
I saw Kurama with the Sharingan pattern in his eyes, roaring fiercely at the countless Konoha ninjas in front of him and the many Konoha civilians in the distance.

The cold and violent aura in an instant frightened countless ordinary ninjas and made them retreat.

They had no courage to fight at all! The morale of the Konoha ninjas had been completely dispersed.

Some civilians were even frightened by the Nine-Tails and sat on the ground.

It must be said that in terms of scaring people,...The Nine-Tailed Fox is even better than the Susanoo's Perfect Form.

The Susanoo's Perfect Form may be even bigger than the Nine-Tailed Fox!

Maybe the Nine-Tailed Fox is naturally violent and evil!

Just a glance from a distance can scare people to death.

During this period, many powerful people, such as Tsunade, Jiraiya, Gamabunta, Gamahiro, Gamaken, Kakashi, Yuhi Kurenai, Hyuga Hiashi, Nara Shikaku, etc., could not help but feel frightened when they saw the huge Nine-Tailed Fox in front of them.


"Any last words?"

Chen Yiban, wearing red armor, waist-length hair, and a scarlet eternal kaleidoscope, sat cross-legged on the head of the Nine-Tails, smiling at every Konoha ninja and several Myobokusan toads in front of him.

As he spoke, Chen Yiban even held his chin with one hand, which seemed extremely arrogant.

This sense of laziness was amazing!

This small action...

It was like something that had completely plunged the already desperate Konoha people into the abyss.

"Enough, enough, we can't win"

"I don't want to fight anymore, I want to survive, I want to leave Konoha!!"

"I want to leave too. I can’t win! I can’t win at all!"

"I don't want to die, I don't want to die, I can't die..."

I saw that in despair, the psychologically fragile Konoha ninja and countless civilians around him knelt down directly.

"Master, please, don't...Don't kill me."

At this moment, some of the kneeling Konoha ninjas and civilians directly begged Chen Yiban to spare them.

"you....."Princess Tsunade was furious.

However, she wanted to open her mouth to scold them, but she couldn't say anything in the end.

Because: think about it, they didn't do anything wrong!

Who doesn't want to live?

If there is even a glimmer of hope to defeat the enemy, Princess Tsunade believes that these people in Konoha would not want to beg for forgiveness from the enemy so humbly.

Isn't there anything else they can do?

It's really the same old saying: The legendary ninja Uchiha Madara...Too strong!

So strong that everyone on the field felt desperate!!

This definitely included Tsunade, because she also knew that

Chen Yiban was even more invincible now!

The original Chen Yiban was invincible.

At this time, he forcibly unsealed Naruto and controlled the Nine-Tails.

Such an enemy...

Princess Tsunade really doesn't know how Konoha can resist with these demoralized people at the moment.


"Do you really want to kill them all?"

Princess Tsunade seemed to gather her last bit of strength, stepped forward and shouted in a delicate voice.

"Tsunade..."At this time, Jiraiya was very weak and came to Tsunade-ji in time.

"Tsunade girl, little Jiraiya is almost at his limit."Sennin Fukasaku on Jiraiya's shoulder said, looking at Tsunade in front of him.

"Jiraiya."Tsunade came over worriedly to support Jiraiya.

But she found...Jiraiya couldn't even maintain Sage Mode!

And the broken arm, the bleeding had stopped just now. But the battle with Chen Yiban's shadow clone, Susanoo III, made Jiraiya's broken arm bleed again!

Jiraiya was already seriously injured by the sword of the 'Susanoo Perfect Form', and up to this moment, Jiraiya was just holding on.

Jiraiya has tried his best!

It's not that Jiraiya is weak. It's that the enemy is ridiculously strong!

"Tsunade, take everyone away from Konoha....I will stop the enemy!"

Jiraiya was pale but his eyes were determined and resolute.

He was ready to sacrifice himself to rescue the rest of Konoha!

Tsunade did not say anything, but used her hands to circulate the little chakra left in her body to heal Jiraiya.

""Tsunade-sama, please let me do it." On the side, the slug moved to Jiraiya's side and began to use his ability to heal Jiraiya.

In this way, Tsunade-sama stopped the output of medical ninjutsu.



"If you must find someone to exact historical revenge on, then..."

"As the granddaughter of the first Hokage, Senju Hashirama, I am willing to face your revenge alone."

"However, the rest of Konoha are innocent. Hope...Don't kill them all!"

Tsunade came alone in front of the Nine-Tails, and then looked directly at Chen Yiban on the Nine-Tails' head.

"Tsunade..."Jiraiya wants to stop Tsunade

"Innocent people?"

However, Chen Yiban finally spoke up at this time, but he refuted Tsunade's words:

"When an avalanche occurs, what do you think?...Which snowflake is innocent?"

Tsunade was speechless after hearing this.

