After that, two more days passed....

Although Chen Yiban has already given up the Hokage Building, allowing Tsunade to return to the office of the Hokage Building to continue her duties as Hokage.

However, he still stayed on the rooftop of the Hokage Building these days.

Between heaven and earth, Chen Yiban sits cross-legged day and night! He is indeed doing the final stabilization work of the surging energy in his body after fusing the power of [Otsutsuki Ashura and Senju Hashirama].

And there is...The power of the Samsara Eye was also constantly sublimating.

The power of the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan was also strengthened a lot!

Therefore, Chen Yiban sat alone on the rooftop of the building for two days and two nights.

He was doing the final stabilization work of his own power!

During this period, in the Hokage's office below,

Tsunade looked at the rooftop every time she finished her work....

She couldn't help but let her beautiful eyes show deep resentment.

Princess Tsunade even suspected that Chen Yiban wanted to be above her, the Hokage, on purpose!

Anyway, when Princess Tsunade thought of that guy always on the rooftop above her head, she felt as if someone was looking over her head.


Very unhappy!

The main problem was that no one in the entire Konoha could beat him.

So she could only endure the unhappiness and the feeling became more and more unhappy.

Princess Tsunade even thought about whether to move the Hokage's office to another place!



In the past two days, there is a piece of news that can be considered good news.

That is: Naruto is really lucky and woke up yesterday!

Also, Jiraiya's injury is basically stable.

However, his right hand is indeed gone!...

At this moment!

In the hospital ward:

"Lecherous Immortal, is the village okay now?"

Naruto was lying on the hospital bed, then looked at Jiraiya beside him and asked worriedly

"Don't worry. That guy didn't kill them all in the end. Although we suffered heavy losses, we were not completely destroyed!"

Jiraiya smiled bitterly at Naruto's worries.

During this time, he glanced at his right broken arm, and his expression could not help but dim.

"Lecherous fairy, your hand....."Naruto looked at Jiraiya beside him with concern.

"Well, facing an enemy like Madara, it's a blessing to be alive. It should be difficult to survive without any losses, right? Hahaha."

Jiraiya regained his composure and said half-jokingly

"That damn guy is now staying in the village and refusing to leave?" Naruto said indignantly.

"Don't think too much. In fact, if he hadn't had a trace of compassion in his heart, I'm afraid that all the people in Konoha would have been displaced. I don't know what happened during the Warring States period. Why did Madara say that Konoha owed Uchiha?"Jiraiya, who only had one hand left, touched his chin and said

"Humph, that damn guy must be talking to himself."Naruto hated Chen Yiban, so he didn't believe everything he said at that time.

At this moment:


The door at the entrance was gently pushed open, and Kakashi walked in with a basket of fruits, smiling.

Haruno Sakura followed behind him!

"Teacher Kakashi and Sakura!" Naruto smiled.

"Well, it seems you have recovered well. Kakashi smiled with relief.

"Kakashi-sensei, your Sharingan..."Naruto then noticed that Kakashi's left eye seemed to have been replaced by an ordinary brown eye.

Is the former Sharingan Kakashi no longer in existence?

"Um...Because that Sharingan was taken away by Madara. Then the Hokage helped me replace it with a pretty good eye!"Kakashi said after putting down the fruit

"Is that so?"Naruto nodded slightly.

It felt like everyone had lost something after Madara's attack on Konoha.

Could it be that Konoha really owed Uchiha, so the other party came to collect the debt?...

""By the way, where's Sasuke?"

At this time, Naruto tried his best to straighten up, sat up from the hospital bed and asked again.

During this time, Kakashi helped Naruto sit up, and then heard what Naruto said at this time, but didn't know how to answer.

Seeing this scene, Naruto felt a little bad, and then looked at Sakura Haruno on the side:"Sakura, how is Sasuke?"

Hearing this, he saw that Sakura Haruno on the side seemed depressed:"Sasuke has been in the former Uchiha clan's territory these days, and has not seen anyone."

"Why?"Naruto was puzzled.

About this:

"That day...Shimura Danzo of the Elders' Council showed a whole hand full of Sharingan, and even the right eye was the Mangekyō Sharingan that once belonged to Uchiha Shisui. They were all the eyes of Uchiha......"

"Coupled with Madara's extreme remarks that day, Sasuke...He must have been affected. Maybe he even doubted Konoha and didn't believe in Konoha, right?"

Kakashi sighed helplessly.

The problem was indeed a bit complicated. As a teacher, Kakashi didn't know how to deal with it for a while!

I thought about letting Sasuke calm down for a few days!

"Sasuke..."Naruto had a bad feeling in his heart.

And just at this moment: tah———clatter————

Following the sound of light footsteps,

Uchiha Sasuke, wearing clothes with the Uchiha clan emblem, came to the hospital ward.


