Naruto: Accidentally opening a fantasy world

Chapter 769 The Surrendered Marshal

The blond woman stood up slowly amid the black flames.

"What's this?"

This flame did not even damage the clothes on his body.

"Is it holy?" Claude raised his hands, and the black flames were merging with her body and slowly disappearing from her body.

Only the last ray of flame flickered between his eyebrows.

"Holiness is not the only thing. Please experience this power."

Jin looked at the other party with a half-smile.

I don’t know how fast people who can climb to the position of marshal will grow if they gain dark power.

Claude's eyes suddenly turned pitch black, he stepped directly towards Uchiha Jin, raised his fist, and black flames burned on his fist.

He punched Uchiha Jin.

Jin tilted his head, and Claude's fist passed in front of him and hit the iron railing behind him.

The powerful force instantly blew the entire iron railing away and hit the opposite side.

Jin suddenly raised his knee and pressed it against Claude's abdomen.

"Peng!" A muffled sound made Claude fly up, hit the ceiling and then fall to the ground. Jin just took a few steps to the side and let Claude fall to the ground.

Jin clapped his hands and looked at Claude.

"He is indeed a marshal-level figure. He has mastered the use of dark power so quickly."

"You are not a gentleman at all." Claude stood up slowly and looked at Uchiha Jin in front of him.

This is still the attitude towards ladies.

"Don't worry, I treat everyone equally." Jin had a smile on his face.

Everyone gets the same treatment from him.

"Then it's your turn to make your choice."

Jin reached out and pointed at Claude: "My power is not that easy to get, do you want to surrender to me?"

"Isn't this holy power?" Claude clenched his fists, black flames burning in his hands. Nor was it the power of demons.

Although it was a question, she was actually sure in her heart.

Although the power of holiness can increase other people's abilities, it cannot give them any power at all.

"What is the origin of this power?" Claude calmed down and asked.

"This is not something you should know yet, but it is not the product of a tragedy. This thing is like a seed. When you grow to a certain extent, you can condense it."

Jin said slowly.

The basis of dark power itself is chakra. If chakra can do it, his dark power can naturally do it too.

What the dark power can do, chakra may not be able to do.

Claude fell into silence. As a marshal, she couldn't say anything stupid to make the other party selfless.

The other party's behavior also means that he can take back his power at any time.

And the most important point is.

This power can actually grow.

Not even less than holy.

"What is your purpose?" Claude asked in a deep voice.

Jin looked at Claude with a bright smile: "Destroy all the demons and kill the entire Noah family."

Demons are part of the core of this world, and the Noah family must also be a larger part, and they want to quickly determine the outcome of this world.

These two are naturally his goals.

Of course holiness is included.

Even in the end, when he completely devoured the planet, only a few people on the entire planet could survive.

Of course, these don’t need to be explained.

Cloud half-knelt in front of Uchiha Jin.

"I am willing to surrender."

Since the enemy is a demon, it doesn't matter to her.

"Jie Jie Jie." Jin laughed.

Claude frowned and looked at Jin: "Your laughter is weird."

"It just fits my current status." Jin rubbed Sangzi, he was not a good person here.

He is even more ruthless than those Noah clan.

He must have the consciousness of being the greatest villain.

"Then what are you going to ask me to do now? If I join here, the Black Holy See will not let you go. Not us."

Claude said in a deep voice.

She sincerely surrendered, so she naturally needed to think in terms of the Church of Light.

Although he feels that both forces are equally bad.

"Of course I'm going back," Jin said slowly.

"You return to the Black Church, and with this power, see if you can climb back to the position of marshal."

Claude suddenly looked up at Jin.

"And let me spread this power?"

She understood Jin's plan in an instant, which was for her to devour everything inside the Black Holy See.

"That's right." Jin nodded, that's what he meant.

"You are not afraid that they will analyze your power."

Claude asked curiously.

As the marshal of the Black Church, she is aware of the Black Church's research capabilities.

"Then let them analyze it." Jin curled his lips disdainfully.

These people have no idea where his dark power came from. The technology contained in the dark power is beyond their imagination.

It contains a product that basically integrates all the knowledge of the ninja world, is continuously developed, and is a product that comes after exhausting biochemistry.

I want to understand it.

Let’s first understand the nature of dark power.

Looking at the confident Jin, Claude did not continue to persuade.

"Let's go, just in time, my guests have arrived."

