Naruto: Accidentally opening a fantasy world

Chapter 793: House of Evolution

Sasuke looked at the only surviving gorilla.

"Now you should be able to take us to find the Evolution House."

The orangutan looked around and saw that he was the only one he had brought with him.

Looking at the ferocious-looking three people in front of them, they nodded desperately.

Judging from the looks of these three people, if he didn't take them with him.

That would be big trouble.

Saitama looked Sasuke over.

"Sasuke, why do I feel that you want to find the Evolution House more than Genos?"

The smile on Sasuke's face faltered.

The name Evolution House actually represents many things.

And the technology to create such artificial humans must be extremely rich.

He planned to collect some.

After growing up in the universe for many years, Sasuke understood a truth.

Ninjutsu is not absolute, but knowledge can change everything.

Although he is not good at this kind of thing, it would be good if he could fill up Konoha's knowledge base.

"Brother Sasuke, he seems to be very scheming."

Genos commented from the side.

"Hey, don't say what's in your heart!!!" Sasuke turned to Genos and roared.

These two people are really frustrating.

"I'm just curious to see."

Sasuke said with wandering eyes.

Now I don't know how to get Qiyu to join the gang.

Finally, his eyes focused on the orangutan and gradually became fierce.

The orangutan lowered his head.

It's none of his business.

Evolution House.

A shabby-looking building was built in the middle of the forest.

“Is this kind of place really the place where Evolution House belongs?”

Sasuke looked at the building in front of him suspiciously.

The entire building is covered with moss, blocking the view inside.

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But in Sasuke's opinion, it looked like an abandoned building.

"Brother Sasuke, leave it to me."

Genos volunteered and said.

Stretching his hands forward, a red light lit up on his arms.

"Hey! What do you want to do!?" Sasuke asked loudly with a premonition that something was wrong.

By this time Genos was ready.

Incendiary cannon! !

The intense flames quickly engulfed the entire building and even enveloped the surrounding mountain peaks.

One blow.

Entire buildings disappeared and everything was razed to the ground in an instant.

"I said, Genos, what are you doing!!?"

Even Saitama asked with helplessness on his face.

He was still counting floors.

Genos said matter-of-factly: "I think this is the most efficient way to handle it."

"A way to catch them all."

Saitama looked at the burned open space in front of him.

"You are really merciless."

Sasuke reached out and rummaged for something on the ground nearby. When he heard Saitama's words, he raised his head and said, "There is nothing wrong with Genos's method."

The ninja must kill with one strike, but what he wants more is the relevant information inside.

"But since they are a terrorist organization that transforms people, their defense strength should not be this bad."

Genos and Saitama both looked at Sasuke.

"What's the meaning?"

"Found it." Sasuke did not answer the two people's words, but walked to the side and pointed to an iron basement and said: "This is the real entrance."

Both of them looked towards the closed entrance.

It was strange that it was still intact under the incendiary cannon that destroyed the entire mountain.

Sasuke used his hands to lift up the entire scorched iron sheet, revealing the path leading below.

Sasuke walked straight down.

Saitama and Genos looked at each other.

They all followed Sasuke down.


He is the leader of the House of Evolution.

He was originally a genius-level biological scientist, but his research has never been recognized by the mainstream.

In his last breath, he restored his body to its youthful state and built this evolutionary home.

In order to capture Saitama, he has dispatched all his combat forces.

"They're here." Cold sweat broke out on Dr. Kinos's forehead.

"Not only one is powerful, the other is also terrifyingly strong."

One can kill the Mosquito Girl with just one punch, while the other can emit an astonishing flame from his eyes, destroying all his own transformations.

It's just incredible.

According to the evaluation level of the Heroes Association, many of the modified people in his hands are at the ghost level.

It actually looked like an ordinary beast in front of those two people, and it didn't even cause any harm to them.

This kind of combat power is not something he can capture yet.

He almost wanted to give up.

Unexpectedly, these two people came over.

A group of Dr. Kinos looked horrified.

"Then what do we do now."

The entire research room has no defense force.

"I have released the Asura Unicorn." Dr. Kinos said as he wiped the sweat from his face.

"How could you let him go!!" All Dr. Kinos looked horrified.

"He's going to kill us all."

It is the highest masterpiece of the House of Evolution, possessing power and wisdom far beyond that of humans.

Even for humans, it can be regarded as a dragon-level disaster.

Even those in the Hero Association, as long as Blast doesn't appear again, theoretically no one can be his opponent.

