"Choose, mob!" The two armies faced each other, and Madara-sama led the way to face the tens of thousands of ninjas, shouting out.

Madara-sama folded his arms, stepped on a rock, and his whole body was full of arrogance and domineering domineering!!

A pair of blood-red, strange and beautiful [Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan], even hundreds of meters away, made countless ninjas in the coalition feel inexplicably palpitating.

"That, that is..."

"The legendary ninja, Uchiha Madara!"

"Are his eyes the so-called Mangekyō Sharingan of the Uchiha clan?"

"Such a cold and terrifying chakra!"

On the other side, countless ninjas wearing forehead protectors with the word"忍" on them looked at Madara who was hundreds of meters away. They all felt a huge pressure on them and were so nervous that they couldn't help swallowing.

In this way, the momentum of Uchiha Madara alone overwhelmed the entire ninja coalition!!

"Is that the legendary ninja Uchiha Madara? Are there really two of them?"

At the front of the ninja coalition, Gaara, Mei Terumi and others looked at the opposite side with a little curiosity. Madara was wearing red armor and had long hair down to his waist.

"A mob? I don't know if you'll be easily melted, but you're too arrogant."

Then, Mei Terumi was the first to step forward and shouted back at Uchiha Madara.

"That's right! Madara, no matter how strong you are, you can't defeat the combined strength of so many of us. We now have over 100,000 brave ninjas!!"Onoki also stood up and loudly encouraged morale.

During the speech, he also emphasized the number and bravery of the ninja coalition.

Sure enough:

"That's right, we now have more than 100,000 ninjas"

"So what if he's a legendary ninja?"

"We will fight to the death with all the shadows!!"

"Come on! We are not afraid of you!!"

In the coalition forces, countless ninjas were encouraged by Ohnoki.

Seeing this scene,

"It's really a mob. You made the most wrong choice!"

Uchiha Madara slowly clenched his hands, his expression was extremely cold.

His pair of 'Eternal Mangekyo' eyes bloomed with infinite murderous intent!

"The unification of the ninja world is my goal....Die!"

Chen Yiban also began to slowly step forward under the gaze of Tsunade, Kakashi, Yuhi Kurenai and others behind him.

Since you don't listen to me, I will kill you: afraid, terrified, terrified, and submissive!!!———

But suddenly, when Chen Yiban walked to Uchiha Madara's side, a hand suddenly grabbed them both.


Chen Yiban and Uchiha Madara both looked back at the person holding them with a puzzled look.

At this moment, Uchiha Izuna:

"Nissan, don't let anyone from our side take action."

"I will challenge all the ninja coalitions on the other side by myself!"

Looking at the two Nissans in front of him, Uchiha Izuna said with a smile on his face.

"Is that so?" Chen Yiban suddenly realized, and then smiled faintly and nodded to Quan Nai.

"Izuna, you have just been resurrected and your new Mangekyō Sharingan has just opened......"Uchiha Madara is still worried

"Nissan, your brother is not that weak!" Uchiha Izuna's eyes were firm.

"Is that so? I understand!"Uchiha Madara finally nodded.

"Be careful, Izuna!"Chen Yiban and Uchiha Madara both warned at the same time.

"Ah!"Izuna smiled and passed by.

Then, he took a step and passed by the two Nissans....

Uchiha Izuna's eyes became cold, full of fighting spirit and murderous intent.

"Come and fight. Weaklings who stick together for warmth!!"

The next moment, Uchiha Izuna was alone, facing the 100,000 ninja coalition.

"Arrogant!!"Raikage Ai said angrily

"What a handsome man. Is he also from Uchiha?" Mei Terumi said to herself, folding her arms.

"Boys who don't know manners won't be liked by girls."The granddaughter 'Kurotsuchi' beside Ohnoki suddenly formed a seal.

"Earth Style: Earth Tuan Lingzi!!" The next second, he used chakra to find a sharp rock under the sand and threw it at

Uchiha Izuna who was leading the way.


Uchiha Izuna calmly turned his head slightly to avoid the attack on his face.

"Boss, do you want me to help him?" Deidara came to the side of Ban and Madara, looking eager to try.

"Wait a minute, since Izunai wants to play alone, let him play alone for a while."Chen Yiban waved his hand, rejecting Deidara's move.

"Well..."Okay!" Deidara was a little frustrated.

He also wanted to be the first to go on stage!

On the other side:

"Xi, kill him!"

Raikage Ai glanced at a ninja next to him and ordered

"Yes! Lord Raikage!"The ninja named Xi immediately rushed out with a sharp blade in hand.

"My elder brother didn't let me lead the way. Idiot, bastard!" After two and a half years of practice, Kirabi sang and danced.

"Be quiet. Bi!"The Raikage gave Killer Bi a slap.

At this moment:

"Mangekyō Sharingan·Blood Qifei!!"

Uchiha Izuna slowly displayed a pair of blood-red Mangekyō Sharingan.—————

When the Hidden Cloud Village Ninja named Xi rushed to within 30 meters of Uchiha Izuna, the latter activated the Mangekyō Sharingan Eye Technique.

In an instant, the Hidden Cloud Village Ninja named Xi suddenly paused.


Bang!———Fell to the ground and died

""Xi!" Behind them, many ninjas such as Darui and Omoi from the Hidden Cloud Village exclaimed.

Raikage Ai was surprised and angry:"Asshole, what did you do?"

On the side, countless ninjas of the ninja coalition, looking at Uchiha Izuna on the opposite side at this moment, instantly felt a creepy feeling.

Because: the Hidden Cloud Village ninja named 'Xi', no one knew how he died at this time.

It is only known that he fell to the ground the moment he ran into the enemy's range of 30 meters.

During this period, on the Konoha side, Kakashi, Tsunade, Yuhi Kurenai, Mitarashi Anko and all other Konoha ninjas looked at the back of Uchiha Izuna, and they were all shocked.


What happened just now?

In this regard:

"Mangekyō Sharingan's pupil technique..."

"It is some kind of eye technique of the Mangekyō Sharingan. The range should be thirty meters. Everyone, remember to keep a distance of thirty meters from the enemy in front of you."

"Remember not to enter within 30 meters of him, otherwise...Will die!!"

It was the old Tsuchikage 'Ohnoki' who understood a little bit, and immediately analyzed it and reminded all the ninjas of the coalition.

"The legendary Mangekyō Sharingan's pupil technique is actually...So scary....."The morale of the ninja coalition just rose, but now it all turned into astonishment and horror towards Uchiha Izuna.

On the other side,

Uchiha Madara:"Is this the eye technique of Izuna's Mangekyō Sharingan now?"

Chen Yiban:"A eye technique to control the temperature of the blood in other people's bodies? Interesting!"

Just now, the blood in that 'Xi's body was completely frozen.

Xue Qifei?

This is really a very scary eye technique!!

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