Jin had a mysterious smile on his face.

"I didn't expect that the Black Holy See, in addition to being holy, would also use the power of demons."

This made Claude's eyes widen.

She knew what it was.

Crow Troops.

The secret troops of the Church.

They actually sent Crow Troops to attack directly.

In the night.

Outside the Church of Light.

People in red coats approached slowly.

"Who are you!?" A believer who was guarding the gate, a strong man over two meters tall, looked at the approaching people vigilantly.

"This is the Church of Light. Entry is no longer allowed today. Stop."

The Crow Troops walked slowly towards the Church of Light, with no intention of stopping at all.

"It's an ordinary person, deal with it quickly."

The eyes of one of the members in red clothes turned blood red under his hood, and he raised his hand and a tentacle emerged from his hand and attacked the strong man in front of him.

It was just an ordinary person.

They didn't take it seriously at all.


But they didn't expect that the strong man in front of them didn't have any fear because of the scene in front of them.

He raised his fist, and a black light bloomed on his fist, and punched the tentacle that rushed over.


He punched the scarlet tentacle back.

"How is it possible!?"

All the members of the Crow Corps looked at the man in surprise.

This guy.

"Not Holy." The man who launched the attack at the beginning said in a deep voice.

If it was Holy, the damage to him would not be so minor.

"It seems to be a pagan of the Black Church."

Both fists of the strong man glowed with black light, and he grinned at everyone.

"Openly attacking our Church of Light, it seems that you don't want to go back."

"Ah!!!" Suddenly a scream came from the church.

The hearts of the Crow members sank, and they sounded familiar with that voice.

"It seems that the attacker is not the same person."

People in white robes walked out slowly behind the strong man.

They all glowed with black light.

"Use the body of light to exercise the power of darkness."

"The pagans give you death."

A group of white-robed people rushed towards the Crow members.

The Crow members quickly pinched the seal, and a rotating yellow talisman appeared around their bodies.

"The information is wrong, retreat!!" The leader shouted loudly.

The information they received was that the Church of Light was full of ordinary people.

They are not the same people as them!!

"You can't get away." The people of the Church of Light have surrounded them.

The battle started at this moment.

"Boom boom boom!" The explosion sounded throughout the Church.

That was the talisman paper of the Crow Corps.

But now everyone in the Church of Light can use the power of darkness.

Although they have just been obtained, not many can exert strong combat power, but there are many people.

The entire Crow Corps only dispatched less than ten people.

The black light lit up in the entire Church.

The Crow Corps began to retreat step by step.

Uchiha Jin walked out of the dungeon.

Claude followed him.

"It's really lively."

Jin looked at a believer in the distance with yellow paper on his body, and a Crow member's fist lit up with yellow light.

"Use magic to turn into power, release with skills, and turn into fists with heart!"

With the roar of the Crow Corps members, they wanted to rush forward, but they didn't expect that the whole person would fall forward to the ground.

His feet were surrounded by black ice at some point.

A black eagle descended from the sky and directly hit the members of the Flood Crow, causing their bodies to scatter.

Dibang and Angelia ran over from a distance and half-knelt in front of Jin.

"Teacher, it should be an attack by the Church."

Now the only people who can attack them are from the Church.

Jin glanced at Claude who was silent beside him, and looked at his two disciples: "Very good, then don't leave any of them."

"This will completely offend the Black Church." Claude reminded him.

Jin tilted his head and looked at Claude: "I have completely offended the Black Church now."

"And they underestimated me too much. I caught a marshal, but they only sent these people."

These people don't have the combat power of a marshal.

Claude lowered his head. The Central Hall was the one who really controlled the overall situation of the Black Church. She didn't know what those people were thinking.

"Take advantage of this opportunity and leave directly."

Jin waved his hand: "Whatever reason you have, think of it yourself."

"As for these people, none of them will survive."

"Yes!" Claude said with a heavy heart.

Sure enough, this guy is just like those people in the Central Court, not a good person.

I don't know if the Central Hall's trump card is a match for this man.

Claude turned and ran towards the wall, and disappeared directly over the wall.

"Teacher, she?" Dibang looked at Uchiha Jin in confusion.

What is the situation of that woman now.

"You are concerned about too many things." Jin glanced at the two coldly.

"And someone has already run away, and I have to clean up your ass."

The dark cracks behind Jin slowly opened.

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