"Asshole, idiot!!"

Killer Bee, who had transformed into a tailed beast, stood up and blasted another tailed beast ball at the arrogant Uchiha Madara and Susanoo. However

, Uchiha Madara thought about it and Susanoo waved the sharp blade in his hand.


The Tailed Beast Ball was cut in an instant, causing it to explode in the middle!


Looking at the invincible [Susanoo] in front of them, Ohnoki, Mei Terumi, Raikage and others were angry and unwilling.

Especially Raikage and Ohnoki, one mastered Dust Release and the other mastered Lightning Release Chakra Mode.

However, facing the perfect Susanoo in front of them, they had almost no power to fight back. Am I still a Kage? How could I be so weak! The ninjas at the scene couldn't help but start to doubt their previous efforts. What was the point of facing the 'perfect Susanoo' at this moment


"Dust Release: Original Realm Separation Technique!!"

Onoki was still unwilling to give up, so he flew into the air and began to use his ultimate move against the huge Susanoo.

However, the light of the Dust Release had just rushed out:

Clang Boom!—————

Susanoo slashed out again.

The terrifying blade light almost instantly destroyed Ōnoki's Dust Release power.

In fact, if Gaara hadn't used sand to pull Ōnoki back in time, the old man would have been chopped off in mid-air.

During this time, Susanoo's blade light passed through the air above his head....

Countless ninjas in the coalition felt as if a giant beast was flying over their heads, and the strong wind hurt their cheeks....


"Ha ha...I am definitely dreaming." Among the coalition forces, some ninjas began to not believe that this moment was real.


Susanoo, with heavy steps, slowly walked towards the ninjas in front.

Almost every step he took would make the countless ninjas in the ninja army more desperate.

During this time, the ninjas and samurai from the four major countries and other small countries looked at the huge Susanoo in full form that kept coming step by step....

All of them looked hopeless and powerless!

Facing this Susanoo's perfect form that could easily cut through the Tailed Beast Ball, what could they do with their strength?

Only powerlessness and despair!...

"Look at my uncle...Tailed Beast Eight Volumes!!"

Suddenly, the tailed beast, Killer Bee or the Eight-Tails, performed a powerful skill, and multiple tentacles wrapped around itself and began to spin at high speed.


Instantly, a huge sandstorm-like storm blew towards Susanoo in front.

The might of it made Uchiha Madara in Susanoo stunned for a moment!

At the same time, the view in front was blocked by the sandstorm!

"Lava Release: Lime Condensation Technique!!" ×

At this time, the Iwagakure ninjas, led by Kurotsuchi and who knew Lava Release, simultaneously released their Bloodline Limit Techniques. Suddenly

, a large amount of gray-white lime-like substance emerged.

"Water escape...!!"

Then, the Hidden Mist Village ninjas, led by Mei Terumi, released water escape techniques.—————

A large amount of water combined with lime-like molten escape, under the cover of the Eight-Tails' sandstorm, rushed directly over the blue giant Susanoo that did not dodge.

"Fire Style...!!"

Then, it solidified quickly after being baked!

For a moment, it seemed to have blocked the movement of Susanoo!

""Tailed Beast Ball!!"

In the end, the seven tailed beasts gathered together to form a huge Tailed Beast Ball as the final killing move.

And it was already formed and shot towards Susanoo at this moment!!

The Tailed Beast Ball was so big that it looked like the moon falling down, and it was not much smaller than the"Susanoo Perfect Form". It was scary just to look at!

"" Hmph!" Uchiha Madara snorted coldly.

Then one of Susanoo's hands broke free from the lime seal and swung the Susanoo sword directly.


The blade flashed out, ready to cut open the giant Tailed Beast Ball!

"Dust Release: Original World Separation Technique!!"

At the critical moment, Ohnoki flew up into the sky again and released Dust Release towards the sword light.

He was ready to offset this attack!

Similarly, Gaara once again used the convenience of sand to control a large amount of sand over there to rush up to resist.

Although it did not completely offset the sword light of Susanoo in the end, it changed the direction of the sword light.

But with a"swish", the sword light flew away.

In this way, the super-large Tailed Beast Ball...Completely in front of Susanoo's complete form!

Although Uchiha Madara had many ways to dodge, such as Flying Thunder God,

Uchiha Madara's eyes in the Eternal Mangekyō glowed with excitement. In the end, even though Susanoo's lower body was sealed by lime, he raised Susanoo's hands and went straight up.


The next moment, under the watchful eyes of the crowd, a shocking explosion occurred. In an instant, it seemed as if the entire desert was shaking violently!

"Nissan...!!"Uchiha Izuna worriedly spoke

"Don't worry, Izunai, that guy won't die under this kind of attack, and he won't even get hurt."Chen Yiban patted Izunai's shoulder and laughed.

Nonsense, Uchiha Madara hasn't even used his Samsara Eye yet, he's just playing around.

However, I guess he's going to get serious too!...

Tsunade, Kakashi, Kurenai Yuhi, Mitarashi Anko, Nara Shikaku and other people from Konoha, at this moment, wished that Madara would die.

But they didn't want Madara to die now!

Because they didn't know if the other people would die as well if one of them died.

Asuma, Uzuki Yugao, Gekkou Hayate, Kai and others hadn't been resurrected yet.

Madara couldn't die at this time!

Therefore, everyone in Konoha had very complicated feelings.

Also, this attack...

The power is so terrifying!

The entire desert seems to be shaking violently as the mushroom cloud appears.

Could Uchiha Madara still be alive?

"Wind Escape...!!"

After the ninjas on both sides used wind escape to disperse the smoke and dust, they saw a huge blue body in a huge pit.

It was indeed the complete form of Susanoo!

It was just that the huge body had some damage!

However, Uchiha Madara in Susanoo was indeed safe and sound.


"you..."You are quite capable!"

Uchiha Madara sneered with his eyes closed as he watched the damaged Susanoo.

During this time,

Susanoo was removed by Uchiha Madara and disappeared bit by bit.

"However, this game...It's time to end it."

After Uchiha Madara said this again


A pair of lavender [Reincarnation Eyes] appeared in his eyes.

"That is....."

"The legendary Sage of the Six Paths...Samsara Eye!!"

"Madara, that bastard, actually possesses the legendary eyes."

Ohnoki, looking at Uchiha Madara's eyes from a distance, couldn't help but wonder.

"Samsara Eye...Does he want to....."Princess Tsunade couldn't help but think of the Heavenly Star.


"Spiritual communication technique: Outer Golem!!"

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