"Deidara, you little bastard, get out of the way!"

Ohnoki looked at his former disciple Deidara and his face turned red with anger.

"Deidara, do you know what you are doing?" Kurotsuchi stared helplessly at Deidara who was standing with the people of Konoha.

""I'm sorry, old man, Kurotsuchi, I want to help you achieve the great goal of unifying the ninja world.""Yes!"

Deidara, holding explosive clay and smiling, continued to block all the ninja coalition forces.

Swish, swish, swish, swish.—————

At this time, thousands of Konoha's elite ninjas also came to the front of the Ten-Tails Sacred Tree one after another behind Tsunade and Kakashi.

Stop the 100,000-strong ninja coalition!

The ninja coalition was originally huge in number, exceeding 100,000.

Although some were killed by Chen Yiban, Uchiha Madara, and the three brothers Izuna, there were still a huge force of about 100,000.

During this period, Ohnoki also secretly condensed chakra and restored his physical strength!

Prepare to launch Dust Release again!

The people of Konoha in front of him, plus Nagato, Konan, Deidara, Hidan, etc. of the Akatsuki organization, only have about 3,000 people.

Compared with the 100,000-strong ninja coalition...

The difference in the number of people is too great!!



Suddenly, countless White Zetsu emerged from the ground.

There were nearly 100,000 of them!!

These 100,000 White Zetsu joined the original Konoha team.

In an instant, the forces of both sides were basically equal!

But in front of the Ten-tailed Divine Tree,...

The desert was filled with White Zetsu and Konoha's ninjas!

On the other side, there was a 100,000-strong ninja coalition.

This made the desert extremely crowded!...

The two"Uchiha Madara" were too lazy to care about other things.

They were constantly gathering the natural energy from the nearby land and air, and then continuously transporting it to the body of the Ten-Tails Divine Tree through the wooden tubes connected to their backs....

On the top of the sacred tree, the buds are blooming visibly, and a huge"Moon Eye" is blooming.

You can almost see a little bit of the red shape of the"Moon Eye"!


"We can't wait any longer. Attack!!"

Raikage Ai, angrily rushed out first.

"Lord Raikage, your injury..."Seeing the injured Raikage still acting so recklessly, Darui couldn't help but speak out in worry.

Then he immediately called on everyone in the Hidden Cloud Village to follow and charge!

""Go ahead, everyone!"

Then, Ohnoki, Mei Terumi, Gaara and others also waved their hands and ordered many ninjas from their respective villages to charge.

"Damn it, just die!!" ×

There weren't many cowards among the 100,000 ninja coalition forces. Soon

, the ninja army charged forward!


"Let me sacrifice you all to the evil god!!"

Flying in the Akatsuki organization, facing the 100,000 ninja coalition forces charging at him, he was not only not afraid, but also extremely excited.

"Come on then!" Hoshigaki Kisame untied the cloth strips on Samehada, revealing a cold smile with sharp teeth on his face.


For Yahiko!!"Nagato made hand seals and Konan used paper escape....

Princess Tsunade lifted her sleeves heroically, ready to unleash her extraordinary strength.

Kakashi slowly raised his right hand and used Lightning Release: Raikiri....Concentrate!

Yuhi Kurenai began to concentrate chakra to release illusions, Mitarashi Anko summoned countless poisonous snakes to swim to the opposite side, Nara Shikaku used shadow escape technique, and the Hyuga clan opened their Byakugan and prepared to use Bagua Palm and even the Heaven-Cursing Technique......

Like this: boom boom boom—————

Soon, 100,000 vs 100,000, fighting together.

The scene was extremely chaotic!

Various escape techniques and blood limit techniques were constantly bursting out.

In an instant, both sides were killed and injured countless times!!


The most bizarre thing is the White Zetsu, because after rushing into the ninja alliance, the White Zetsu can transform into the appearance of the four great ninjas or ninjas from other small countries, blending in and then launching sneak attacks and assassinations.

All of a sudden, the ninja alliance was in disarray!

They began to doubt each other!


The Raikage watched as the people on his side gradually began to doubt each other, and he was angry and helpless for a while.

White Zetsu's ability to change is too strong, and he can even perfectly imitate chakra, breath, smell, etc.

In the original play, if it weren't for 'Jin Ming' joining the battlefield, the ninja coalition would definitely be suspicious of each other.

In this way, how can the 100,000 ninja coalition have the mind to attack the enemy when they are suspicious of each other?

In this battle, Konoha's Tsunade, Kakashi, Yuhi Kurenai and others did their best to help the two"Uchiha Madara" block the harassment of the 100,000 ninja coalition.

Let the two"Uchiha Madara" worry-free and fully gather natural energy for the flowering of the sacred tree

"Don't even think about interfering with the two Nissans!"

""Mangekyō Sharingan·Blood Qifei!!"

During this period, Uchiha Izuna also tried his best to resist the offensive of all ninja coalition forces for his two elder brothers.

The Mangekyō Sharingan performed pupil techniques many times!

The strange [Blood Qifei] made all the enemy ninjas approaching Uchiha Izuna have their blood frozen in an instant.

Then the enemy ninjas fell to the ground one after another around Izuna!

Not long after:


The sacred tree has blossomed completely.

Eye of the Moon...Bloom!!

The sky, the moon slowly turns blood red!

Like this:

"The time has come!"

On the Ten-Tails' head, Uchiha Madara's pair of [Samsara Eyes] couldn't help but reveal excitement at this moment.

"Then, you can start."Beside Uchiha Madara, Chen Yiban looked at him with a smile.

"you..."Uchiha Madara also looked at Chen Yiban at this moment:

"Do you really want to give me the chance?"

"Yeah. Stop talking nonsense!"Chen Yiban folded his arms around���Seeing this


Uchiha Madara took one last look at Chen Yiban, and the next moment:

"Then I won't say any more!"

Uchiha Madara's face hardened.—————

Uchiha Madara and Chen Yiban both jumped up at the same time and left the top of the Ten-Tails where the sacred tree grew.


Uchiha Izuna, seeing Chen Yiban coming back to Konoha alone, couldn't help but retreat to Chen Yiban's side.

"Where is the other Nissan?"

Izuna looked at Uchiha Madara who was still in front of the Ten-Tails and did not come back with Chen Yiban, and asked with some confusion.

"He is going to obtain the strongest power and become the Ten-Tails Jinchūriki!" Chen Yiban patted Izuna's shoulder and explained with a smile.

"Ten Tails...Jinchūriki?" Izuna was confused.

At this time, noticing the actions of the two"Uchiha Madara", both ninja armies had stopped fighting:

"Damn it!" Seeing the sacred tree blossom completely and the moon inexplicably turning red, the feeling of uneasiness in the hearts of Ōnoki

, Gaara, Mei Terumi, the Raikage and others became stronger and stronger.

And Uchiha Madara in front of the huge Ten-tailed sacred tree said:


Ten-tail Coffin Seal...Seal!!

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