"Finally." The colorful light man slowly exhaled, and then looked at the planet in the distance.

"As long as this person is dealt with, there will be no problem in dealing with the entire human race."

As long as the human beings on the entire planet are dealt with, then his planet will be restored to balance.

Humans are just a group of parasites that continue to destroy the planet.

And he is the will of this planet.

He is also the god of the planet.

The desire to destroy humanity is the will of the planet itself.

Humans have been constantly destroying the earth, which is equivalent to his body being destroyed by parasites.

He naturally can't stand it.

And those weirdos on the planet, because of his resentment, this resentment also constantly allows humans to rely on strong obsessions to break away from the scope of humans and become powerful weirdos.

And the weirdos will hate humans because of his resentment.

This is also the reason why this planet is so disaster-ridden.

Such frequent disasters are not normal in themselves, and he is the root of everything.

But although the weirdos were born because of him, they are not under his command, and these weirdos also have their own thoughts.

Not to mention those so-called heroes, who kept killing monsters.

The strength of these monsters is still too low.

He can only take the initiative to create monsters that specialize in destroying humans, but in the end they will be killed directly by Saitama.

That's why he has never achieved his goal.

Now Saitama is completely dead, and finally no one can stop him.

Just when he was about to turn around and leave.

Countless cracks suddenly appeared in the void of the universe, spreading rapidly outward.

A fist suddenly appeared from the void.

Saitama walked out of the void slowly with his upper body naked, and the facial features on his face seemed to be dealing with it, with a sense of sluggishness.

He stretched out his hand and waved at the god in front of him.

The god quickly moved back a distance and looked at Saitama in disbelief.

"You guy!!"

"Why can you break through from there."

That is a whole time dislocation, which can directly restore a person to his original state. At the same time, the time dislocation recovery will produce distortion, and it should be killed directly.

He didn't understand why this man could ignore it, or even restore it to its original state.

"Because I just want to defeat you." Saitama said slowly.

Although he didn't know how to transmit sound in the universe, the gods could hear Saitama's voice.

"How is it possible with just this!!!?" The gods obviously didn't believe Saitama's words.

Saitama had already punched over.

This time the entire void began to collapse.

If the opponent could control time and space, then Saitama could destroy time and space.


The colorful light exploded instantly.

And the body of Hashirama Senju was also directly shattered at this moment.

This time the gods did not continue to revive.

Saitama once again broke through the limit of time, and his strength became many times stronger than before.

He clenched his fists.

"It became one punch again."

He sighed helplessly, but the battle just now was indeed fierce.

This was the most enjoyable battle he had in three years.

"Is it you next?"

Saitama suddenly turned his head and looked into the void.

"Heh." A chuckle sounded in the void.

Uchiha Jin's figure sitting on the throne appeared in front of Saitama.

The disappointment on Saitama's face did not last long. He looked at Uchiha Jin with a fighting spirit again. The pressure brought to him by this person was even greater than that of the god.

"You should go back and have a good rest."

Jin shook his head. The other party was still in the root stage, which was very similar to the bottleneck stage when he reached it.

"I can still fight."

Saitama did not want to give up. He still wanted the fierce battle just now.

"Let me protect the earth!!"

His face was full of blood.

Jin looked at Saitama with a strange face.

"You seem to have blown up the will of the earth just now."

"Ah?" Saitama was confused. When did he blow up the will of the earth?

"The person you fought just now was the will of the planet."

He also blew up Hashirama Senju by the way.

Saitama scratched his head: "What will happen to the planet without the will of the planet?"

Gold rubbed his chin with his hand and thought for a while: "Maybe there will be no more powerful existences on your planet in the future, and those monsters will not appear."

The planet where Saitama is located can breed so many powerful humans because of the will of the planet.

And the birth of monsters is also due to the will of the planet.

Without the blessing of the will of the planet, the energy concentration and biological power of the entire planet will decline greatly.

Saitama breathed a sigh of relief. If it was because of him, the entire planet would be destroyed.

"Then it's not a big problem." Saitama looked at Uchiha Jin in front of him with a passionate face.

"It's our turn next."

He hasn't fought enough yet.

Gold shook his head regretfully and said: "You're still a little short. You are not my opponent now."

He raised his finger, and a black light appeared on his fingertips.

"When you can break through this level, come to me again."

The black light exploded instantly.

