Naruto: Accidentally opening a fantasy world

Chapter 771 Everything is hidden underneath

"What is this?"

All the high-ranking officials who were judging stood up.

They watched the black flames burning on the woman with burning eyes.

The chains that bound the woman's hands turned into powder in an instant under the black flames.

Claude, who was supposed to be losing strength, can now burst out this kind of Li Ling.

The man leaning against the wall and watching chuckled.

"It's not that simple."

The red-haired man was one of the marshals of the Black Church.

Curos Marian.

He turned and walked outside.

"Curos, did you choose to leave like this?" The middle-aged man with glasses who looked elegant asked Cyrus.

This man was Tiedor, one of the marshals of the Black Church.

Beside him stood an old man and a masked man.

These two people also belonged to the marshals of the Black Church.

Ilka and Sokaro.

These four people plus Claude who was being judged were the five marshals with the highest combat power in the Black Church.

Since one of them was to be judged, the other four naturally could not sit idly by.

"It's meaningless to continue watching." Kuros waved his hand.

"The ending is already determined, Claude doesn't need our help."

Although he didn't know what the black flame was, when Claude showed power again.

It meant that this woman would not be defeated so easily.

He had never underestimated this woman.

"What a boring group of people. A woman who can make me feel threatened must be capable." Sokaro also stood up from the ground and walked outside.

"It's better to let me fight those demons. It's boring here."

Looking at the two people leaving, Ilka sighed helplessly.

"The personalities of these two people are really helpless."

One is a playboy and the other is a fighting maniac.

"Hahaha, seniors still have to worry more." Tiedor smiled gently.

As the oldest marshal, Ilka is also the most serious and responsible one.

"I don't want to worry too much about you young people's affairs." Ilka shook his head. He felt that his body was about to fail recently.

"We are not young people." Theidor shook his head: "Young people still have to look at the new generation."

The two did not leave, but looked at the trial.

The judge asked directly.

"What is that?"

They have already determined that Claude has lost his holiness, what is the power in his body.

"New power."

The black flame on Claude's body is like an obedient pet, as she swings her hands, it entangles back and forth on her body.

"New power to fight against demons."

Claude looked at the trial seat dimly.

"I don't know if you are interested."

This is the purpose of that person. The other party just wants this black flame to burn in the entire church.

Then burn the entire black church to ashes.

I hope these people will like this gift.

The result of the trial did not let Claude bear all the guilt directly, but only cancelled Claude's marshal status.

At the same time, he made up for his sins by killing demons.

Claude will continue to fight demons with a guilty body.

This also allowed Claude to be released in court.

When Claude walked to the room arranged for him by the church.

Kuros has been waiting for a long time.

"Kuros, do you miss me?" Claude stepped forward and grabbed Kuros' collar, blowing his breath on his face.

Kuros stretched out his hand and lifted Claude's chin: "Of course I miss you, and I am also concerned about what you encountered in the so-called Church of Light?"

Claude pushed Kuros away and sat on the bed, crossing his legs and looking at Kuros.

"I think you still want to know the situation of the Church of Light."

Kuros also sat down on the chair with a cynical smile on his face.

"That's only the second thing I want to know, I want to know the first thing because of you."

Claude directly chose to ignore the other party's words.

She knew what this man was like, she knew it better.


"Kuros, don't explore the Church of Light." Claude looked at Kuros seriously.

"It's very dangerous, and it may even be more dangerous than the things you hide."

The smile on Kuros's face slowly converged, frowned and fell into deep thought.

Claude didn't know what he had concealed. If he told it, it would be like betraying the Black Church.

But the other party knew the degree of danger in the things he had concealed from him.

It was more dangerous than this.

"What on earth did you encounter?" Kuros asked in a deep voice.

"Are they related to Noah?"

The most important thing to pay attention to now is the Noah clan.

"It has nothing to do with Noah." Claude shook his head.

"Their goal is also to destroy the devil, but..."

She hesitated a little when she said the latter.

"I feel that man is more dangerous than the Noah clan."

Just like the power in her body, the bottomless darkness.

"So, can I still trust you now? Claude." Kuros asked in a deep voice.

Now they are all calculating against each other, but it seems that a third party has appeared in this situation, which will increase the calculations many times.

