Naruto: Accidentally opening a fantasy world

Chapter 780 The dust has settled

It took a long time for everyone to adapt to the dazzling sunlight.

Everyone finally saw the person floating in the air clearly.

"Who are you!!?"

Xuelil Giammetto from Noah's side asked coldly.

His eyes were darting around, looking for some trace.

"Where is the Millennium Duke!?"

There was also uncontrollable sadness in their hearts, as one of their companions died here.

"Kill you!!" The angry Skin Bolik didn't care about that and rushed straight towards Jin in the sky.

He now felt suffocated inside.

He needs to vent.

Just now he wanted to fight with the marshal to vent his anger.

But before he could take action with all his strength, he was swallowed up by darkness.

King held out his hand.

Dark ripples swayed rapidly in front of his hand.

Skinner Bolik's whole body suddenly froze, and his body could not move for an instant.

"What happened!?"

He didn't understand why he couldn't move.

"You can call me King Uchiha, or the Lord of the Shadow Kingdom, or you can call me the Pope of the Church of Light, as you like."

Jin looked at the gathered Noah with a smile on his face.

"Church of Light." Xuelil Giammetto narrowed his eyes and stretched out his hand to stop others from taking action.

The situation is unclear now, and this guy looks too weird.

And where were the Millennium Duke and Rhodes?

"It's him!!!" Renault, who was hiding at this time, ran to Xeril Giammetto's side and said with a cry: "It was him who killed the Millennium Duke."

His words were like a bombshell exploding in all Noah's heads.

For a moment.

All the Noahs appear around Kim's body.

They want to avenge the Millennium Earl.

At this moment, everyone in the Noah family united in their thoughts and killed the man in front of them to avenge the Millennium Earl.

Of course, Noah and everyone are not reckless.

The people who rushed towards Noah were missing an important person.

Waizli represented by Chi.

His figure disappeared.

The other party's brain stores the most important memories of the Noah family.

It is also to prevent accidents.

"It's really a touching family bond."

Jin wiped the non-existent tears from his eyes with his hand.

A group of Noahs instantly hit Jin's body.

But the next moment.

Jin's figure appeared higher up, and the black stains on the sword turned into countless thorns, instantly piercing all of Noah's bodies.

"Pfft." All Noah spat out a mouthful of blood at the same time.

Xeril Giammetto looked at Uchiha Jin in disbelief.

"Why are you so strong!!"

They know that self-reliant holiness is very strong, but why is it that mere holiness exceeds self-reliant holiness.

Glancing out of the corner of his eye, he saw that all Noahs were unresponsive and had been pierced by black thorns.

They didn't see the movement of the thorns at all, and when they discovered it, their bodies had already been pierced.

"A mere human being!!!" Skinn Bolick roared angrily, even if his heart was pierced, he couldn't stop him.

Except death.

All of Noah's bodies shriveled up quickly in an instant.

This group of Noah clan, which had been at war with the Black Holy See, was wiped out by Uchiha Jin at this moment.

"How could..."

Allen couldn't help but look up at Uchiha Jin.

Uchiha Jin, who had his back to the sun, looked completely dark.

Jin slowly closed his eyes. He was devouring the so-called Noah factors. These Noah factors are the origin of the planet.

"Have no idea why the planet does this."

Jin didn't understand the meaning of this planet's behavior at all, and dispersed the origin of his body outward.

Created Noah’s family and created holiness.

Even if they win or lose, it means nothing to the planet.

Or maybe there was something key that he didn't understand.

He lowered his head and looked down at the remaining members of the Black Order.

He looked at the self-reliant Sheng with a smile on his face.


All the self-reliant saints instantly understood one thing. The target of the man in front of them was not only Noah, but also the self-reliant saints like them.

It’s just that it’s too late for the self-reliant holiness to wake up at this time.

Twelve figures turned into a circle and surrounded them.

Jin looked at them at this time.

The corners of his mouth lifted slightly.

"General Yagami!"

The bloody magatama in the black pupils rotated rapidly.

With the evolution of Sharingan, General Yagami is completely different from before.

Today's Yagami will be able to devour anything in the sense of existence.

And there is no distance limit.

The bodies of all the self-reliant saints also began to lose weight, and their burly bodies shrank visibly to the naked eye. All the self-reliant saints were half-kneeling on the ground, and they couldn't help but look up at the humans who were absorbing them.

Is that really human?

"You are God!!"

A self-reliant saint looked at Jin and yelled.

Only gods can absorb them, and they themselves are part of the physical incarnation of gods.

But why can't they feel gold.

