
The next moment, Ye Kai kicked Susanoo's body, and with a loud bang,

Susanoo's body shattered!

At the same time:

Bang!———The moment

Susano's body completely collapsed, Chen Yiban, who was originally in the middle of the tall Susano, was immediately kicked and could no longer avoid it.


Immediately, Chen Yiban vomited a large mouthful of blood.

During this time, Chen Yiban's entire body seemed to be broken!

And this happened almost in just a moment!

However, the power of [Yekai] has not ended yet!

He kicked Chen Yiban directly and rushed all the way.

In the end, a huge shock like a bolt from the blue broke out, and at the end...

Everyone at the scene was shocked to see that all the rock statues of the previous Hokage had disappeared!

Chen Yiban had only destroyed Hashirama Senju and slightly damaged some of the rock statues of several other Hokage, but he had not completely destroyed them.

But at this moment...

They completely disappeared!

And, at the original location, a super gap appeared with a width of about 80 meters, a depth of over 100 meters, and a length of over 1,000 meters.

It was indeed: the super gap kicked out by Ye Kai!!


Countless people were stunned at the scene.

The entire Konoha, whether ninja or civilians, looked at the huge ravine in amazement.

"Eight Gates of Dunjia, eight gates fully opened, can it be so powerful?!"

In the dark, Shimura Danzo and a group of Root ninjas were also extremely surprised at this time....

It was literally split in two!!


Kakashi was also very shocked.

But after reacting, Kakashi immediately jumped up and prepared to save Might Guy....Might Guy is beyond saving.

Kakashi also wants to find his best friend immediately!

"Everyone!"Tsunade-ji also reacted immediately, and then waved her jade hand and ordered:

"If Uchiha Madara is not dead yet, kill him!"

"besides...Find and do your best to save our Konoha's hero, Might Guy!!"

""Yes! Lord Hokage!!" Immediately, a Konoha ninja responded excitedly.

The next moment, countless ninjas rushed towards the back mountain of Konoha!

Among them were: Uchiha Sasuke, Uzumaki Naruto, Haruno Sakura, Yamanaka Ino, Nara Shikaku, Nara Shikamaru and countless other Konoha ninjas.

Even some bold civilians couldn't help but go over and want to see the last battlefield situation at the first glance.

At this moment, countless people admired and even began to worship Might Guy, who had just opened all eight gates and was invincible.

Everyone wanted to welcome back their Konoha hero at this moment!

However, soon after a group of ninjas quickly jumped, came, and even entered the huge ravine in the back mountain that was divided into two...

Everyone saw from a distance an unbelievable scene at the end of the huge ravine:

"I almost did....Killed by you!"


Wearing red armor, with waist-length hair fluttering in the wind, Chen Yiban was holding a sickle weapon and laughing evilly.

Everyone saw that the sickle blade in his hand had completely pierced through Might Guy's heart.

During this time, Might Guy's body was charred like charcoal!

After the eight gates of the Eight Gates of Ninjutsu were fully opened, almost all of his vitality was drained.

After being pierced through the heart by Chen Yiban, Might Guy completely extinguished his last breath of life.

"Kay....."Kakashi, who arrived here first, was unwilling to believe what was happening before his eyes.

"How could this happen?..."Princess Tsunade, in surprise and disbelief, could not help but take a step back.

She staggered a little!

She couldn't help but feel a little desperate in her heart!


Why couldn't [Yekai]'s terrifying moves kill Uchiha Madara in front?

How strong is this man?

Might Guy just opened all eight gates!

That's a power that can be said to surpass the Hokage dozens of times in an instant!

Even this couldn't kill the legendary ninja Uchiha Madara.

Even at this moment, the opponent is still wearing red armor and long hair....

He was still completely unharmed!!

How is this possible!!

"He, he is not a human being....It's a demon."

Uzuki Yugao, the sword in her hand seemed to have no strength to hold it, and finally fell to the ground below her feet.

It was just like the mood of countless people at this moment: after the hope just now was shattered, the despair of falling

"How could the powerful thick eyebrow teacher just now....."Uzumaki Naruto, a little self-doubting at the moment

"Is this the real power of my Uchiha?" Uchiha Sasuke looked at Chen Yiban with a look of longing, the sickle still piercing Might Guy's heart.

Now is the period when Nizhuzi is most eager to get power!

Looking at Chen Yiban like this, Nizhuzi longed to become as powerful as him.

Such power can definitely kill that man!!...

At this moment, looking at the already dead Might Guy in front of him, Chen Yiban slowly pulled the sickle out of the opponent's heart at the right time.———!

With his heart broken, only a few thin streams of blood flowed out of Might Guy's body.

It was indeed because the"Night Guy" just now had drained too much of Might Guy's vitality and blood!

【Congratulations, you have killed 'Ba Men Kai' and achieved a super achievement. Congratulations for receiving: Super Achievement Lottery · One Time! 】

(Temporary division of achievement and lottery levels: elementary, intermediate, advanced, super!)

In response,

Chen Yiban glanced at the system prompt in the void that only he could see.

"Super lucky draw? It's really a big surprise!"

He smiled faintly.


"You are a worthy opponent!"

"I have to admit: your power just now is enough to kill me"


Chen Yiban, with one Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan and one Triple Magatama Sharingan open, looked at the fallen Might Guy and murmured softly.———

The originally scarlet pupil of the Three-magatama Sharingan in Chen Yiban's right eye suddenly turned gray.

It lost its light!

"Do you think I would come to Konoha without any plan?"

Chen Yiban finally said this to himself.


He dug out the three-magatama Sharingan that had lost its sight from his right eye and threw it away.

"Teacher Akai...!!"At this moment, Xiao Li also impulsively activated the Eight Gates of Dunjia.

Then, he rushed straight towards Chen Yiban, who was wearing red armor.

"Oh?"Chen Yiban, who had just taken out the original right eye 'Eternal Kaleidoscope' from the system's internal space, hadn't installed it on himself when he saw Xiao Li rushing towards him aggressively.

"Ha!" Chen Yiban laughed disdainfully.

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