[Killing 'Yuan Fei Asma', achieving a medium achievement once, congratulations for getting: Medium achievement lottery once!】

【Killed '32 Konoha Anbu Ninjas', achieved primary achievement three times, congratulations and got: Primary Achievement Lottery Three Times! 】

In the void, the system is prompting.

Although the timing of the prompt is not right!

At this moment:

Konoha's countless ninjas' earth escape and fire escape...

Finally, the entire Konoha neighborhood was burned into a volcanic lava.

Chen Yiban and his"Susanoo Stage 2" were buried under the lava!

"Did you see it? This is the power of the will of fire in us!!"

Tsunade looked at the scene buried under the lava and couldn't help but shouting

"Kakashi, Shikaku, you two did a great job."Tsunade looked at Kakashi and Nara Shikaku.

It was Nara Shikaku who came up with the plan of joint attack, and then Kakashi was responsible for executing the plan.

As Konoha's think tank, Nara Shikaku could only think of this for the time being.���There is no way to effectively attack Chen Yiban....

Too strong!!

"How could the strongest man in our clan, who was once said to be...."

Among the ninjas watching the battlefield, Uchiha Sasuke was a little bit unconvinced, or unwilling to accept it.

Although it was normal to die under the siege of so many ninjas, but that was the strongest clan leader of their Uchiha clan that had always been legendary!!

How could a strong man who was as famous as Hashirama Senju, who was called the"God of Ninjas", die like this?...

"What happened? Why did the man in red armor want to kill Uncle Asuma?"

At this time, Uzumaki Naruto seemed to be a little confused about the situation.

"That man...It seems to be the legendary ninja Uchiha Madara....."

Among the twelve young masters, Tenten beside Neji murmured in disbelief.

The legendary super-strong man Uchiha Madara is still alive. This is really incredible....The other party's appearance is really similar to the stone statue of Uchiha Madara in the Valley of the End.

In addition, the strength of that person against many ninjas including the current Fifth Hokage Tsunade-sama seems to prove the identity of the other party"Uchiha Madara" is true or false.

"Yu...Uchiha Madara?!!"Uzumaki Naruto exclaimed in surprise

"The legendary ninja, wasn't he already dead a long time ago?" Naruto continued to wonder in surprise and confusion.

"It's unclear, or he's not dead. But why is he still so young?"Ningji was also confused.

"Asuma teacher....."Shikamaru, Ino, and Choji all looked at Asuma on the ground sadly.

The same feeling also existed for the jounin, Yuhi Kurenai!...

"Fifth Hokage, has the other party already....."

At this time, Kakashi came to Tsunade's side, hesitant to speak.

Kakashi certainly hoped that the other party would die!

But, it was too easy.


It was too easy.

How could the legendary ninja be killed like this?...

Moreover, Kakashi just saw Chen Yiban not putting up any resistance and just watching them perform earth escape and fire escape.

For some reason, Kakashi felt very uneasy.

In this regard,

Tsunade, who had just finished her heroic words, also frowned.

"Kakashi..."Then, Tsunade was about to say something to Kakashi.



A huge blue Susanoo chakra sword suddenly emerged from the ground under Tsunade, and instantly pierced through Tsunade's entire chest!

"Hokage...!"Kakashi's pupils trembled.

Countless Anbu ninjas and civilian ninjas beside him also exclaimed!

"Grandma Tsunade...!"Here, Uzumaki Naruto was also shocked.

In response:

A red figure and a blue Susanoo II slowly emerged from the soil.

Although Uchiha Madara was not proficient in earth escape, it did not mean that he could not do it. Chen Yiban, who had obtained all the power of"Madara", could also do it easily.

"The so-called will of fire you mentioned is worthless in my eyes."

Looking at Tsunade who was directly pierced by his second-level Susanoo sword, Chen Yiban said coldly.

"Damn, he's still alive. Kakashi couldn't help but feel angry.

""Asshole! Let go of Grandma Tsunade!" On the other side, Uzumaki Naruto suddenly rushed to the center of the battlefield.

He quickly created a shadow clone and condensed a Rasengan on his right hand!

"Which way to drag..."Watching Naruto rushing out, Sasuke couldn't help but think of the battle on the rooftop not long ago.

The next second, Sasuke clenched his fists unwillingly!

During this time,

Chen Yiban heard the noise and couldn't help but open his blood-red [Mangekyo Sharingan] and glanced at Uzumaki Naruto.

In an instant:


A nine-tailed kitten in Uzumaki Naruto's body suddenly woke up.

"this...This force is colder than my chakra."

"Motor...How is it possible? How is it possible that he is still alive?!!"

Kurouma was so scared that he was sweating.

At the same time, sensing that Naruto was actually rushing towards that guy, the Nine-Tails immediately:


Forcefully pull Naruto into the sealed space

"Hey, Nine-Tails, why did you bring me here? I want to save Grandma Tsunade!!"

Naruto suddenly came to the sealed space, and after a moment of stunned silence, he immediately pointed at Nine-Tails and shouted

"Shut up! You little bastard!!"Jiulama shouted angrily

"Do you know who that guy is?"

""You approached that man so easily, do you want to die, little brat?!"

The Nine-Tails shouted angrily.

Hearing this, Naruto touched his chin:"Ningji and Tenten said that the guy who killed Uncle Asuma might be the legendary ninja Uchiha Madara."

Hearing Naruto's words, the Nine-Tails became even more uneasy:"Is it really that man?"

Seeing this, Naruto felt that the Nine-Tails Demon Fox at this moment was a little different from usual.

"Hey, Jiuwei, you seem a little scared..."Naruto scratched his head

"Stop talking nonsense. Anyway, kid, get away from that man right now. The farther the better!!"Kyuubi cursed angrily.

"Why?"Naruto is still asking

""No reason!!" Nine-Tails shouted.

And in the next moment, he sent Naruto back to the outside world!

"Leave now!"Naruto returned to the outside world, and in his spiritual world he heard the Nine-Tails' reminder.

"No, Grandma Tsunade is in danger now, I have to save her." Naruto shook his head

"Baka! Who do you think you are? Senju Hashirama!!"The Nine-Tails got anxious and cursed:

"If you dare to make me become a pet under the power of that man again, I will tear you to pieces. You conceited brat!!"

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