At this moment, in the Fire Country's Konoha Ninja Village:


Suddenly, many Konoha ninjas and villagers felt a sudden darkness above their heads on the central street of the village.

It was as if a large dark cloud covered the sky!

"what happened?"

"Is it going to rain?"

Many Konoha citizens raised their heads in confusion and looked towards the sky.

Then, everyone who looked up had their eyes wide open.

"this...What is it?....."On the street, Mitashi Red Bean, who had just bought a three-color meatball and was eating it, looked up with an expression of disbelief.

"in the end...what happened..."

On the same street, in a different location, Haruno Sakura was walking on the street, and then she looked at the sky of Konoha with an expression of disbelief.

"Father, Heaven..."

Hinata Hyuga ran over to find Hiashi Hyuga, but saw that Hiashi Hyuga was already standing outside the yard, looking up in shock.

At this moment, it can be said that almost everyone in Konoha, as long as they were not blind, saw the thrilling scene in the sky at this moment.

An extremely huge meteorite was sinking slowly over Konoha!

No one dared to imagine...What will happen to Konoha when it really falls?

Moreover, can their ninjutsu block this kind of thing?

Why did a meteorite suddenly appear in the sky above Konoha?!!...

Hokage Building, rooftop:

"This is the real boss...."Power?"

Looking at the huge meteorite slowly sinking in the sky above Konoha at this moment, Deidara, one of the members of the Akatsuki organization, couldn't help but exclaimed in surprise.

"The power of the legendary Shura of the Ninja World, Uchiha Madara...Is this also a kind of art?"

The Red Sand Scorpion, who pursues eternity, couldn't help but call it"art" while looking at the huge meteorite that was falling slowly from the sky.

At the same time, he couldn't help but feel scared: if something like this really fell, how many people would be able to survive?

"The Samsara Eye can actually do this...?"

Uzumaki Nagato was very surprised at this moment. Although he could also perform a similar effect of"Chibaku Tensei" when he used the [Rinnegan] before, it was different!

Completely different!

Uchiha Madara's [Tenkai Shock Star] summoned a meteorite from the sky almost instantly.

It didn't need to slowly gather and form like the"Chibaku Tensei"!

"Could it be that the Samsara Eye is really as they said?...Originally belonged to him, Uchiha Madara?"On the side, Xiaonan also raised her head and was very surprised.

She just didn't know how the power of this meteorite after falling rapidly compared with the"Extreme Quantity Detonating Talisman" she had originally thought of.

But she didn't need to think about it: Xiaonan would not survive this move!

At this time:

"Motor! What did you do? Stop it now!!"

Tsunade-sama rushed to Uchiha Madara's [Susanoo 2nd Stage] with her eyes wide open, and shouted in fear.

If this move really landed, Konoha really didn't know how many people would die?


Ninja Technique: Summoning Spirits!!" Jiraiya reacted in shock and immediately summoned the two great toad sages of Myoboku Mountain.———

Soon, Fukasaku and Shima, two great toad immortals, appeared in a white mist.

"this...How, how come it's him again?"

As soon as they arrived, the two toad sages, Fukasaku and Shima, saw the two"Uchiha Madara" figures with a look of doubt. In the previous battle of Konoha,

Chen Yiban's power completely let the toad clan of Myoboku Mountain know how terrifying the power of the legendary ninja"Uchiha Madara" is. At this moment, he didn't expect that he would be summoned by Jiraiya again not long after returning to Myoboku Mountain.

Moreover, how come it's him, Uchiha Madara again!!

In response, Chen Yiban folded his hands and looked like he was watching a show, and then glanced at the two little toads who had just appeared with a smile on his face.

Suddenly, the two little toads, Fukasaku and Shima, couldn't help but swallow their saliva nervously.

Really, it's a super uncomfortable feeling like being entangled by a python!

""Ha!" Chen Yiban, with a pair of black pupils, smiled softly.

With Uchiha Madara doing the work, Chen Yiban knew that he didn't need to work hard!

Just watch quietly!

During this time, because of the nervousness of Uchiha Madara being on the side, the two little toads who had just appeared did not notice the sky above Konoha at this moment.

""I'm sorry to both of you. Please help me enter Sage Mode quickly." Jiraiya looked at the two big Toad Sages in front of him.

""Okay!" Both little frogs nodded and jumped onto Jiraiya's shoulders.

At the same time:

"Little Jiraiya, why are you in Konoha fighting with that living Shura again? It's really deadly!"

"Also, why is it so dark? Isn't it daytime now?"

After coming to Jiraiya's shoulder, Shima Sennin couldn't help but complain.

But he didn't see...

My wife, at this moment, had an expression of disbelief on her face, looking at the sky of Konoha at this time

"this...this....."Until Shima Sennin himself looked at the sky above the Konoha Ninja Village in confusion and was stunned.

"Little Jiraiya, don't tell me...Are you prepared to deal with this kind of thing?"Senjin Fukasaku, I feel numb.

A fucking meteorite is falling from the sky!!

"how come...This is too....."Shima Senren was stunned

"You two, I'm going to enter Sage Mode and use a super-large Rasengan with all my strength to see if I can destroy it. We can't let it fall completely like this!!"Jiraiya said urgently.

Hearing this, the two Toad Sages couldn't help but suppress their shock, and then:���Got it!"

Then, he began to assist Jiraiya in entering Sage Mode!

"The toad from Myoboku Mountain? Ha!"In Susanoo, Uchiha Madara glanced at Jiraiya's situation with a hint of contempt with his pair of reincarnation eyes.

Then he didn't care at all!

""Um, Boss, are we still here?"

At this moment, among the Akatsuki organization, Kakuzu couldn't help but speak out.

Seeing the terrible meteorite falling down from the sky, getting closer and closer, Kakuzu wanted to run away at this moment.

Damn, this power is too exaggerated!!

Not only Kakuzu, Deidara, Sasori, Hoshigaki Kisame and others all looked terrified. They all wanted to leave Konoha at this moment!

That is:

"Hahaha, I am immortal with the power of the evil god!!"

Feiduan, it seems like he deserves a beating.

However, looking at the super scene of the meteorite falling from the sky, Feiduan was stunned for a long time before he reacted.

However, at this time, Uchiha Madara ignored everyone's opinions:

"You can all try to break through!"

"If you really have the ability, you won't be afraid of breaking this one."


"I can still summon the second one!"

Inside the second-stage body of Susanoo, Uchiha Madara said this with a cold and arrogant smile.

Upon hearing this, almost everyone except Chen Yiban looked at Madara in Susanoo in surprise.

Jiraiya, who was in the process of entering the Sage Mode, couldn't believe what Madara said.

And the second...The second one?!!

What a joke!!

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