Naruto: Accidentally opening a fantasy world

Chapter 790 The Situation of Konoha Planet

"Really amazing, ninja."

Saitama held his head and looked at the sky, his body moving forward.

He had always seen this kind of profession on TV shows.

This was the first time he saw a real ninja.

How to say it.

It was really like what was described in the TV show.

At least the temperament looked very similar.


Saitama turned his head and looked at Sasuke behind him.

"Why are you following me!!!"

This guy has been following him since the two of them met.

Sasuke said with a wandering look: "Actually, I'm lost and can't find the way home. I don't know where to go, so I can only follow you first."

Saitama rolled his eyes.

Who would believe such a lie?

"I'm telling you, outsiders are not welcome in my home."

Saitama didn't want his life to be disrupted like this.

"You can be a guest, but I won't take you in."

"No problem." Sasuke nodded.

He didn't live in someone else's house shamelessly.

It's just that this guy is too abnormal, he wants to figure it out.

You have to know that the people of Konoha Star were teleported here by the Fourth Hokage in times of crisis.

Now, in addition to finding companions, they also need to find ways to become stronger.

Otherwise, they can't go back to where they used to be.

Although they don't know where this is.

Saitama brought Sasuke to Z City.

"Why are there so few people here?" Sasuke looked at the tall buildings around him curiously.

There were no passers-by on the whole road, and the one or two scattered ones looked like homeless people.

"I don't know either." Saitama scratched his head.

"It has always been like this here. No matter how cheap the rent is, maybe this city has no means to attract people to live here."

The reason he came to live here is because the rent here is very cheap.

How cheap is it?

You can live here without paying.

Now Saitama lives in a free place.

Although he doesn't know why those people are like this, he always feels that Z City is pretty good.

It's just that supermarkets and other things are closed.

If you want to buy things, you have to go to other cities.

But according to his pace, there is actually no problem.

"Is that so?" Sasuke looked around. It was already dark, and there were only a few lights in the whole city.

However, all the street lights were lit.

"If you plan to live here, I would definitely recommend this place to you."

Saitama patted Sasuke's shoulder, looking like he was doing you a favor.

After all, he was an experienced person.

Just as the two walked forward, a huge bison slowly walked over.

The two met on the street.

"Humans!!" The bison's eyes turned red when he saw the two.

"It's you humans! You killed my child!!"

Even ate his child.

Saitama looked up and down at the bison in front of him, turned his head to look at Sasuke and asked: "Let's have beef hot pot today, I wonder if you are interested."

If there is too much meat to eat, it will easily stink.

Then he can only reluctantly treat others to a meal.

The bison monster and Sasuke looked at each other, and the cow and the man fell into silence.

"Asshole! You even want to eat me!!" The bison was angry and rushed directly towards Saitama.

Saitama slowly raised a fist.

Swung his fist.

There was no sound.

But Sasuke looked at the huge bison in front of him with his pupils contracted, and most of its body had disappeared.

"Let's go, I just want to eat beef recently." Saitama picked up a beef leg and put it on his shoulder.

Sasuke looked at Saitama in silence.

This guy is super wrong! ! ! !

Just now he couldn't even see Saitama swinging his fist clearly.

Even if someone who specializes in speed in the Dharma body can't make him unable to see clearly.

Then this guy is very likely to be in the Six Paths Realm.


Why does a strong man in the Six Paths Realm look so ordinary! !

Sasuke gathered his mind.

If he could be pulled into their Konoha camp, it would also enhance their Konoha's strength.

"Wait for me!!"

Sasuke saw that Saitama had gone far away, and hurriedly chased him.

He now urgently needs to pull in a fighting force for the village.

But this world feels very dangerous.

Hero Association.

A group of high-level members of the Hero Association sat at the conference table.

Xiqi, the leader of the association, looked at the cadres present and said in a deep voice.

"Then let's get down to business."

This was an internal meeting of theirs, where all the collaborators of the Hero Association discussed things together.

The big screen behind Xiqi slowly lit up.

Behind him was a yellow light appearing above the city.

"This is the incident that has occurred in various places in recent days."

"We call it the yellow flash incident."

"The yellow flash appeared suddenly. We haven't found the specific reason yet, but a human will appear every time the yellow flash appears."

"And these humans are normal humans, but most of them have extremely powerful strength."

"We sent out heroes to capture, but only a small number of people were captured, and our heroes suffered a lot of losses."