Instantly, Haruno Sakura was the first to speak out in joy and surprise.

"Sasuke, you idiot, I'm already in the hospital, and you're only here to see me now."

Naruto immediately smiled happily, and at the same time said with a slight complaint.

Kakashi and Jiraiya were both a little happy to see the three little ones in front of them!


"I am here to sever the ties with you.

Uchiha Sasuke opened his mouth and said

"you...What did you say?"Naruto stared blankly at the door from his bed.

"Sasuke..."Haruno Sakura looked at Sasuke in surprise.

Kakashi and Jiraiya also felt that things were getting serious!

This kid really started to distrust Konoha and the village!

At this time:

"From now on, I, Uchiha Sasuke, am no longer a member of Team 7. Even more, I am no longer a member of Konoha!"

"I am Uchiha Sasuke of the Uchiha clan. Only Uchiha!!"

At this time, Uchiha Sasuke's face was full of determination.

He had made up his mind!

For power, to sever the ties with Naruto, Kakashi, Haruno, and Sakura!!

Everything, in order to gain enough strength to avenge that man.


Konoha really can't be trusted.

Think about the right eye of Shimura Danzo a few days ago, and the whole right hand full of Sharingan....

Uchiha Sasuke wished he had killed Shimura Danzo himself!

And Shimura Danzo was the elders of Konoha Ninja Village!

Could it be that the former Third Hokage really knew nothing about what Shimura Danzo did?


Is it possible?

Hypocritical Konoha!

Hypocritical Will of Fire!!

They are all a group of wolves and tigers who covet the power of Uchiha!!

"So be it"

"We may not be enemies when we meet next time, but we are no longer partners either!"

Uchiha Sasuke said this at last.

He turned around and prepared to leave!

""Stop! Sasuke, are you serious?"

Uzumaki Naruto was so excited that he wanted to get off the bed to stop the two pillars from leaving.

But at this moment, Naruto was still very weak and couldn't even stand up for the time being.

""Sasuke, are you really going to look for that guy Madara?" Kakashi stepped forward and said.

Hearing this, the second pillar paused slightly.


"Shouldn't it?"

"I am Uchiha Sasuke, he is Uchiha Madara. We are all Uchiha!"

The second pillar, with a cold expression on his face, turned back to look at Kakashi.



A pair of 【Double Magatama Sharingan】, I don't know when it has appeared in the pupils of the two pillars.

The magatama is spinning at a high speed!

Until the end...

A pair of [Three Magatama Sharingan], completely stabilized in the pupils of the two eyes of the second pillar

"This is....."Kakashi was shocked

"Has the Sharingan evolved?!"Looking at the dark and evil power in Sasuke's eyes at this moment, Jiraiya looked solemn.

"Sasuke..."Naruto and Haruno Sakura looked at Sasuke in surprise.

"I already...I have completely severed the ties between us."Uchiha Sasuke opened his three-magatama Sharingan and took one last look at the people at the moment.

Then, he turned around and left completely!


Haruno Sakura chased after him, but found that he was no longer in the hospital!......

On the other side!

On the rooftop of the Hokage Building:

After Tsunade had finished her basic duties as a Hokage, she glanced at the time and prepared to go eat something.

When she left, Tsunade glared at the man on the rooftop who was wearing red armor and had long hair flying in the wind.

Chen Yiban kept his eyes closed, feeling, concentrating, and stabilizing the increasingly powerful power in his body.

For two days and two nights, Chen Yiban kept doing this!

And not long after Tsunade left:


A figure jumped up from the wall of the Hokage Building and landed on the rooftop not far away from Chen Yiban who was sitting cross-legged!

"Senior Madara, I have done it."

It was Uchiha Sasuke, who looked at Chen Yiban in front of him with an anxious and expectant look.

"Senior Madara, my Sharingan has reached the level of three magatama."

I saw that Nibashi continued to say to Chen Yiban with a little excitement.

At the same time, he showed the [Three Magatama Sharingan] in front of Chen Yiban. Chen

Yiban felt the power of the pupil after its evolution:


Without moving his body or opening his eyes, he just used one hand to make a faint seal.

The next second, a creaking sound———

A human-shaped wood quickly condensed from Chen Yiban's body and drilled out of Chen Yiban's body.

When it landed, a [Wood Release Clone] that looked exactly like Chen Yiban stood straight in front of Uchiha Sasuke.

"This is...According to legend, the first Hokage, Hashirama Senju....."

The second pillar looked at the [wood clone] in front of him in disbelief.

He couldn't believe that Chen Yiban actually obtained the power of [wood escape].

That was the blood-inherited ninjutsu of the first generation Hokage, 'Senju Hashirama', who was once called the God of Ninja!

How come Senior Madara in front of him also knows it?

It's so sudden!!

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