However, Tsunade still asked unwillingly:"What do you want? Do you really want to kill all the thousands of people in Konoha?" Chen Yiban did not respond immediately. During this period, Kakashi, Jiraiya, Hyuga Hiashi, Nara Shikaku and others did not speak. Because at this moment, except for Tsunade, the fifth generation Hokage, no one else may be qualified to talk to Chen Yiban. And the life and death of everyone in Konoha is at stake.


At this moment, everything is under Chen Yiban's words!

During this time, Chen Yiban sat on the fierce Nine-Tails' head, and then his pair of eternal Mangekyō Sharingan's scarlet eyes kept sweeping over countless Konoha ninjas and civilians in all directions.

Looking at their different postures, but all of them were filled with despair....

"Those who kneel down can stay"

"Those who don't want to obey me can leave"

"Of course, you can try to resist again, maybe you can kill me?"

But, finally, Chen Yiban, who was on top of the Nine-Tails, slowly stood up from the Nine-Tails' head and said this.

At the end, Chen Yiban sneered with contempt!

And how many of the countless Konoha ninjas and civilians from all directions dared to resist Chen Yiban?


"Lord Madara, I am willing, I am willing to obey you!"

"And I am also willing to submit to you, Master Madara"

"And me, too..."

Countless Konoha ninjas who no longer had the courage to resist faced Chen Yiban on the Nine-Tails' head and knelt down directly.

The ninjas all did the same, and the Konoha civilians who knelt down from all directions were even more numerous.

Seeing this scene, Tsunade lowered her head.

She did not blame these civilians and ninjas!

They...In fact, he just wanted to survive!

He was right!

However, for Chen Yiban...Princess Tsunade still wanted to bite him to death!!

And then...

Gradually, more and more Konoha ninjas and civilians knelt down to Chen Yiban on the huge head of the Nine-Tails to show their submission.

During this time, looking at Chen Yiban, who seemed to have killed Uzumaki Naruto and countless Konoha ninjas, Ichiraku's daughter Ayame in the original drama seemed unwilling to kneel down to him. She was so stubborn that she stood straight among the kneeling crowd like a crane among chickens!

Until Uncle Ichiraku came over and forcibly pulled her to kneel down. Ayame still knelt indignantly!

In the end, Princess Tsunade was seen holding the seriously injured Jiraiya with a dim look in her eyes, ready to leave the village of Konoha.

It was not long ago that she had just returned to become the glorious fifth generation Hokage!

But she didn't expect...

Should we say that fate is playing tricks on people?

Princess Tsunade knew that Chen Yiban would definitely not allow her, the so-called fifth generation Hokage, to stay.

So, Princess Tsunade chose to leave!

Moreover, not everyone chose to surrender to Chen Yiban.

Many former Konoha ninjas, such as Kakashi, Nara Shikaku, Yuhi Kurenai, Mitarashi Anko, etc., still followed Princess Tsunade.


"Did I say you can leave?"

But seeing that, with his hands clasped in front of him, Chen Yiban looked at Tsunade-sama with a scarlet smile as she turned around and helped Jiraiya to leave.

Upon hearing this, Tsunade-sama, Jiraiya, Kakashi and others were all shocked!

"you...What do you want?" Princess Tsunade immediately turned around with great vigilance and stared at Chen Yiban who was standing on top of the Nine-Tailed Fox.

‘Is he really going to kill them all? '

Tsunade couldn't help but think in her heart

"You are useful to me. So, you are Hasilama's granddaughter? You can't leave!" Chen Yiban, with his arms folded, continued with a faint smile.

"you....."Tsunade-ji immediately glared at Chen Yiban fiercely.

But she was helpless!

She couldn't beat him!

This was really the other party's decision.

"Why? Why Tsunade?" Jiraiya's face turned pale and he couldn't help but stepped forward to ask

"A wise man will make mistakes even if he makes a thousand plans, but a fool will make a thousand plans even if he makes a few gains. This woman's medical ninjutsu is really good....It 's really good!"

Chen Yiban said with a faint smile.

His right eye's [Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan] is not working properly now. After changing his eyes just now, the Eternal Mangekyō cannot be turned on and off freely....

For Tsunade, a medical expert, this is definitely a piece of cake....Chen Yiban can't possibly not want the [Asura's flesh and blood] stored in a certain grid in the system space, and the [Asura's chakra] contained in it.

So, Tsunade-ji is needed again!

It can be said that it doesn't matter if all the people in Konoha have left now, but Tsunade-ji must stay!!

As for the question of whether she might disobey or take the opportunity to do something small...

Why did Chen Yiban want to kill Shimura Danzo and get his head?

It was because of Uchiha Shisui's Mangekyō Sharingan Kotoamatsukami!!

Again, before Chen Yiban came to Konoha today, he had planned almost everything.

Eight Gates Kai was the first!

Shimura Danzo was the second!

Namikaze Minato was the third!

The fourth...It was her, Princess Tsunade!

He, Chen Yiban, had a clear goal in mind!

And...Anyone who stands in my way will die!!

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