For these new strangers, they naturally need to explore the reasons.

Heroes are the soldiers in their hands, so naturally they dispatch heroes to capture directly.

As for negotiations.

The Hero Association will not negotiate with threats.

Of course, many of these people died in the hands of heroes.

But the good news is that they arrested a lot of people who had no abilities at all and relied on torture of these people.

They've got information about these people.

"But the good news is that we have found out the details of these people. These people come from a country called Konoha. Most of them call themselves ninjas. Some of them have extremely powerful powers. It is said that they are because of a country called Shadow Country. Forced by evil forces.”

"They were teleported to this planet by a being named the Fourth Hokage."

After hearing the news, everyone looked at each other.

"The other party's teleportation technology should be in the hands of a being named the Fourth Hokage, and we don't know if the other party has come over. We now need to find a way to get this technology from them."

Xiqi said in a deep voice.

Their Hero Association has always been in a very embarrassing situation.

Although their heroes continue to save those who are in trouble, and even take the initiative to eliminate those threatening weirdos.

But they can only be regarded as semi-governmental private enterprises.

Perhaps the original intention of establishing the Heroes Association was to protect the people.

As the Heroes Association grows day by day, they are no longer satisfied with this.

But government agencies won't allow them to get bigger.

Now this teleportation technology gives them new hope.

This is why heroes cannot come to this meeting.

Many of the heroes in the Hero Association are here just for the reputation of being heroes, although it is actually the Hero Association that dispatches the heroes.

But on the surface, the Heroes Association helps heroes.

The two statements have different results.

"Then what are we going to do?"

Someone raised their hand and asked.

"Win them over." Xiqi said.

This made everyone look at each other. Because of the attitude of the Heroes Association, the relationship between the two parties is now very bad.

"But they will definitely gather together, so if what we do is not exposed, how can we win them over?"

Both parties are now considered mortal enemies.

Just like this, we still need to win over.

They really can't think of how to win over.

"It was the Heroes Association who did this, but it was not the Heroes Association who actually gave the order." Xiqi said in a deep voice.

Now everyone understood.

This is to find a scapegoat.

"Then find a way to draw them into the Heroes Association, and then find a way to get the technology they have."

"The meeting is dismissed now."

Ximu squinted his eyes and watched everyone leave.

And among these people named Konoha, their strength cannot be underestimated.

If you are really always hostile.

Then it will inevitably cause considerable losses to the Heroes Association.

This is one of the reasons for their change of attitude.

And the most important thing.

"How powerful is the Kingdom of Shadows?"

He could actually allow this alien, who was very powerful in his own right, to escape from his hometown.

If the other party comes to find it.

"We can only follow god-level standards."

When one civilization fights against another civilization, isn't this a battle that can destroy mankind?

"I hope they can't find it."

Naruto slowly opened his eyes and sat up from the stiff ground.

Touched his forehead.

While being teleported, he suddenly felt someone touching his forehead, and then fell into a coma.

"Where is this?"

He looked around, but there was darkness in front of him.

Maybe he got up and alerted the people here.

A pair of scarlet eyes slowly lit up in the darkness.

Naruto squinted his eyes, and his eyes, which were originally a little blurry, suddenly became clear.

In the darkness before my eyes.

One by one, ferocious monsters were standing there.

"Eat him, he must be delicious."

"Humans!! Damn humans!!"

"Hey, isn't this guy an alien? Why does he look exactly like a human?"

The chaotic and terrifying sounds slowly entered the ears.

The expression on Naruto's face disappeared and he slowly stood up from the ground.

Just then, among this group of weirdos, a weirdo with only one eye walked over.

"You're finally awake. Welcome to the land of weirdos."

"Odd Society."

"I am the president of the association, Da Jiongyan." Da Jiongyan even saluted politely.

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Naruto looked coldly at the ferocious monster in front of him.

"Why am I here."

Da Jiong smiled and replied: "Because we saved you."

"Your people appeared on this planet, but they were oppressed by the Heroes Association. If we hadn't saved you, you would have been captured by the Heroes Association."

"If you are captured by them, you will have no choice but to be tortured by them. I heard that many of your tribe were tortured to death by them."

Listening to Da Jiongyan's words, Naruto slowly clenched his fists.

"How could these people do this!!"

His voice grew increasingly angry.

Under the bright smile, Naruto looked over with bloodshot eyes.

"What you haven't seen yet is the good stuff."

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