Naruto: Accidentally opening a fantasy world

Chapter 786 Akatsuki and Konoha

Uchiha Jin asked Aizen very sincerely.

It was like asking a friend a daily question.

Aizen looked at Uchiha Jin in front of him, with a smile on his face.

"Why not leave it for next time? I think I can give you many wonderful performances."

Uchiha Jin couldn't help but smile when he heard Aizen say such shameless words.

"Can hatred be accumulated for next time?"

Aizen nodded and said, "Hatred can also be accumulated into despair, as long as you are willing."

"Let me stand high by myself, and then push me down from the high place to the bottom. Isn't this the best revenge?"

Aizen said very sincerely.

But Yahiko couldn't help but look at Aizen a few more times. This man actually completely abandoned his arrogance and dignity.

They didn't expect Aizen to have such a side.

"What you said is very tempting."

Jin turned his head and looked at Yahiko: "Long time no see, Yahiko."

"What do you think of Aizen's proposal?"

Not good at all.

Yahiko's face did not fluctuate at all, but his heart was full of turmoil.

Why did Uchiha Jinyao let Aizen off so easily?

And he absolutely could not say anything against it. Once he did, it would become an excuse for the navy to attack them.

Yahiko's brain worked quickly, but he could not find a good way to crack it.

"Look at Yahiko, he seems to disagree with you.

Jin and Aizen looked at Yahiko with interest.

Yahiko tried to find out Uchiha Jin's true thoughts, but he could feel that Uchiha Jin was a deep black hole.

Any way of spying did not work.

"I think it's great!" Yahiko said hurriedly.

Words of refusal must not come out of his mouth.

"Then do as you say." Jin had a malicious smile on his face, regardless of Yahiko's gradually stiffening face.

He had been unhappy with this Yahiko for a long time.

And Aizen did not cause much damage, but the other party was always restricted by Orochimaru.

There was no time to do any destructive behavior.

"You see, sometimes things don't go the way you think. "

Aizen looked at Yahiko with interest.

His trump card is that Uchiha Jin doesn't want him to die yet.

Uchiha Jin is deliberately letting these geniuses get closer to him. People with high talents and talents have privileges in Uchiha Jin.

How could the world go on according to the other party's naive ideas?

"But it won't go according to your ideas either."

Gin chuckled, raised his hand to Aizen's brow, and flicked it lightly.

As layers of black ripples swept across his body, Aizen's pupils shrank, and cracks appeared in the Houyu in his body.

And the cracks became larger and larger, gradually spreading throughout the Houyu.

"Hua La La." The Houyu in Aizen's body completely shattered at this moment.

"As for the rest, I will slowly settle with you later. "Gin looked at Aizen and chuckled. His body slowly floated up and turned to fly away.

Aizen touched his chest. The Houyu in his heart had completely shattered.

Although his strength was temporarily stable, problems would inevitably arise over time.

The Houyu was the key to his success today.

Aizen chuckled and watched Uchiha Jin fly to the ceiling. His body went directly into darkness.

The black ceiling slowly disappeared.

It returned to its original appearance.

He looked at Yahiko from the corner of his eye. His eyes flickered, and he was obviously planning something bad.

But he didn't know that even if Aizen's Houyu was destroyed, he would not easily reduce his strength.

He had already analyzed most of the information about Houyu.

He could stabilize the power he got from Houyu.

And he could also achieve his own progress.

But it was impossible to make rapid progress.

"It seems that we need to find a new way. "Aizen said softly.

A path that made him completely become a member of the Six Paths. Now he has only one life, although it is difficult to die.

But if he dies, he will not have the privilege of resurrection.

"Do you still want to re-elect the leader of the Akatsuki organization now?"

Aizen looked at Yahiko with interest.

"Yahiko, don't always treat others as fools."

Nagato said coldly at this time.

Every time Yahiko would kidnap him with emotions and do something he didn't want to do.

Yahiko can be dissatisfied with anyone, but he can't do it to Nagato.

"I'm sorry, Nagato, I just want to." Yahiko opened his mouth and wanted to say something.

"You are just a waste restricted by emotions."

Aizen said coldly at this time.

If it was unscrupulous, he would look at Yahiko differently, but the other party was hesitant because of emotional problems.

Then he had no interest in Yahiko at all.

"I still have some things to do, you can make your own decisions for the time being. "Aizen said coldly.

His figure slowly disappeared.

Mirror Flower and Water Moon.

Nagato looked at the place where Aizen disappeared in confusion. When did the other party use the Essence Water Moon on him?

Aizen has no time to explain now, because of the disappearance of the Hogyoku, the power in his body is now rioting.

