"You've gone too far, Malcolm." Claude walked into Malcolm's office.

Allen was indeed seriously injured, and now he was completely asleep after taking anesthetics.

Malcolm, who didn't see any suspicion, could only return to the office.

Unexpectedly, Claude came to him.

Malcolm sneered: "These two masters and apprentices are suspicious in themselves."

"Then are you definitely righteous?" Claude said in a deep voice.

Malcolm sneered: "We are for the community of all mankind, aren't you?"

A black airflow slowly emerged from his body, condensed into a black pistol in his hand, and pointed at Claude.

"So, you are the traitor, right?"

But Malcolm couldn't figure out why the other party would self-destruct at this time.

"I didn't betray humanity, I just betrayed the Black Church." Claude said slowly.

"What!?" Malcolm's pupils shrank.

In an instant, he thought of a neglected force.

The Church of Light.

"Damn it, the Church of Light is suspected to be involved with Noah's clan, and you still say you didn't betray humanity."

Malkan said angrily.

As for whether the Church of Light is involved with Noah, it has nothing to do with the Black Church.

All they need is to convict him of the crime.

"Who said that our Church of Light has any connection with Noah's clan."

A voice sounded from behind Claude.

Malkan's pupils shrank and he looked behind Claude, and figures appeared in the office at some point.

A glance at the number of these people was clear.

There were thirteen people in total, each wearing a white hooded coat, and only the leader was not wearing a hood.

Malkan stretched his hands forward.

The black airflow turned into a pistol floating in front of him, pointing at the people in front of him.

"How did you get in?"

Finally, he looked at Claude with a fierce look: "You dare to betray."

"It's not just me who betrayed." Claude swept his hair with his hand.

"And you."

Malkan didn't want to listen to Claude anymore, and was about to shoot directly.

But the gun transformed from darkness did not move at all, and still floated quietly in front of him.

"How is this possible!!" Malkan couldn't believe it and directly pressed the trigger of the pistol in his hand.

But nothing happened.

"Because the power you use is given to you by me."

Jin grinned at Malkan.

He stretched out his hand and squeezed Malkan hard, and all the black pistols turned the gun heads and pointed at him.

Malkan couldn't help but take a step back.

"It seems that you are afraid of death."

Jin couldn't help laughing.

"Pagan, the Black Church will not let you go." Although Malkan was afraid, he didn't have any intention of bowing his head, but just looked at the man in front of him coldly.

"Even if you kill me, you will be liquidated by the Black Church sooner or later."

"Don't be so anxious." Jin stretched out his fingers and shook them gently.

"Dinglingling." The phone next to him suddenly rang.

Jin stretched out his hand and gestured to him: "Or, you can answer the phone first."

Malkan frowned and looked at the man in front of him, not understanding what the other party was doing.

This phone is connected to the Black Church's internal route.

Only the Black Church's people can call in.

He reached out and picked up the phone.

"I'm under attack."

Before he finished speaking, an old voice suddenly came from inside.

"Malkan Liveril, you need to obey the orders of the person in front of you now."

He was very familiar with that voice. It was a person with a higher status than him in the Black Church.

The actual prime minister of the Black Church Central Hall, or the pope of the Black Church.

"How is it possible."

Malkan couldn't believe it. He looked at Uchiha Jin in front of him, with a look of bewilderment, and didn't understand why such a thing happened.

"Now you understand." Jin spread his hands.

In fact, the real people in charge of the Black Church are all ordinary people.

The role of the exorcist is only to target the Noah clan and the devil, manage the Black Church, and even connect with all countries in the world. The one who really controls the entire Black Church is an ordinary person.

It is really the easiest for Jin to deal with these people.

Malkan put down the phone in his hand and looked at Uchiha Jin in front of him coldly.

"What did you do?"

Jin looked at Malkan's serious face and couldn't help laughing.

"What did you do?"

"Then let me show you."

Jin stretched out his hand and snapped his fingers.

Malkan suddenly felt intense pain, and he knelt on the ground unbearably, with darkness pouring out of his body.

"Isn't it obvious? You got my power, so the life-and-death battle is under my control."

Malkan pointed at Claude: "You!!"

It turns out that the so-called dark power is all a trap.

He was fooled like this. This power is not without flaws, but this flaw can only be triggered by specific people.

He should have thought of it earlier.

"Death and submission, obviously those people are not tough guys."

