The three-year agreement came as expected.

The Konoha Duel Arena was crowded with people, and everyone wanted to witness this much-anticipated duel.

Xiao Li and Sasuke stood on the duel arena, facing each other.

Xiao Li was wearing his iconic green tights, with clear muscle lines and full of power.

His eyes were firm and focused, and he seemed to be ready to face any challenge.

Sasuke was wearing black clothes, with a cold face, exuding a sense of oppression that could not be ignored.

Kakashi looked at the two people in the field and asked: "Might Guy, who do you think will win?"

Teacher Might Guy said seriously: "Of course it's Lee!"

"Do you really believe that Lee can beat Sasuke?"

"Yes." Might Guy nodded slowly. He has always seen Lee's hard work and growth in the past three years.

"Come on, Sasuke!" At this time, Karin, Ino and Sakura shouted in the audience.

"Come on, Sasuke!" Itachi also brought Izumi to watch his fight with Odoudou.

But there are more people cheering for Lee.

"Come on, Lee!" Might Guy, Neji, Choji, Tenten, Shikamaru, and Inuzuka Kiba all cheered for Lee.

Because of Lee's efforts, they all saw it.

When they get along with Sasuke, they feel that Sasuke is not sociable, and most importantly, he is arrogant and looks down on others. They really want Lee to beat Sasuke up.

Because of Lee, Sasuke has not continued to practice physical skills with teacher Kai in the past three years. It may be to avoid Lee, or it may be that he looks down on the role of physical skills.

Naruto also laughed and said: "Yes, Lee, cheer for me! Beat Sasuke up for me!!"

Sasuke just heard someone cheering for him, especially Nissan's cheering, and he smiled.

Then Sasuke heard so many people cheering for Lee, and his slow smile disappeared. Finally, he heard Naruto cheering for Lee, and he got angry. ╰_╯

Sasuke roared in his heart: "Damn it, Naruto didn't cheer for me, and he cheered for Xiao Li, and asked Xiao Li to beat me up. It's too abominable!!"

Then Sasuke said angrily: "The three-year period has come, Xiao Li, let me show you the gap between us!"

"Sasuke, please give me more advice!!"

Xiao Li took an attacking stance, with his left fist behind his back, his right hand raised, and his eyes firmly looked at Sasuke.

For this battle, Xiao Li paid countless sweat. But after Xiao Li stepped into this duel field, his heart calmed down.

Sasuke took the lead in attacking, rushed towards Xiao Li, and punched Xiao Li.

It's time to start testing the results of his training.

Xiao Li quickly dodged Sasuke's fist, appeared behind Sasuke in an instant, and kicked Sasuke's head with a whirlwind kick.

"So fast!!"

Sasuke was slightly surprised to see that his fist did not hit Lee, then he quickly turned his head and ducked to avoid Lee's kick.

When Lee was about to land, he supported himself with his hands, stood upside down and kicked Sasuke again.


Sasuke quickly used both hands to block Lee's kick, but was still kicked back by Lee.

Lee also took the opportunity to rush towards Sasuke, and kicked Sasuke again while Sasuke was still retreating.

Hit Sasuke in the face!

"Sasuke!!" Karin, Ino and Sakura said worriedly.

"Great! Lee, just beat Sasuke up like this." Naruto, Might Guy, Neji, Choji, Tenten, Shikamaru, Inuzuka Kiba cheered.

Sasuke was kicked by Lee and fell backwards several times before he stopped, half lying on the ground.

Xiao Li stopped at this point and did not choose to continue the combo, giving Sasuke a breather.

Sasuke slowly stood up, and he couldn't help but look up at Xiao Li.

"So strong! He kicked three times in a short time."

Sasuke couldn't help but think of Naruto's words three years ago, "I believe Xiao Li will be able to defeat you one day, at least in physical skills."

However, Sasuke still didn't plan to use ninjutsu now, because he still wanted to defeat Xiao Li in physical skills.

Just to prove that Naruto was wrong.

Then Sasuke opened the two magatama Sharingan and rushed towards Xiao Li confidently, thinking that Xiao Li had no chance of winning after facing his Sharingan.

Sasuke rushed towards Xiao Li, but as if he was stretching his face to be hit by Xiao Li on purpose, he was directly hit by a rising dragon kick by Xiao Li, and was kicked high in the chin by Xiao Li.