They are part of the gods and have the ability to feel the gods.

But I felt nothing on Jin.

They could only close their eyes in confusion.

All self-reliant holiness has disappeared.

"Noah, Demon, Holy, most of them have been dealt with, you are the only ones left."

Jin looked at the people of the Black Order.

"This really makes me unhappy." Zocalo curled his lips, holding two big swords tightly in his hands.

But he didn't choose to rush forward. He knew very well that his strength was completely insufficient.

If you rush forward, you are just looking for death.

But he just wasn't happy.

Tiedor next to him was silent, just thinking about the origin of the other party.

The power to completely crush everything.

No matter whether it was Noah or the self-reliant Sheng, they had absolutely no power to resist the person in front of them.

Maybe the other person is really a god.

Komu Yi Li slowly stepped forward and asked Jin in a deep voice: "What do you want?"

As the commander of the exorcists, he now has the highest official position, and he can only take over.

Jin glanced at Komuyi Lee appreciatively.

He likes such courageous people.

Because you have courage, you can do things that others cannot.

"The Black Order merges into the Church of Light, and all exorcists surrender to the Holy."

Jin said slowly.

The expressions of everyone present changed, if they hadn't just seen Jin crushing the Noah clan and destroying the self-reliant holiness.

No one will ever give up.

Komuyi Li pursed his lips.

Now that the other party is completely on the stronger side, they have no chance to bargain.

If you don't do what the other party says, then the other party will definitely kill everyone present.

Just now the other party had killed all the demons in an instant.

But he still had to give it a try.

"If we hand over holiness, then there will be no one to fight against the demons in the entire world today. Even if the Millennium Earl is not around, those demons will not die like this. We need the power of the exorcist."

Komuyi Li observed Jin's expression as he spoke. Once the other party showed impatience, he would stop immediately.

But the other party actually listened quietly.

"And what about the Black Order, we are not qualified to decide. The entire Black Order obeys the orders of the Central Hall."

The real people of the Black Order are those in the Central Hall.

"First question." Jin slowly stretched out his hand.

"If you want the power to fight against the devil, I can give it to you. Although it is not holy, it is stronger than holy."

"Kuros, Claude."

Jin suddenly shouted.

Kuros smiled helplessly, walked out of the crowd, and stood in front of the Twelve Saints.

Claude also stood beside Kuros silently.

A black light shone on both of them.

"I have taken away the sanctity of both of them, and they have also obtained my power. You must have seen it."

Only then did everyone remember that in the battle between these two people just now, they were no weaker than the exorcist using holiness.

Komu Yi Li was anxious: "It is an equipment type, a parasitic type of holy user. If you leave the holy type, you will die."

This is what he really thinks about. His sister Li Nali's holiness has become a sustenance type.

He would never allow his sister to die.

"Don't worry about that." Jin showed his thumb to Komu Yi Li.

"I have a way to take it out safely and painlessly."

Just use the dark power to devour it.

Believe it or not.

Komu Yi Li didn't believe it at all. He just looked at Jin's increasingly cold eyes and fell into silence.

He had no room to refute now.

"As for the second question."

"The Black Order chose to merge with the Church of Light."

A serious voice sounded, and everyone looked to the other side, and a man with a serious face slowly walked over.

The top brass of the Black Order's headquarters looked at the man in front of them in disbelief.

They know him.

Director of the Central Office.

Lauren Zhao.

He is also the one who truly controls the entire Black Order.

Originally, this matter was supposed to be announced by Mel Liverell.

It's a pity that the man finally chose the side he thought was just and died at the hands of Uchiha Jin.

Finally let him come over and clean up the mess.

"What questions do you have now?"

Jin looked at Komuyi Lee with a smile on his face.

Komuyi Li clenched his fist tightly, he still didn't want to let his sister take risks.

Why is it at this time?

If Li Nali was the equipment type, he would have happily agreed.

But it happened to become parasitic at this time.

"I like the look in your eyes."

Jin slowly came down and patted Komuyi Li on the shoulder.

"But I do what I say."

If it were in the past, he should have captured the other party's sister and then given Komu Yi Li a way to become stronger.

People with deep obsessions grow quickly.

The person in front of me is still a researcher.

But now.

He doesn't have to go out of his way to create such people.

He looked at all the bewildered exorcists in front of him.

"And for your compensation, I will give you more powerful power."

His dark power.

The golden face is full of benefits.

Now that the entire Black Order has fallen into his hands, the next step is to spread the faith and accelerate the devouring of the world's consciousness.

"Everyone in the Ninja Star Territory."

"I'm coming back."

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