Engulfed Saitama's body, and before the darkness completely engulfed him.

Jin's voice slowly reached his ears.

"Think carefully about what your limits are?"

Darkness completely engulfed Saitama.

Jin watched the darkness disappear before his eyes, and he had already sent Saitama back.

"It's really interesting."

Jin touched his chin, and he had already felt the power in Saitama's body.

He also found the reason why the other party was so powerful.

Saitama is more of a weirdo than a human being.

Yes, Saitama's body is exactly that of a monster, but his physical characteristics are very similar to humans.

What is a weirdo? It is a new life form that breaks through the physiological limits with its own desires due to the negative emotions of the planet's consciousness.

And desire is the key to their becoming stronger.

Saitama is like that.

It's just that Saitama is different from other weirdos in that his birth has nothing to do with the gods of the planet.

It comes entirely from the existence of human consciousness.

This planet is very powerful. While the planet has consciousness, there is also human group consciousness, but this group consciousness is not as specific as planet consciousness.

The whole is also distributed throughout humanity.

Saitama does not come from the negative will of the planet's gods, but from the will of the entire human race.

Save yourself.

Human beings want to save themselves. Faced with an endless stream of natural disasters and monsters, Saitama was born under the will of the entire human race to save themselves.

Saitama's desire is very simple, to break through the limitations of ordinary people.

Relying on the power of human will, Saitama directly destroys the limiter of the creature.

It is destruction, not breakthrough.

Every time a limiter is breached, a new limiter is born.

Saitama was different. He smashed the limiter directly. He had no limit at all.

As long as he wants to, he can keep making breakthroughs.

It's equivalent to Jin wanting to be promoted to the next department. What he lacks is only energy, and there is no such thing as a bottleneck.

This is also why Saitama can break through quickly.

How to say it.

"This guy Saitama is really unique."

If it were another person, he might not be able to reach Saitama's level. The most he could achieve would be to be weaker than the planet god.

After all, human will is limited and not as powerful as an entire planet.

The real reason why Saitama can defeat the planet gods is entirely because of Saitama.

"I'm really looking forward to it. Can you break through to my level?"

Jin looked into the planet with a smile on his face.

Darkness emerges in a broken land.

Saitama's whole body was thrown out.

"To throw someone back like this, this guy is really a bastard."

Saitama dusted himself off.

Finally, I understood the description from Uchiha Sasuke.

"But I can't resist at all."

Saitama's face turned to reveal an expression of excitement. The stronger the opponent, the more excited he became, because only in this way can he have the desire to challenge.

"Saitama, is the battle over?" Sasuke asked Saitama in a deep voice.


Only then did Saitama realize that he had been sent back to his original place.

"It's over." Saitama shrugged and walked directly outside.

Everyone in Konoha was silent.

The result of the battle is self-evident, and in the end only Saitama came back alone.

And their first Hokage has disappeared.

But when he saw Saitama, he turned around and left.

The people from the Hero Association quit.

"Bald Caped Man, are you planning to run away from the battlefield?"

Fran walked out of the crowd at this time. The collapse of the building did not take away his life.

Although he didn't know exactly what happened.

But he knew it was all because of the man who was walking away.

Saitama's forehead had faint veins popping out, and he turned to look at the middle-aged man who was speaking.

What the hell is going on with this name?

"What does the matter between you have to do with me?"

Saitama is not a nosy person, he just wants to be a hero who saves others.

He is a hero motivated by interest, not a wage earner.

He has long had enough of the life of a wage earner.

"You provoke them, they come to take revenge on you, and you have to pass on this hatred to others."

"Heroes are there to save you, not to solve your hatred."

Saitama pointed at Fran and said reproachfully.

This war did not involve passers-by, so he did not need to protect anyone.

"Your choice to fight is your own choice, and I will not participate in other people's hatred."

Saitama's words also made the heroes present look thoughtful.

They don't have to be bound to the Heroes Association, nor do they have to fight life and death for them.

Mainly because Saitama has left.

If you continue to fight against these Konoha people, you will only end up dead.

They don't want to die for the Heroes Association.

"As long as you walk out of here, you will be expelled from the Heroes Association!!" Fran yelled angrily.

Looking at the other people who were thoughtful, I felt anxious inside.

"That kind of thing doesn't matter anymore."

Saitama waved and left without looking back.

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