So fast! The body has no time to react. "

Sasuke did a backflip in the air and landed softly.

Then Sasuke quickly dodged Lee's kick and blocked a punch with his left hand, but within two or three rounds, Sasuke's waist was hit by Lee's elbow again.


Sasuke spit out a little saliva in pain, covered his waist and retreated repeatedly.

Lee took an attacking stance again and said slowly: "You know, there are two types of strong people: genius type and hardworking type. If your Sharingan is a genius type that inherited the Uchiha bloodline, then I am a hardworking type who endures hardships and works tirelessly to practice physical skills. ”

“Damn it!!”

Sasuke used Lightning Release to activate the cells and fought with Xiao Li again.

This time, Sasuke was able to fight Xiao Li for a few moves, and suddenly there was a muffled "bang".

Sasuke's fist hit a hard object, and Sasuke screamed in pain and covered the back of his injured hand.

Sasuke shouted angrily: "Xiao Li, did you bring any defensive equipment!!"

"No, since this is what hurt you, I'll take it off. "

Xiao Li took off the heavy object he was carrying and dropped it to the ground, making a loud bang. The rocks on the ground could not withstand the force of his free fall and broke.

This scene stunned Sasuke.

Then, Sasuke was angry.

"You TM, you bring such a heavy object to fight me, do you look down on me!!"

Xiao Li jumped up, he felt unprecedented relief, and then took an attacking stance.

"Come on, Sasuke, this is just for training, especially in the past six months, I have been carrying it with me, just to defeat you, not to look down on you.

You'd better use ninjutsu, otherwise there is no chance of winning. "

Sasuke heard that Xiao Li's expression eased a little, and then he heard Xiao Li asking him to use ninjutsu again, which aroused a nerve in Sasuke.

Sasuke gritted his teeth and said stubbornly: "Don't look down on me!!"

Sasuke rushed towards Xiao Li, but he only hit Xiao Li's afterimage, and was kicked in the back by Xiao Li in an instant.

Sasuke was kicked forward by Xiao Li, staggering several steps, and almost fell flat on his face.

Xiao Li once again said solemnly: "Use ninjutsu, otherwise I will end this competition!!"


This time Sasuke finally recognized the reality and knew that he was no match for Xiao Li in physical skills.

Then Sasuke used the Great Fire on Xiao Li. ball.

Xiao Li began to dodge, while Sasuke continued to release huge fireballs, burning the field and reducing Xiao Li's evasive space.

Xiao Li saw that the fire was getting bigger and bigger and the space was getting smaller, so Xiao Li also played his trump card.

"Eight Gates of Ninjutsu Open!!"

"Open the gate!"

"Rest gate!"

"Life gate!"

"Injury gate!"

Xiao Li's veins popped up, and his whole body was gradually wrapped in green gas, and his combat power soared by 3 times.

Xiao Li rushed towards Sasuke quickly, like a green lightning, dodging the fireball, and the fire also gave way because of Xiao Li's momentum and was blown aside.

Sasuke saw Xiao Li burst out with terrifying momentum and rushed towards him, and he tried his best to condense a Chidori also rushed towards Lee, wanting to decide the winner.

All the spectators stood up and watched this last moment with tension and anticipation.

"Lee is in danger!!"

Kakashi and Might Guy shouted. They all knew the power of Chidori. Even if Lee won, he would be injured if he was hit by Chidori.

Just as Lee's fist and Sasuke's Chidori were about to collide, Lee suddenly slid and dodged Sasuke's Chidori like a loach.


Sasuke's chin was hit hard by Lee again, and he flew high up, almost hitting the ceiling like a meteor.

Sasuke lost!

This is He had no strength to fight anymore, not even the strength to turn over, and fell to the ground headfirst.


Itachi hurried down to catch Sasuke.

The winner was decided, and the scene erupted in fierce applause and cheers, as deafening as thunder.

"Great! Lee!!"

"Good job! Lee!!"

At this time, Lee closed the Eight Gates, tears welled up in his eyes, and three years of hard work were not in vain.

Then Lee wiped away his tears and said firmly to Sasuke:

"Sasuke, I said that hard work can surpass genius!!"

Sasuke heard Lee's last words in a daze, groaned, and finally fainted in Itachi's arms.

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