"You are the Uchiha junior, the only Uchiha in Konoha."

Looking at Uchiha Sasuke in front of him, Chen Yiban opened his normal black pupils and said indifferently.

"Yes, Senior Madara, my name is Uchiha Sasuke. Uchiha Sasuke said to Chen Yiban in front of him with a very respectful look.

‘I know you are Erzhuzi! ' Chen Yiban couldn't help but think in his heart.

At the same time:

‘Sure enough, with Izuna...They really look alike. '

Because of Uchiha Madara's memory, Chen Yiban couldn't help but look at Uchiha Sasuke in front of him with a complicated look.

However, Chen Yiban soon recovered his mentality:

"So, you have been waiting for me outside?"

Chen Yiban looked at Erzhuzi in front of him and asked calmly.

""Former clan leader, I want to take you as my master!"

Erzhuzi suddenly knelt down and bowed to Chen Yiban in front of him.

Seeing this, Chen Yiban couldn't help but be stunned for a moment. Take me as your master?

You, Erzhuzi, really know how to do things!


"You call me clan leader?"

Chen Yiban looked at Uchiha Sasuke, who was kneeling down at this moment, with a teasing look in his eyes, and couldn't help but continue:

"What a clever Uchiha junior!"

Hearing this, Uchiha Sasuke was a little embarrassed.

After all, calling Chen Yiban the"clan leader" does have the meaning of flattering and putting Chen Yiban on a pedestal.

However, looking at Chen Yiban's attitude in front of him...

Uchiha Sasuke felt that he was indeed a little too smart!


"Senior, I sincerely hope to become your disciple."

"I...I want strength, I want revenge on someone."

Uchiha Sasuke put his head on the ground and showed Chen Yiban a greater courtesy.

Chen Yiban could guess that the person that Erzhuzi was talking about at this moment should be [Uchiha Itachi]

"Let's go eat first. I'm hungry!"

Chen Yiban did not directly refuse or accept Erzhuzi's apprenticeship.

Instead, he walked past Erzhuzi and walked out of the Hokage Building!

Seeing this scene,

Uchiha Sasuke's eyes flashed with determination, and he immediately stood up and trotted to keep up with Chen Yiban's footsteps.

Then soon, the two of them walked out of the Hokage Building and came to the door outside:

"spot...Lord Madara!" ×2

At the gate outside, two Konoha ninjas were on their daily duty.

When they saw Chen Yiban appear, they immediately looked nervous. They knelt on one knee to salute Chen Yiban!

""Yeah!" Chen Yiban replied calmly.

During this time, he continued walking without stopping until he completely left the Hokage Building.

However, Uchiha Sasuke stopped and looked at the two ninjas on duty who were kneeling on one knee....

Nizhuzi felt that their strength should be no less than that of a Chunin or even an Elite Chunin. They could all be considered strong!

However, in front of the man in front of him,...

What if they were Chunin or even Jonin?

They could only kneel down and submit....die!

‘Is this the absolute strong man! '

Uchiha Sasuke, looking at the back of Chen Yiban in red armor and waist-length hair, couldn't help but feel a little admiration in his heart.

And also yearning!

Yearning whether he could be as strong as the man in front of him at any time?

Thinking of this, Uchiha Sasuke couldn't help but smile which was rarely seen at ordinary times.

Then, he trotted over with more determined steps to catch up with Chen Yiban!

In this way, Erzhuzi was like a little follower, following Chen Yiban's ass closely.......

Konoha, on the streets that have been repaired and rebuilt, continues to have some of the prosperity of the past few days.

At least those who should do business are doing business, those who should sell things continue to sell things, and those who should buy things are buying things.

It's as if nothing happened before!

Of course, it would be even better if the bottomless abyss slashed by [Perfect Form·Susanoo] could disappear.

In addition, the thousand-meter gap kicked out by [Yekai] in the back mountain of Konoha has not been dealt with.

In addition, where did Chen Yiban's more than a hundred"primary draws" come from?

They came from killing people, or beating others down and losing their combat effectiveness, that's how it came about!!

A battle a few days ago...

Not counting civilians, Konoha lost at least 300 ninjas alone.

Among them were:

Might Guy, Asuma Yuanfei, Choza Akimichi, Shikamaru Nara, Neji Hyuga, and many other outstanding ninjas from Konoha.

There were even...Shimura Danzo from the Elders' Council!

Speaking of which, no one knows where the other two from the Elders' Council have been hiding these days.

Chen Yiban thought that when he saw them in the future, he would just use Susanoo to send them to hell.

At this moment, they have walked to the street which has regained its bustling status of the past few days.

Chen Yiban saw that most of the Konoha ninjas or civilians on the street would bow and salute him immediately after seeing him.

However, the fear, terror and hatred hidden in their eyes were...

Chen Yiban could see it!

Thinking back to what Uchiha Sasuke said not long ago,"Revenge’

"Sure enough, it can be inherited...Only hatred!"

Chen Yiban smiled indifferently.

Then he continued to move forward!

During this time, Uchiha Sasuke, who was following closely behind Chen Yiban, also noticed the strange looks from many Konoha civilians and some ninjas around him. Even because they had the same surname, Uchiha, and had the Sharingan, they were still following Chen Yiban....

Some people around couldn't help but even hate Uchiha Sasuke as well!

""Ha!" Uchiha Sasuke smiled coldly.

He didn't care about other people's eyes at all!

Erzhuzi was almost unaffected and continued to follow Chen Yiban.

During this period, Chen Yiban noticed Erzhuzi's state and saw that he faced those people's eyes with disdain....

Chen Yiban couldn't help but smile faintly in his heart:"This kid is actually in a good mood!"...

Finally, after being bowed to and stared at with hatred and fear,

Chen Yiban walked and stopped, and finally came to a place to eat noodles.

Yes, that's right, Ichiraku Ramen!!

"Uchiha, Madara...Madara-sama?"

When I saw Chen Yiban's appearance, Uncle Ichiraku, who was nicknamed"Otsutsuki Ichiraku" by netizens from another world, suddenly looked nervous.

"Hey, what are you doing here?"At this time, Uncle Yile's daughter, Acorus, suddenly stepped forward and shouted at Chen Yiban across the counter.

"Acorus, don't be rude!" Uncle Yile hurried over to cover his daughter's mouth, and apologized to Chen Yiban, saying,"Master Ban, please forgive me."

"Ha, no problem!" Chen Yiban didn't care and smiled.


"Excuse me, is there anything to eat?"

Chen Yiban glanced at Uncle Yile and asked casually.

"Yes, yes, yes, you can eat noodles in the shop."Mister Madara, what flavor do you like?" Uncle Ichiraku pushed his daughter Ayame aside and walked up to greet him.

At this moment, he was afraid that Chen Yiban would be unhappy and then use the foot released by Susanoo to crush his ramen shop.

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