The two of them were in a state of panic, and the two were in a state of panic.

Not long after Naruto left with Hinata in his arms, he ran into the Hyuga clan who rushed to rescue Hinata.

"Hinata! Are you okay? Kid, put Hinata down for me!"

Hinata Hiashi looked at the intact Hinata and breathed a sigh of relief, but when he saw Naruto holding Hinata, his mind was immediately filled with black lines and he roared.

Hearing her father's voice, Hinata shyly broke free from Naruto's arms, walked to Hiashi, lowered her head and whispered:

"Father, I'm fine, it was Naruto... who saved me."

"Okay, I know everything. Boy, although it seems that you have bad intentions towards Hinata, I still want to thank you for saving Hinata.

Otherwise, when we arrive, Hinata's Byakugan may have been dug out by that hateful Cloud Ninja."

Hiashi looked at Naruto with a gloomy face, and a trace of gratitude and anger flashed in his eyes.

It turned out that after Hiashi found Hinata missing, he immediately turned on the Byakugan to search.

By observing the clues around, he soon found some clues and concluded that someone had taken Hinata away.

So, he led the Hyuga clan to sound the alarm without hesitation and quickly launched a search.

When they noticed that a fierce battle was taking place not far away, they hurried over.

With the powerful Byakugan ability, Hiashi also witnessed the final battle between Naruto and the Cloud Ninja.

Naruto said solemnly:

"Uncle Hiashi, this is indeed what I should do. The Cloud Ninja is so bold that he dared to steal the princess Hinata of the Hyuga clan and tried to obtain the precious Byakugan ability of the Hyuga clan!

We must not sit idly by and watch this matter. We must report it to the Hokage immediately and let the Cloud Village pay the price for it!"

"Well said, Naruto!"

Hiashi echoed indignantly, with an angry light flashing in his eyes.

Hiashi turned to Hiashi and ordered:

"Hizashi, you lead a few people to stay here and protect the crime scene. The others will go with me to find the Third Hokage and make sure he understands the seriousness of the matter!"

"Yes, Chief Hiashi!"

Hiashi responded without hesitation and quickly selected a few tribesmen to stay and guard the scene.

At this moment, every member of the Hyuga family was burning with anger.

What happened today was intolerable to them - the eldest daughter of the Hyuga family was kidnapped so easily by others!

Although there were some voices of dissatisfaction with the main family in the family, they would never allow this to happen when facing bullying from foreign enemies.

Whether it was the main family or the branch family, they were all people of the Hyuga clan, and they all had common dignity and honor to defend.

In the Hokage meeting room, the atmosphere was extremely tense.

Hyuga Hiashi stood up with an angry face, his voice full of gunpowder.

"Third Hokage! The Cloud Ninja dared to sneak into the Hyuga clan's territory at night and tried to kidnap my daughter Hinata!

This behavior is simply an insult and provocation to our family! We must take action to make them pay for their actions!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen took a deep puff of cigarette and said slowly:

"Hiashi, calm down first. The Third Shinobi World War just ended not long ago. The Cloud Ninja delegation came here to sign a peace agreement.

If the peace situation that has been established with great difficulty is destroyed because of this incident, it will be more trouble than gain. So, I hope that you, the Hyuga clan, can make some concessions and put the overall situation first."

Hearing this, Hiashi could no longer suppress the anger in his heart.

He shouted angrily: "TMD, Sarutobi Hiruzen!! The enemy has already bullied me to my doorstep, and you actually want me to stay calm? I've had enough!"

At this time, Danzo also stood up.

"Hiashi is right. We can't just sit there and watch! Since the Cloud Ninja is so arrogant, let's go to war!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen's face suddenly became very ugly, and he slammed the table hard.

He roared: "Enough! I am the Hokage! I will never allow the war to break out again!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen said, and he didn't forget to glare at Danzo.

Danzo snorted coldly (ノ`⊿´)ノ, obviously not convinced, but he didn't say anything else.

At this moment, Naruto suddenly said:

"Yes, you are indeed the Hokage, but war is not something you can decide alone.

Even if we Konoha give in again and again, as long as the Cloud Village insists on launching

If we start a war, we will not be able to escape and will be dragged into the war again.

