In front of all the members of Akatsuki...

Chen Yiban stepped forward and announced: The leader has been replaced!!

Upon hearing this, all the members of the Akatsuki organization, such as Uchiha Itachi, Kakuzu, Hoshigaki Kisame, etc., could not help but shrink their pupils.

Let's not talk about why there were suddenly two"Uchiha Madara", maybe one of them was a clone.

But, the new leader?

Uchiha Madara?

What's going on?... despair———clatter————

At this time, seeing that Chen Yiban had finished speaking, they had not yet reacted, and only Xiaonan was still kneeling on one knee, [Uchiha Madara] could not help but take two steps forward.

Then, he clasped his hands:

""Who has any objection?"


Madara asked coldly and domineeringly. And



He closed his eyes for a moment, and when he opened them again, a pair of lavender eyes of Samsara still appeared in his eyes!


""The previous leader's Samsara Eye?!"

Deidara, Sasori, Hoshigaki Kisame and other members of the Akatsuki organization were shocked.

Looking at Uchiha Madara with his hands clasped in front of his chest at this moment, looking at the familiar lavender"Samsara Eye", Uchiha Itachi and others may not help but suspect: the previous leader was killed by the two Uchiha Madaras in front of them.

Then the previous leader's Samsara Eye was taken away!

And the power of the Samsara Eye...

Most members of the Akatsuki organization know how powerful it is.

Otherwise, how could Pain Tendou become the leader of Akatsuki? At this moment, the Samsara Eye is in the eyes of the legendary ninja, the former Shura of the Ninja World, Uchiha Madara....

If you ask what happened in Konoha recently, you will know how powerful the legendary ninja Uchiha Madara is.

Now, he has a pair of [Samsara Eyes].

Damn it!

If you are the leader, who dares to object?


"Hey, you two look exactly the same, who are you?"

"Also, where did you get your Samsara Eye?"

"Where is our previous leader?"

Deidara was still unaware of who the two men in black robes were.


"Uchiha Madara!"

"He is the legendary ninja...Uchiha Madara!!"

Kakuzu, who was not far from Deidara, couldn't help but shout with a thin layer of cold sweat on his forehead.

""What?" Deidara was startled.

The next second, he looked at the two men in front of him again and suddenly found that it was like this! It was like this!

Except for the lack of red armor, it was almost exactly the same as the description of Uchiha Madara who easily defeated the Konoha Ninja Village in the recent rumors.

"Uchiha Madara....."Deidara's face also began to become serious.

""Leader!" At this moment, Kakuzu on the side suddenly bowed his head to the two Uchiha Madaras.

Seeing this, Uchiha Itachi, Hoshigaki Kisame, Sasori, and Deidara all looked at Kakuzu.

"Kakuzu, you won't help me get revenge, but you still want him to be your new leader?"

Hidan's immortality is interesting. He was pierced through by the Eight Plate Magatama, but now he used all his strength to pry open the huge Eight Plate Magatama stuck in his body, and then complained to Kakuzu who had already bowed his head.—————

Suddenly, five black sticks flew over.

They immediately nailed Hidan, who had just escaped from the Eight Plate Magatama, to the wall of the underground base.

Moreover, the special power of the black sticks directly restricted Hidan's chakra and strength. He was completely unable to break free and was nailed to the wall by the five black sticks like a pendant! The one who made the move was Uchiha Madara, who had already opened the Samsara Eye.

""So fast!"

Hoshigaki Kisame, Sasori, Uchiha Itachi and the others were all secretly amazed at Uchiha Madara's attack.

"I asked...Anyone have any comments?"

Uchiha Madara clenched his right fist slightly.



The amazing and terrifying chakra suddenly erupted.

The powerful aura instantly suppressed all the members of Akatsuki!

Except for: Konan and Kakuzu!

The others, even Uchiha Itachi, all the other members of Akatsuki were instantly suppressed by the terrifying chakra aura and almost knelt down.

But even if they insisted on not kneeling down immediately, they all looked painful.

Unable to resist!

At this time, if someone wanted to kill them, they would have almost no power to resist.

"this...Is this terrifying chakra the power of the legendary ninja?"

Hoshigaki Kisame insisted, with a bitter smile on his face.

"Motor..."Uchiha Itachi looked a little surprised and puzzled.

Why did the chakra of the two"Uchiha Madara" in front of him differ from the chakra of the Madara he had seen before?

It seemed that the one in front of him gave him the feeling that Uchiha Itachi was stronger!

Is it because the previous Madara now has the Samsara Eye, so...

Uchiha Itachi didn't know at all: the one he met before was Uchiha Obito. Not the real Uchiha Madara!

During this time, Chen Yiban stood behind Uchiha Madara, watching quietly with a faint smile on his face.


Uchiha Madara felt that it was almost time, so he withdrew the chakra pressure at the right time.

At the scene, all the members of the Akatsuki organization felt an incomparable sense of relief in an instant.

"With such chakra and the Samsara Eye, I have nothing to say if you become the leader.

Then, Scorpion was the first to express his opinion respectfully.

"Scorpion Brother..."Deidara looked at Scorpion, who was in the same group with him, and said with a curled lip:"Since Brother Scorpion has given in, then I will join him. Yeah!"

""Chief!" Uchiha Itachi, who spoke very little, only lowered his head slightly and said two words.

"The legendary ninja 'Uchiha Madara' is qualified to be our leader!" Hoshigaki Kisame made an alternative statement

"Hey, hey, hey, you guys are traitors!!"After being nailed to the wall by the black stick, Feidan was still able to speak.

However, basically no one paid attention to him.


"The previous leader wanted to capture the nine tailed beasts and realize a certain plan."

"I don't know, what you mean is..."

Kakuzu looked at the two Uchiha Madaras in front of him, hesitant to speak.

Hearing this, Uchiha Itachi, Deidara, Sasori, and even Hidan who was nailed to the wall, couldn't help but look at the two"Uchiha Madaras" at this moment.

Especially Uchiha Itachi, he wanted to know why Uchiha Madara, who had already conquered Konoha, was now trying to subdue the Akatsuki organization?

In response,

Uchiha Madara turned around and looked at Chen Yiban, then the two smiled at each other and nodded:

"Our goal..." Ninja world! Unify!!"

The two Uchiha Madara said in unison.

Hearing this,

Uchiha Itachi, Hoshigaki Kisame, Deidara, Sasori, Hidan and others at the scene could not help but look at the two"Uchiha Madara" in front of them in surprise. They actually want to unify the ninja world?

Are they crazy?

How is it possible!!

"That's right."

At this moment, Chen Yiban, with a pair of black pupils, suddenly spoke

"Introducing a new member of Akatsuki..."

"Uzumaki Nagato!"

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