Claude said in a deep voice: "Don't explore this issue, Kuros."

"I understand." Kuros nodded.

No direct answer is already the answer.

"Then I'll excuse you."

Kuros got up and walked out the door. He stopped at the door and looked back at Claude: "I heard that you are going to the front line of the headquarters. My lovely disciple has also gone there. You need to take more care of him."

After saying that, he walked out of the door directly.

Claude sighed quietly: "You must survive, Kuros."

The other party will definitely test the Light Church.

She knew that no matter how she tried to persuade him, the man would not give up trying.

She had already reminded what needed to be reminded.

The rest depends on fate.

The best she can do is help him take care of his disciples.

"Now I want to regain my original fighting strength."

The most powerful thing about this dark force is its strong ability to grow.

She didn't see any upper limit.

Church of Light.

In the lobby.

Everyone is praying with their hands folded.

Angelia knelt at the front, clasped her hands and closed her eyes, mumbling something.

"Use your own light and use darkness."

The huge statue in front was emitting bright light.

Angelia's hands were emitting black light.

At the corner on the left side of the lobby, Jin silently looked at the worship service in front of him.

"If this continues, as long as the Black Order is under my control, I will be able to escape soon."

The people in the Ninja World Star Region thought he would be sealed away for decades or even hundreds of years.

But in fact, as long as the Black Holy See is swallowed up, it will only take a few years to complete.

"New gods."

The Millennium Earl was standing next to Uchiha Jin, looking at the white statue that was radiating light.

The statue's facial features are blurred and the clothes on it are not very three-dimensional, like an unfinished work.

"It would be interesting if the real god knew that someone was going to replace him."

The Millennium Earl grinned.

Although Noah spoke of himself as orthodox, they were not true believers.

They are orthodox apostles of gods, but they do not believe in gods.

"I thought you people couldn't accept the idea of ​​me recreating a god."

Jin glanced at him.

"Gods created humans, and humans created gods."

The Millennium Earl grinned.

"Who knows what the truth is?"

"Don't say something I don't understand."

King looked away, he didn't like the Riddler.

The Millennium Earl smiled "hehe": "Don't worry about that kind of thing. Do you know that there have been many disasters in the whole world recently."

"Did the devil cause it?"

The disasters in this world today are all related to demons.

"No, there are a lot of natural disasters happening all over the world."

The Millennium Earl smiled: "Judgment Day is coming."

"A new flood will destroy humanity."

"Three Dark Days will be rewarded again."

"Kin Uchiha, if you surrender to us, we will leave you a place on the new Noah's Ark."

The holy war is about to begin.

This will be the decisive battle for humanity.

When Jin heard the Millennium Earl's words, the corner of his mouth twitched, and he looked up at the ceiling with a guilty conscience.

It is really easy for these people to fall into their own world.

This planet is being swallowed by Uchiha Gold. The entire planet is in danger, and of course there will be constant disasters.

If the consciousness of this planet was not very powerful, the entire planet would have been gone long ago.

"As long as you are happy."

What can Jin say? It can't be said that he did all this.

The Millennium Earl glanced at Jin inexplicably, unable to tell that this man had any sincerity.


"Sooner or later you will make a choice."

The Millennium Earl turned and left. Now if Uchiha Jin is completely pulled into their camp, it will completely determine their victory.

But now it's clearly not enough.

Jin turned to watch the Millennium Earl leave.

Rubbing his chin with his hand.

"Your holy war may not be fought yet."

The prerequisite for the holy war is that the planet is intact, but we are waiting for the start of the holy war mentioned by the Millennium Earl.

I guess everything has settled.

"They won't see that day anyway."

As the Noah family is an important part of this planet, Jin will never let these people go.

Unlike those exorcists, as long as they abandon holiness, Jin will not make things difficult for them.

The service ahead is over.

Angelia then opened her eyes and looked at Jin. She saw Jin showing a kind smile and nodded to Jin.

Jin then turned and left.

"Next, it depends on Claude's operation."

The Church of Light is slowly developing, and the Millennium Earl will not choose to stop them. Even all the demons in this city have left.

All he needed to do was done.

Now all we have to do is wait for Claude to slowly devour the Black Cult with his dark power.

"If you get my power, don't try to get rid of my control."

Even if those people don’t know anything.

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