He needs to suppress it as soon as possible.

And Jin flew out of the Akatsuki Star Region and headed straight for Konoha Star.

"So Minato, how are you going to deal with me?

"Minato, Shodai-sama, he shows no signs of waking up at all."

Kushina said to Namikaze Minato who was correcting documents.

Since Minato Namikaze returned from the Land of Shadows, he has been correcting various documents.

But Senju Hashirama fell directly into a coma.

It has been a year and there is no sign of waking up.

"Hey!" Namikaze Minato stopped the pen in his hand and sighed: "The first generation has done so much for Konoha."

The other party actually used his last bit of reason to save him.

Now I can only lie in bed.

"Let's go take a look." Namikaze Minato put the document in his hand on the table.

"Okay." Kushina nodded.

The two of them walked out of the Hokage's office.

"It's developing really fast." Namikaze Minato looked at the surrounding Konoha Village. With the past few years that he had been trapped, Konoha Star today has changed from what it used to be.

Whether it's high-tech products or space facilities such as spaceships, Konoha has it all.

And these are all technologies spread from the Kingdom of Shadows.

Continuously accelerating the development of Konoha.

The roads were crowded.

While walking Kushina said: "And Uchiha Jin appeared again. As soon as the opponent appeared, he destroyed the Iwa Ninja Star and the Cloud Ninja Star."

The news of the destruction of these two planets has been conveyed.

And it looks like Uchiha Jin is definitely settling scores.

"Gold." Namikaze Minato sighed.

After all, this friend of his is walking on two different roads with himself.

And completely became an enemy.

"No matter what he wants to do, I'll wait for him to come." Namikaze Minato said in a deep voice.

No matter how the other party retaliates, he will definitely stop the other party.

"We are no match for him. The root is too strong. We have never even seen a strong opponent of the root."

Konoha has long regarded Uchiha Jin as an enemy.

But they never saw Uchiha Jin attack with full strength, but only sporadically, and Kushina could not find any way to fight against Uchiha Jin.

Namikaze Minato was silent.

He always looked at Uchiha Jin with some prejudices. The other party's strength was already beyond what he could fight against now.

He has been suppressed by the other party.

Namikaze Minato became a little decadent.

At this moment, the two of them had arrived at Konoha Hospital, and after saying hello to the people at the hospital, they walked into the highest ward.

The two of them looked into the ward through the glass.

Senju Hashirama was wearing a ventilator, and following his heavy breathing, he could see that his body was still in good health.

"First Generation Sir, there is no problem with the body now. The problem is in the spiritual world. It seems that there are countless consciousnesses competing for this body."

Kushina said next to her.

"We can't even be sure whether the next time we wake up is the first generation or not."

This is a problem of the soul, and for doctors like them who only treat the body, there is absolutely no solution.

"I believe it will be the first generation of adults who wake up."

Namikaze Minato said in a deep voice, but his clenched fists had veins bulging out, and he didn't actually look that confident.

"There is too much consciousness in the body of the first generation of adults today."

Just then the doctor next to me came over with the case.

"Although these consciousnesses are not as good as those of the first generation, they all unanimously reject the first generation of adults."

"And we are also trying to pull out the soul of the first generation, but unfortunately those wills continue to pull out the first generation."

Namikaze Minato and Kushina asked with serious expressions on their faces.

"Is there really no other way?"

The doctor said hesitantly: "Now there is only one way, let the first generation devour these souls."

"It's just difficult. We can't actively communicate with the soul of the first generation, and the first generation doesn't take the initiative to swallow it." The doctor spread his hands.

They are also difficult to handle.

And they are not actually doctors, but ninjas working in Konoha who have done research on souls.

For the time being, they can't find a good way.

Namikaze Minato suddenly thought of something: "I really want to know a way to communicate with the First Generation."

"The Yondaime-sama is talking about the art of spiritual transformation." A voice said from the side: "But in the entire Konoha, there are not many people with the art of spiritual transformation who can communicate with the soul of the first generation."

Those who know the art of spiritual transformation are all treating Senju Hashirama.

"Then what if I come?" Namikaze Minato said in a deep voice, "What if I come to learn the art of spiritualization and save the first generation?"

"This?" The doctor frowned, even though Namikaze Minato had always been known as a genius.

But the art of spiritual transformation is not so easy to learn.

Just when he was running away from what to say.

"Minato Namikaze, come out and see me."

A voice suddenly exploded in everyone's ears like thunder.

Both Kushina and Namikaze Minato's expressions changed, and they both said in unison.

"Kin Uchiha!!"

"This guy!" Namikaze Minato gritted his teeth.

"It came so quickly."

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