Although Asura Unicorn is indeed their highest masterpiece, it is completely uncontrollable.

Mental state is extremely unstable.

"No, we have one last card."

Dr. Kinos said calmly.

All the replicants looked at each other.

"That one may not be Ashura's opponent."

"Not necessarily." Dr. Kinos shook his head: "The power contained in his body far exceeds that of Asura, but it has not exploded yet, and everything is invisible."

"If Ashura is out of control, we can activate that power together and we should be able to defeat Asura."

That was just their unexpected trump card.

As the creator of Asura One-horned Immortal, Dr. Kinos is very aware of the strength data of Asura One-horned Immortal.

According to the data on paper, the trump card he got was that as long as he exploded the power in his body, he could surpass Asura Unicorn.

"But he may not be controlled by us."

The other clones have their own concerns.

"Don't worry, there is always a way."

Jinos took out a silk scarf and wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, otherwise what could he do.

Are you really waiting to die?

Absolutely impossible.

A trio walking in the basement.

Looking at the surrounding sewers, I really couldn't find the entrance to the laboratory.

Just as the three of them continued to move forward.

At the same time, he stopped.

"Teacher." Genos looked into the distance and reminded.

Sasuke also looked forward, fully alert, and even cold sweat appeared on his forehead.

"Something is on its way here."

"And powerful."

The sense of crisis that hit him was like facing a strong Dharmakaya head-on.

The huge unicorn monster gradually appeared in front of the three people.

He also held a clone of Dr. Genos in his hand.

"There are three, which one is it?"

"It's the one in the middle." Although the bones of Dr. Genos's clone had been crushed, he still stated the target honestly.

"Then the other two are not needed."

Asura's body instantly appeared next to Saitama, and his hands hit Genos and Sasuke heavily.

Genos didn't react at all, and his whole body was smashed into the wall.

Sasuke immediately put his hands in front of him.


There are no two people in Asura's eyes.


But Genos was the only one who lost his fighting ability.

A big purple hand suddenly appeared and was about to grab the Asura One-horned Immortal, but the Asura One-horned Immortal disappeared instantly.

Let the big purple hand grab it.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Asura Unicorn appeared behind Saitama in an instant and was about to attack Saitama.

“It’s all flaws!!”

But the moment he was about to take action, a strong sense of life and death crisis swept through his body.

Asura instantly stepped back.

A large purple knife struck the place where he was standing just now.

"Sasuke, don't tear this place down, otherwise we won't be able to get out."

Saitama loudly shouted his dissatisfaction.

Sasuke slowly walked out from the wall next to him, covered in purple skeletons, and one of the skeletons was holding a knife in its hand.


Sasuke responded and looked at Asura Unicorn with a solemn face.

"Ah, Genos, what's wrong with you!! Genos."

At this time, only Saitama had the time to pull Genos off the wall.

Asura's eyes moved back and forth between Sasuke and Saitama.

Where did the danger signal come from just now?

Is it that purple light knife?


Asura Unicorn immediately stared at Saitama.

It's this man.

If he had taken action just now, he would definitely have died.

In addition, that guy hasn't reached the point where he can pose such a big threat to him.

Just when Asura looked at Sasuke, Sasuke's pupils had turned into kaleidoscopes.

"Let's settle the accounts just now."

Looking at Sasuke in front of him, Asura One-horned Immortal smiled.

The figure disappeared instantly.

He immediately gave up on Saitama and Genos and rushed towards Sasuke.

This speed is too fast.

Half of Sasuke's body was quickly covered by a skeleton, and a purple light knife appeared on the skeleton's hand. He aimed it at the Asura in front of him and chopped it down.

But the knife didn't hit it as expected.

Asura Unicorn directly hit Susanoo and punched him.

Susanoo immediately shattered.

Sasuke scooted backwards quickly.

Asura Unicorn did not take advantage of the victory and pursue it, but just smiled at Sasuke.

"Is this vision hypnosis?"

"Huh!?" Sasuke looked at Asura Unicorn in surprise.

real world.

Sasuke followed his plan, and the sword he drew was already at Ashura's waist, but he didn't expect his hand to be faster and directly grasped Sasuke's sword.

"You can actually break through illusions!?"

Sasuke looked at Asura Unicorn with a surprised look on his face.

"This is not the place to fight."

Asura Unicorn released the blade in his hand.

Turn around and lead the way directly.

Sasuke frowned and looked at Asura's back and was about to take action.

Saitama stepped forward and patted Sasuke on the shoulder.

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