Moreover, the Hidden Cloud Village is obviously not here to sign a peace agreement, but has ulterior motives and wants to seize the Byakugan of the Hyuga family! "

Hearing what Naruto said, Hiashi deeply agreed.

"Naruto is absolutely right. This is undoubtedly a naked provocation. We must not just retreat blindly and let the enemy weaken us."

Sarutobi Hiruzen responded after thinking for a moment:

"Okay, let's have someone bring the two cloud ninjas who stayed in the hotel as a cover and see what they have to say about this."


After a while, the two cloud ninjas were finally brought.

Nara Shikaku asked: "How do you explain the kidnapping of Hinata by your Hidden Cloud Village?"

And the two cloud ninjas looked at each other and began their part.

"Where did we kidnap Hinata? Our two cloud ninjas clearly told us that they were going to visit the Hyuga clan. "

"Yes, yes, you killed them, and you dared to frame them."

"You, you, you..." Hiashi was furious when he heard it.

Everyone present was also stunned. They didn't expect that the two cloud ninjas would turn against Tiangang and blame them.

Naruto just wanted to say "I have never seen such a shameless person."

Naruto stepped forward and kicked the two cloud ninjas down. He looked at the two cloud ninjas with a threatening look and said to everyone:

"Why say so much? They must have colluded. We need to use some torture instruments to pry open their mouths."

Sarutobi Hiruzen said: "After all, they are the cloud ninja delegation. It's not good for us to do this. It feels a bit like torture."

Naruto sneered: "What should we do? Let them accuse the Hyuga clan like this? Hokage, ah Hokage, do you know? The people were not killed by the Hyuga clan, but by me."

"What! You killed the people. "

Sarutobi Hiruzen was shocked.

Naruto smiled and said, "Yes, if the Hidden Cloud Village blames me, Lord Hokage, do you want to sacrifice me? Or do you want me to be dealt with by the Hidden Cloud Village?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen was silent. He did not expect that this matter was related to Naruto. Naruto is the perfect Jinchūriki of the Nine-Tails. If Konoha loses the Nine-Tails and has no tailed beasts to support it, Konoha would have been beaten to pieces by other ninja villages.

Konoha can lose anyone, but it must not lose Naruto!

Hiashi saw Naruto taking responsibility and was very grateful to Naruto, and he was full of goodwill towards Naruto.

Soon, Sarutobi Hiruzen weighed the pros and cons and gave orders.

"Shikaku, I'll leave them to you. Do everything you can to pry open their mouths. "

Finally, the two Kumos could not bear the torture and confessed the truth.

Konoha wrote an article overnight to denounce the Hidden Cloud Village, scolding the Kumo Ninja Mission of the Hidden Cloud Village for trying to steal the Byakugan of the Hyuga Clan of Konoha under the pretext of signing a peace agreement.

The Hidden Cloud Village.

Karui stood respectfully in front of the Fourth Raikage Ai, with a hint of nervousness in her eyes.

He held a sealed letter in his hand, handed it to the Raikage carefully, and said:

"Lord Raikage, this is a letter of denunciation from Konoha."

The Raikage took the letter, raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and showed a disdainful smile.

The Fourth Raikage Ai laughed sarcastically:

"Haha, I didn't expect that the old man of Konoha would dare to write a letter of denunciation. I thought he was too weak to say anything! "

The voice of the Fourth Raikage Ai was full of majesty and confidence.

Karui bowed his head and remained silent, quietly waiting for the instructions of the Raikage.

The Fourth Raikage Ai continued: "Tell him to send a pair of Byakugan and the bodies of the people who killed the Cloud Ninja Mission, otherwise, we will go to war."

The tone of the Fourth Raikage Ai was firm and decisive, leaving no room for negotiation.

Karui's heart tightened, she knew that there might be another war.

But she also understood that the decision of the Raikage was unquestionable. She nodded silently and said that she would convey the Raikage's request to Konoha.

As Karui left, the Raikage's eyes gradually became sharper.

He looked into the distance, as if he saw a possible war in the future.

But he was not afraid, because he firmly believed that his strength and the power of the Hidden Cloud Village were enough to cope with any challenge.

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