The sun was shining brightly in the afternoon.

Naruto took Karin to stroll in the busy streets of Konoha Village.

Naruto's face was filled with a bright smile, and he turned to Karin and asked, "Karin, how do you feel about living in Konoha Village?"

Karin answered happily, "It's great! Compared to the days in the Land of Grass, this is simply heaven!

After a while, when my mother recovers, we can settle down in Konoha Village like ordinary people and live a normal life."

Just then, a familiar and energetic voice came, interrupting the conversation between Naruto and Karin.

"Hey, Naruto! You haven't been doing special youth training with me for a long time. Have you forgotten me, your teacher?"

Naruto looked up and saw Might Guy walking towards them with a smile on his face, showing his iconic big white teeth.

When Naruto saw Might Guy, he immediately went forward and responded with a smile: "How could it be, Teacher Guy! I have always been thinking about you. It's just that there are too many things recently, and I can't handle it for a while."

Might Guy patted Naruto on the shoulder and laughed heartily: "Haha, I understand! However, no matter how busy you are, you can't delay training. You know, youth is about unremitting efforts and constant self-challenging!"

As Might Guy said this, he also raised his fist to cheer Naruto up.

Naruto was infected by Might Guy's enthusiasm and grinned:

"No, Mr. Gai, I'm just a little busy recently. This is my distant relative Karin, she just arrived in Konoha, I have to take her around and familiarize herself with the environment, so I can't learn physical skills from you today."

After saying that, Naruto's eyes moved behind Might Guy and noticed Little Might Guy following Might Guy.

"Teacher Kai, this is..."

Hearing Naruto's doubts, Might Guy slapped his head and said with sudden realization:

"Oh! Look at my memory, I actually forgot to introduce you to each other. Haha, Naruto, this is Rock Lee, my favorite disciple I just accepted recently!"

Then, Might Guy turned around and said to Rock Lee: "This is Naruto, he is my chief disciple! What do you think? Isn't he very handsome! Now, go and say hello to your senior brother!"

After listening to this, Rock Lee's expression became very solemn. He first nodded deeply to Teacher Might Guy to show that he understood, then straightened his body and bowed deeply to Naruto in an extremely formal and rigorous manner.

"Hello, Senior Brother Naruto! My name is Rock Lee, please take care of me! If you think the name 'Little Lee' is more intimate, you can call me that.

In the future, I hope you can give me more guidance and help!"

Seeing this, Naruto hurriedly reached out to help Rock Lee straighten his body.

"Oh, Xiao Li, you are too polite! I don't deserve such a gift from you. We are both apprentices of Teacher Kai, so don't be too restrained. We can also be good friends."

However, Xiao Li answered seriously:

"No, Senior Brother Naruto, you are the hero of Konoha Village! Everyone admires you. So, I must express my respect to you in this way. I didn't expect that you are also a disciple of Teacher Kai. It's such an honor!"

Naruto touched the back of his head and showed a gentle smile: "Yes, Teacher Kai is not only a good person, but also a very powerful ninja.

Xiao Li, you must follow Teacher Kai's steps closely with me and study hard!"

After hearing what Naruto said, Xiao Li was so excited that tears welled up in his eyes.

Xiao Li said in a trembling voice: "Naruto, you are so right! Teacher Kai means a lot to me, he is the light of my life!

When I found out that I had no chakra at all, the hesitation and despair really made me unbearable.

However, at that critical moment, it was Teacher Kai who saved me. He taught me carefully and made me understand that even if I don't have chakra, I can still become an outstanding strong man through practicing physical skills!!"

"Xiao Li..." Might Guy was moved after hearing this. He slowly stretched out his right hand and gently patted Xiao Li's shoulder to comfort him.

"Might Guy!" Xiao Li was so excited that he almost jumped up, and tears flashed in his eyes.

Xiao Li hugged Might Guy tightly, and the two hugged and cried.

This touching scene made others feel

They might also mistakenly think that they are father and son, after all, Lee and Might Guy look alike.

After calming down, Might Guy said to Lee with a serious expression: "Lee, I actually have another apprentice named Sasuke. I haven't heard from him these days, and I don't know where he went."

"Sasuke!" Karin's eyes lit up when she heard the name.

At this moment, Naruto opened Kagura's heart eye and instantly sensed Sasuke's existence.

The main reason is that Sasuke's chakra is more unique than others. Now Naruto can roughly sense the powerful chakra hidden in Sasuke's body.

Naruto's mouth corners slightly raised, revealing a smile: "I know where Sasuke is, let's go find him."

After that, Naruto led everyone to the direction of Sasuke.


Naruto led Karin, Might Guy and Lee through the dense forest and came to a remote field training ground.

"Hi, Kakashi!!" Might Guy shouted excitedly before he even got close.

Kakashi looked up when he heard the voice. After confirming that it was Naruto and the others, he jumped down from a big tree and walked towards Naruto and the others.

"Why are you here?" Kakashi asked with a smile.

"Oh, that's right, Teacher Kakashi." Might Guy answered impatiently.

"Sasuke hasn't trained with me for a long time, and I recently accepted a new apprentice, so I wanted Sasuke to come and meet him."

Kakashi nodded after hearing this, showing his understanding. Then, he looked at Naruto, his eyes revealing a trace of concern: "Naruto, how is your recent training progress?"

Naruto smiled confidently: "Hehe, Mr. Kakashi, I feel that I am getting stronger! However, there are still many things to learn and improve."

Kakashi nodded with satisfaction and responded: "Well, keep working hard. By the way, you come here to find Sasuke, do you have any specific plans?"

Might Guy scratched his head and said with a smile: "Actually, there is no special plan, I just want Sasuke to see my new apprentice, and then we will train together and learn from each other's skills."

Kakashi said: "Sasuke, he is practicing in the small pond in front, you come with me."

Naruto and his group followed Kakashi closely and walked towards the pond together.

When they approached the pond, an amazing scene appeared before their eyes.

Sasuke closed his eyes tightly, soaked in the middle of the pond with his upper body naked, and his whole body exuded a strong thunder attribute chakra.

Sasuke melted the chakras into the water and used the power of water to temper his body, thereby using lightning to stimulate cell activity and improve physical fitness.

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