After returning to the Sound Village, the four began to practice with concentration. This time, none of them said much. They practiced every day, even harder than Hana.

Seeing the progress of Team Hana, Hana shook her head helplessly. After spending a few months with everyone, Hana finally decided to leave the Sound Village alone, because Akatsuki's plan was about to begin.

"Hana, we are not strong enough. When we become stronger, we will definitely go to the Hidden Rain Village to find you!" Tayuya hugged her.

"Well, you have to hurry up and become stronger. I will wait for you in Akatsuki!" Hana hugged Tayuya with both hands.

"Little Hana, you too, take care of yourself. When we meet next time, we will definitely become very strong ninjas!"

"Come on... After peace is achieved, we will come to this place again and continue to live with everyone"

Hana left, leaving the Sound Village where she had stayed for nearly a year. She left happy and warm memories here, but Akatsuki's mission was about to begin, and she should go back.

Three days later.

Hidden Rain Village.

Deidara sat on a long staircase and asked Scorpion beside him softly.

"I say, Grandpa Scorpion."

"Don't you think the recent missions are getting more and more shabby?"

Deidara's expression was a little dissatisfied, and Scorpion beside him also made a low voice.

"Now no matter what the commission is, I will accept it."

"It's all about making money, being a mercenary and fighting in wars..."

"There is no artistry at all."

Scorpion glanced at Deidara and said with approval.

"Yes, I feel the same way."

"Hey, Brother Scorpion, Brother Deidara, hello." Hanane stood on the stairs, wearing an Akatsuki robe, and the mask on her face was pulled to her forehead.

"Hey! It's little Hanane." Deidara was a little surprised.

"How about it, have you prepared the "art" for Uchiha Itachi?"

"That beast, I will kill him sooner or later." Kanon curled her lips. She had a good relationship with others in Akatsuki, even with Kisame, but Uchiha Itachi was the only person Kanon wanted to kill when she met him.

Although she only saw him on the day she joined Akatsuki, she didn't know if she could kill him at this gathering.

"Hahaha, Kanon, don't rush, I want to let Uchiha Itachi see my ultimate art first!" Deidara said slightly ferociously.

Scorpion, who was following Deidara, interrupted him at this time.

"Only eternal beauty is art, Kanon, don't you think so?" Scorpion's neck turned again. This art duo is really... It gives Kanon a headache.

When she thought of Pein asking her to follow these two people, her expression became a little helpless.

"Deidara, don't worry about art for now. Look behind, Hidan and the others are here."

Following the direction pointed by Kanon, Kakuzu and Hidan arrived here.

"You guys are so late..." Deidara said speechlessly.

"I brought a new mission."

"One is to make money, and the other is to fight."

Deidara shook his head and said, "I'm not interested in making money."

"Little Kanon, are you interested in making money?"

"I am interested." Kanon nodded.

"Say it again." Deidara threatened Kanon with a ferocious expression.

"Ahahaha... I'm not interested." Kanon had a black line on her face. Deidara really made her helpless.

"Then Hidan and I will choose to make money." Kakuzu said softly.

Hidan, who was standing next to Kakuzu, also protested wildly.

"Don't make decisions on your own, okay? I'm not interested in money either."

"But someone has to do it!" Kakuzu interrupted Hidan.

"Both Sasori and Deidara want to fight, and Kanon is in their group."

Hidan was stunned. It seemed reasonable to say so. He was furious.

"You bastards, remember this!"

Kanaon wanted to complain that she hadn't said anything yet, but when she saw Sasori's helpless expression, she thought it was better to forget it.

Hidan is quite trendy, but his brain is a bit bad.

Sasori turned around and asked Kakuzu:

"By the way, who are we fighting?"

"This time the target is this country. Because we offended a big country, that big country hired us and prepared to capture it."

"Kanaon, since you are a newcomer in our group, I will open your eyes this time. This is my art!" Deidara laughed and began to rub the clay.

"The eternal beauty without decay is art!" Sasori also refuted Deidara at this time.

"Master Scorpion, we all have our own pursuits in art, let's go do the mission first."

Just like that, Hanane followed Scorpion.He and Deidara flew away.

Looking at the three people going away, Kakuzu turned to Hidan and whispered, "Hidan, it's time for us to go too."

It must be said that being able to fly is indeed much faster. The journey that was originally two or three days is now almost over in a few hours. Sitting on Deidara's detonating clay bird, Kanon also sighed softly.

"It's really fast to fly."

"Is it right? This is just a corner of my art."

"We'll be there soon!"

Scorpion stood at the back, observing the entire country, while Deidara and Kanon had already started analyzing tactics in the front.

Deidara took out three detonating clays from his pocket and handed them to Kanon.

"What is this?"

"This is my ninjutsu, detonating clay explosion."

"When we fly over the position, I say throw, little Kanon, you throw the clay down."

"Oh, I know!" Kanon nodded gently.

Just saying this, they have entered the airspace of this country.

"Kane, now!"

As soon as Deidara said that, Kanon threw it towards the building below.

"There are two more."

As Deidara led everyone to fly over two taller buildings, Kanon threw the clay down, and Deidara, who flew to the center, patted Kanon on the shoulder.

"Well done! Kanon!"

"Next, it's time to witness art!"

"Art is...explosion!"


As Deidara shouted, a terrifying heat wave instantly came out from the three places where Kanon had just thrown the clay, followed by three terrifying mushroom clouds.

Kanon looked at the huge explosions in the three places with a surprised expression.

"This is a fleeting aesthetic, Kanon, how about my art!"

"I am like Brother Scorpion, I don't quite understand your art..." Kanon's mouth twitched.

Looking at the many explosions below, all of which produced huge smoke, Deidara looked intoxicated.

"The prologue is over, it's time to get to the point!" Just as Deidara was about to take something out of his sleeve, Scorpion spoke.

"Deidara, your mission ends here."

"Ah?" Deidara gritted his teeth, slightly dissatisfied.

"Let me and Hanane do the rest."

"Don't be like this, Master. Didn't you just say that you would leave it all to me..."

"Our goal is not to destroy this country, but to occupy it!"

Deidara, who suddenly remembered the mission, scratched his head awkwardly.

"Yeah, that's right."

"Okay, take me to the sky above the inner city."

"Then you can just watch the show from the side!"

Deidara nodded gently.

"Is that so? I'm sorry that I'm the only one who can relax, Master."

"I wish you and Hanane a great start."

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