashi’ by the collar.

“You must never betray Konoha, Kakashi.”

“Otherwise I will kill you!!”

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