Kin had a sneer on his face. Those people were used to being pampered and couldn't bear any pain, and he didn't even torture them much.

All these people became his disciples.

"What about you?"

Gold smiled at the man in front of him.

Malkan knelt on the ground and looked at Uchiha Jin with fierce eyes.

"Boom!" A loud noise sounded.

It sounded in the headquarters of the entire Black Cult.

"Demons. Demons are invading!!!"

Someone shouted in fear.

They saw countless demons flying out from the corner frantically.

"Hahahaha." As the demons laughed, one demon after another rushed towards these people.

Everyone ran towards the exit desperately.

Now the entire headquarters is full of demons, and their only hope of escape is the gate.

And at this moment, the black portal slowly emerged from the void and stood upright in the gate.

In the black portal, the figures of demons emerged from it.

At the same time, as the ripples of the gate appeared.

One by one, figures also walked out of the black portal.

The Millennium Earl walked to the front and laughed loudly at a group of terrified people in the Black Cult.

"Hahaha, everyone."

"The holy war has begun!!!"

This time he directly brought the holy war to an early date, because they already had the key to determine the outcome.

As long as this place is destroyed, the Black Cult will lose a lot of combat power.

It will not affect what they do next.

"The Millennium Earl is attacking!!!!"

Some people couldn't help but collapse on the ground, and everyone looked at the Noah clan who came out of there in horror.

"Oh my, the Millennium Earl has become impatient." Sherrill Jiameito scratched his head helplessly.

They were obviously not ready yet.

The other Noah clan showed a hideous smile to the people of the Black Cult.

"This time, the entire Black Cult will be destroyed!!" Skin Bolick roared loudly.

In the panicked crowd.

The Aidor pushed his glasses and walked forward slowly.

"This way, the children will fall into despair."

The white garden behind him slowly unfolded.

Sculpture of Paradise! Liberation!

"I am alive today just to kill you!" Sokaro roared and rushed towards Noah.

God Madness! Liberation!

Two long swords appeared in his hands.

The battle began.

The oldest marshal had already died in Noah's hands.

"Six illusions! Disasters are coming!"

Kanda Yu was waving his long sword and fighting with the demons.

"Damn, there are too many of them."

Even though he had exerted his full strength, he could only retreat step by step in the face of such a large number of demons.

At this moment, a purple demon suddenly attacked from behind.

A big sword suddenly flew over from a distance and instantly pierced the body of the demon.

Kanda Yu saw the person who saved him and said "Tsk", "Little Bean, take care of yourself."

"Asshole, who are you calling Little Bean!!" The person who appeared was naturally Allen, and he roared at Kanda Yu angrily.

But Kanda Yu had already started fighting with others.

And the other demons also attacked Allen at the same time at this moment.

At this critical moment.

The white belt of Taoism on Allen's body pulled all the demons around him away.

"God of Taoism!"

The figure moved forward and directly grasped the big sword he had just thrown.

"Break the limit."

Waving the greatsword in his hand.

"The sword to save the demons."

Alian aimed at the numerous demons, and there was still a faint pain in his body. Now he just forced himself to join the battle.

The injuries on his body have not yet recovered completely.

"Really, they are attacking at this time." Kuros scratched his head and looked at the disciples who were fighting.

The dark power on his body turned into a longbow and aimed at the demons in the distance.

"Dark Arrow!"

The black longbow that came to fire countless black arrows instantly penetrated countless demons.

"I am not in my prime now."

The dark power has become very powerful as he developed it, but it is still not as strong as his prime.

"I am afraid that the Black Church will be difficult this time."

He sighed.

The current strength of the Black Church can indeed withstand the attack of Noah's clan.

But what if there are other forces among them?

That is another matter.

That person may have the strength to flatten the entire Black Church.

"I hope I'm overthinking."

The accusation that the Black Cult has put on the Church of Light must not become true.

This way.

The Black Cult is no match at all.

As a large number of demons were killed.

Lulu Bell just watched quietly.

"Just a little bit more."

"What's missing?!"

Li Nali, who was being protected, saw Lulu Bell's mouth shape and felt a strong sense of uneasiness in her heart.

At this moment, as a large number of demons died, the bodies of the demons piled up into a mountain.

A white light lit up.

The bodies of the demons disappeared quickly, and a pregnant woman made entirely of metal slowly appeared.

She gently stroked her belly.

The belly was beating like a heart.

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