The two of them were killed, and the two of them were killed.

Obito controlled Tobirama and fled with Pein.

Naruto immediately returned to Konoha and greeted his parents with a smile: "Dad, Mom, you continue to guard against Obito and the others here, I will go to meet the first generation."

Minato and Kushina nodded: "Okay, Naruto, be careful."

Then Naruto used Flying Thunder God to break into the Four Purple Flame Formation.

Now Konoha is full of Flying Thunder God Seals, but fortunately Minato improved and created his own Flying Thunder God Seal.

So the Flying Thunder God Seals of Minato and Naruto are not compatible with Tobirama's Flying Thunder God.

Naruto just came in and saw that Hashirama Senju had been sealed by Konoha's people.

But what surprised Naruto was that Sasuke was also here, and he was crying, crying heartbreakingly.

"Teacher Kakashi, don't die!!"

"Teacher Kakashi, I will definitely kill that guy and avenge you!!"

At this time, Sasuke had already opened the three-magatama Sharingan and clenched his fists and was crying.

At this time, Naruto noticed a person lying on the ground. When he got closer, he found that it was Kakashi. He immediately understood everything and a wave of sadness surged in his heart.

"Teacher Kakashi..." Naruto said softly, his voice full of regret and grief.

"Sasuke, don't worry too much, I will try my best to save Kakashi." Tsunade comforted anxiously, and then she felt something and raised her head.

"Hey, Naruto, you're here."


Sasuke turned around with surprise when he heard Naruto's voice, and said anxiously: "Great! Naruto, come and save Teacher Kakashi! We must find Karin as soon as possible!"

"Okay, Sasuke, don't worry, I will do my best to save Teacher Kakashi." Naruto comforted.

Then, Naruto used the Nine-Tails Chakra to merge into Kakashi's body, saving his life, and quickly checked Kakashi's condition.

Then, Naruto quickly took Kakashi, Sasuke and Tsunade away from the Four Purple Flame Formation. He used Kagura's Heart Eye to successfully find Karin and finally saved Kakashi.

Sasuke finally breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Teacher Kakashi wake up, and he didn't even realize that he had opened the three magatama.

Then, Naruto understood the ins and outs of the matter. It turned out that Sasuke was eager to participate in the battle and observe the situation, so he broke into the battlefield at close range.

Later, Tsunade and the Third Hokage were worried that Konoha would be affected by the battle, so they used the Four Purple Flame Formation, which enveloped everyone except Minato and Tobirama, and Sasuke could not escape.

Even so, Sasuke did not directly participate in the battle. Although he wanted to join the battle, he knew his own strength and still restrained himself.

But someone was not happy, and that person was Obito.

Sasuke was watching the battle, and Obito and Kakashi naturally discovered Sasuke's existence.

Obito and Kakashi had been fighting back and forth, and when Obito saw Sasuke, he directly began to attack his mind.

Obito smiled grimly: "Kakashi, that man is your student, right? If I kill him now, will you feel desperate?!"

Kakashi's eyes were full of murderous intent after hearing this, and he said angrily: "Obito, don't even think about hurting Sasuke!!"

Obito was even happier to see Kakashi's rare murderous intent, and he laughed wildly:

"Hahahahaha, Kakashi, the more you care about this kid, the more I want to kill him. It's really pleasant to see your painful expression."

After saying that, Obito's eyes became more fierce, and he was ready to attack Sasuke.

Kakashi was anxious and shouted: "Sasuke, get out of here!"

Obito sneered, and his figure flashed and rushed towards Sasuke.

Seeing this, Kakashi rushed forward without hesitation to block Obito's attack.

While fighting with Kakashi, Obito used words to stimulate Kakashi: "Kakashi, you can't protect anyone, you can only watch them die one by one."

Kakashi felt a pain in his heart when he heard this, but he was not affected by Obito's words, and continued to fight hard.

Obito laughed and said: "Kakashi, you didn't protect Rin well at the beginning, I think you can't protect anything today, you can't protect your apprentice, I will let you taste the taste of losing your loved ones, haha, Kakashi!!"

Then Obito used the hollow to rush towards Sasuke.

"Sasuke, run!!" Kakashi was shocked and rushed towards Sasuke quickly.

Sasuke was shocked: "!!!"

He had just seen Obito's ability and strength

, then Sasuke began to dodge.

But Sasuke couldn't run faster than Obito. Just when Obito's hand was about to touch Sasuke's back, Sasuke gritted his teeth and tried to use Chidori to struggle.

But something unexpected happened.

Obito suddenly turned back and stabbed.

Kakashi saw that Sasuke was about to be harmed by Obito, and he rushed forward with all his strength at the last moment to protect Sasuke.

So Kakashi was caught off guard and ran into Obito's back and stabbed.

"Kakashi teacher!!" Sasuke shouted heartbreakingly.

Sasuke opened his eyes and looked at Kakashi teacher helplessly because he was stabbed in the heart by Obito, and the pain instantly surged in his heart.

At this time, Obito laughed and teased: "Kakashi, I didn't expect that you, a cold-blooded guy, would really risk your life to save your companions."

"Obito, give me your life!!" Sasuke angrily used Chidori to attack Obito.

Obito immediately turned around and held Kakashi in front as a shield.

Obito taunted: "Hey, you still want to avenge Kakashi, but Kakashi died because of you, hahaha."

Obito's words broke Sasuke's defense, completely angered Sasuke, and seriously hurt Sasuke.

"Teacher Kakashi, I'm sorry, I hurt you..."

Sasuke looked at Kakashi's pierced heart, fell into deep self-blame, and was very sad.

Kakashi's eyes were full of anger towards Obito, and he was now unable to speak.

Seeing this, Obito's eyes became complicated again:

"Kakashi, this is my repayment for the Chidori you used on Lin."

Then Obito ruthlessly pulled out the hand that pierced Kakashi's heart, and Kakashi's figure slowly fell down.

Seeing this, Sasuke's mentality was completely blown up.

"Teacher Kakashi!!" Sasuke roared.

Sasuke shed tears and opened the three magatama.

Obito sighed: "Oh, it's opened again, it seems I can't keep you."

Just then, a huge explosion was heard.

Black Zetsu appeared beside Obito and said anxiously: "Obito, it's bad, Pein was defeated by Naruto, let's go."

Obito's face changed. He didn't expect Naruto's strength to be so strong that even Pein was not his opponent, and he was defeated by Naruto so quickly.

"Damn it! Naruto..." Obito gritted his teeth and said.

Then Obito gritted his teeth and said: "No, we still have the last trump card."

Black Zetsu immediately advised: "Don't, this is not the best time, let's go quickly."

Obito frowned and saw the Konoha ninjas who wanted to come to support Sasuke and Kakashi after Hashirama was sealed.

Then Obito looked at Sasuke, who was full of anger, and he chuckled:

"Little guy, next time you come, you won't be so lucky."

Then Obito controlled Tobirama to use Flying Thunder God to escape, and the incident returned to the beginning.


Inside the Akatsuki organization.

Obito questioned: "Black Zetsu, why don't you let me reincarnate Madara."

Black Zetsu persuaded: "Obito, we haven't collected the tailed beasts yet. Now is not the best time. Don't delay our Moon Eye Project because you want to destroy Konoha."

Obito said a little tiredly: "Okay, okay, I understand."

Now that he killed Kakashi, he felt complicated. Now he didn't know that Kakashi was saved.

On the other side, Pein had fallen into a short period of autism.

Because he was directly beaten by Naruto's hard power face to face, he didn't expect that he would lose, and he lost so badly.

Even Konan was captured by Konoha, and the former three-person team was now left with only himself.

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