Looking at Uchiha Madara who seemed a little angry,

Chen Yiban had a blank expression on his face....Lao Yin, like him, has already begun to think about a lot of things!

A plan slowly emerged in his mind.

‘Black Zetsu, you are the mastermind behind this, this time, I will let you...Digging your own grave!!

Chen Yiban actually had a plan in mind...

"you...Who is it?"

Opposite, Uchiha Madara, who was in the perfect form of Susanoo, stared at Chen Yiban with his pair of eternal Mangekyō Sharingan with anger in his eyes. Chen Yiban, who had activated the perfect form of Susanoo like Uchiha Madara, thought a lot about this.

But on the surface, he still had a blank expression on his face!

This made Uchiha Madara feel more and more unhappy!

After all, Chen Yiban was almost exactly the same as him, Uchiha Madara!!



The next second, Uchiha Madara angrily controlled Susanoo's complete form and swung out the Susanoo sword.

In response, Chen Yiban followed suit and launched the same attack, also slashing with his sword! Boom!—————

Suddenly, as the two terrifying Susanoo complete forms of sword light collided, the terrifying energy was like a peaceful weapon exploding in the middle, instantly flattening all the steel buildings in Rain Village within a few hundred meters.

And the strong shock wave was still sweeping in all directions!


Under the impact, countless ninjas and civilians from the Rain Village were blown away by the shock wave.

During this time, Konan and Uchiha Sasuke tried their best to concentrate their chakra under their feet to increase their grip and avoid being blown away by the wind.

At the same time, Konan and Uchiha Sasuke were also confused about the reason for the battle between Chen Yiban and Uchiha Madara, and were extremely shocked.

The scale of this battle...

Too scary!!

Even Konan, who had seen the power of Nagato Uzumaki's Samsara Eye, couldn't help but feel surprised at this moment.

The battle between the two"Uchiha Madara" felt even more terrifying than the power of Nagato's Samsara Eye.

"Everyone, leave the village quickly."

Konan, at this moment, stood up and called on everyone in the Rain Village to leave.

"cough cough..."As he spoke, blood started to flow from the corner of Xiaonan's mouth due to his injury.

"Wood Style: Wood Dragon Technique!!" ×2

After Chen Yiban used the Eternal Mangekyō to directly predict Uchiha Madara's movements, he released the same ninjutsu at almost the same time as the other party.———

The next moment, Wood Style Wood Dragons appeared from the two Uchiha Madara Susano's complete forms.

Then, they rushed towards each other!


In this way, the two wooden dragons roared and fought together again.



Chen Yiban's wooden dragon quickly defeated and destroyed Uchiha Madara's wooden dragon.

Then, he roared and rushed towards Uchiha Madara's [Susanoo·Complete Form] in front of him.———!!

Uchiha Madara, in the diamond-shaped crystal in the sky above Susanoo's perfect form, had a thought. Susanoo's perfect form directly cut the wooden dragon into pieces with one sword!

"Just a fake"

"How can you be stronger than me?!!"

Uchiha Madara seemed very unacceptable.

Indeed, in Uchiha Madara's eyes: Chen Yiban is just a fake, but his strength is far superior to that of the real Uchiha Madara.

Who can accept this?


The next moment, Uchiha Madara shouted angrily.

Then, he drove Susanoo Full Form to charge forward.

Chen Yiban did not retreat but advanced instead, also driving Susanoo Full Form to attack.


Clang clang—————

The two Susanoo swords slashed together.—————

The terrifying shock wave swept in all directions again.

Fortunately, the ninjas and civilians of Rain Village have already fled the village!

Otherwise, countless casualties will occur again!

The two complete Susanoos seemed indifferent to the impact because their bodies were too huge.

The two Susanoo swords were slashing at each other at this moment!

There were also two"Uchiha Madara", both with a pair of Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan, almost face to face staring at each other in front of them.

While looking at each other, the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan in Chen Yiban's eyes suddenly burst into a scarlet glow.

It flashed by!

It felt as if nothing had happened.


Then, seeing that even with the [Susanoo Complete Form], Uchiha Madara snorted coldly.

Then he withdrew the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan, and his eyes turned into a pair of lavender [Samsara Eye].

Seeing this, Chen Yiban did the same, and his eyes turned into the Samsara Eye.

In this way, Susanoo almost disappeared!

And because of the power of the Samsara Eye, the two"Uchiha Madara" were suspended in the sky at the same time.

Face to face!


Suddenly, Uchiha Madara swung the Shura sickle in his right hand towards Chen Yiban.

Chen Yiban held the Uchiha fan and the Shura sickle in both hands, and then looked at the opponent's sickle flying towards him....

Chen Yiban held a round fan and a sickle in his hand, and with a simple swing, he directly deflected the sickle that Uchiha Madara was swinging at him.———

But at this moment, a black object rushed over again.

It was the black stick of the Samsara Eye!

Obviously, the sickle was a feint, and the black stick was Uchiha Madara's move at this time.

However: whoosh———

The black stick went straight through Chen Yiban's body.

But it didn't hurt Chen Yiban at all!

Look at Chen Yiban's eyes again....

One of them has become a lavender Samsara Eye, and the other has become a scarlet Sharingan.

"Hmm?" Suspended in the sky together, Uchiha Madara frowned.

"Oh Bitto's Kaleidoscope ability!"

"You, why would you do that?"

Uchiha Madara looked at Chen Yiban in front of him with a cold gaze.

"How did that guy, after getting Obito's eyes, manage to integrate other people's pupil techniques into his own eyes?"

On the ground, Black Zetsu looked up at the battlefield above, and was also a little surprised.

Chen Yiban's eyes actually possessed Uchiha Obito's [Godly Power·Hollow], which was the ability of someone else's Mangekyō Sharingan.

And at this moment, Chen Yiban's eyes were clearly his own eyes, and he could open the Samsara Eye. But why could he use someone else's Mangekyō pupil technique?

Pupil technique transplantation?

This is unprecedented!!


"It seems like even Mada is no match for that guy."

"How can it be repaired?...Who are you?"

Black Zetsu saw that even Uchiha Madara couldn't beat Chen Yiban, so he clenched his fists and looked angry.———

At this time, Uchiha Madara flew back to the top of the steel building.

"Black Zetsu, what's going on?"

Uchiha Madara looked at Black Zetsu behind him with a questioning look.

"Mr. Ban, about this...I didn't know this before. The other party is really weird!"

Black Zetsu slowly walked out of the shadows and explained to Uchiha Madara.

In response, Uchiha Madara looked at Black Zetsu deeply....

""Take it!"

Then, when he looked away, Uchiha Madara threw the Uchiha fan and Shura sickle in his hand back to Black Zetsu.

He looked as if 'these weapons are no longer effective against the enemy'!

Black Zetsu felt a little guilty when he was looked at by Uchiha Madara, and then after hearing what Uchiha Madara said and seeing the two weapons he had thrown to Madara being thrown back, Black Zetsu reached out to catch them without thinking too much.


But at this moment, a red flash suddenly appeared in front of Black Zetsu.

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