Hana took a step forward, and the entire ground cracked instantly. Then, a punch pierced through Gaara's absolute defense again and hit him in the abdomen.

I don't know how long it has been. Since returning to Sand Village, he has never been injured again.

At this moment, Hana's powerful punch made him cough up blood.


This punch left a long gully on the entire ground, but this is Sand Village, and Gaara's sand is everywhere.

Hana retracted her fist and looked at Gaara's injury, which was not very serious, with a slight smile on her lips.

"Did you use a lot of sand to ease the impact of this punch?"

"In that case, I will make sure that you can't even use sand."

Hana put her hands on her chest. Around her, countless green energies surged again like a volcanic eruption. This time, Gaara also felt bad. He was about to stand up, but the pain of the punch just now made him stagger and almost fall.

There was no way to avoid it, so he could only fight to the death!

But Kanon on the opposite side would not give Gaara a chance to breathe!

"The sixth gate, Jingmen! Open!!!"

Boom! Suddenly, the terrifying air pressure shattered all of Gaara's sand.

Such a terrifying power even made Deidara hovering in the sky look dull. Kanon could beat the One-Tail into that state with just physical skills. How strong is she, who is usually so cute!


Kanon took a step into the air, and her fists gradually turned into afterimages, hitting Gaara madly. Her high-speed straight fists and the friction with the air produced flames. Yes, it was the Peacock!

Gaara's sand was instantly shattered when it touched the Peacock, and Gaara's body and sand shield could not defend against this move. In less than ten seconds, Gaara lay in a deep pit coughing up blood.

Hana stood there and released the sixth gate. In fact, the sixth gate has side effects, which can be seen from the cold sweat on Hana's forehead, but she no longer cares about this kind of pain.

"Sandstorm Funeral..." Finally, Gaara couldn't bear it anymore. The huge yellow sand directly swallowed up the entire ruins, as if to bury both himself and Hana.

Watching the yellow sand like the sky burying the entire area, even after Hana disappeared, Gaara slowly stood up and looked up at the sky.

Gaara thought he had killed Hana, so he pointed at Deidara standing on the giant bird and snorted.

"Next is you."

"I'm going to bet on the name of the Kazekage and annihilate the "Akatsuki" that disturbed the world!"

But before he finished speaking, a swift Chidori sharp spear from the ground directly pierced through the sand shield and pierced his abdomen.

"Why do you think I'm dead?" Hana's cold voice came from underground, and the flower domain penetrated the sand and broke out of the ground directly.

Blood flowed from the corner of Gaara's mouth, and his expression was still unbelievable. His sandstorm funeral could not cause any harm to Hana at all.

Her body was like a virtual being, passing through the sand.

Deidara in the distance was also laughing at Gaara at this moment.

"Hahaha, this is the wind shadow."

"In this case, let you sand village feel my art!"

Deidara decided to use the killer move, and he also rubbed out a small pigeon, and the small pigeon instantly turned into a huge pigeon.

This is his detonating clay C3 · No. 18! ! !

The huge pigeon doll smashed towards the distance, and Gaara's expression was solemn. He was pierced by the Chidori sharp spear, and he also gritted his teeth and blocked this terrible blow with a huge sand wall.

So that the villagers of Sand Village don't have to suffer this horrible explosion, as expected, the huge explosion was like being bombarded by a missile, and a mushroom cloud rose from the sky above Sand Village.

"Brother Deidara! Isn't it time to show "art" to those who deserve to appreciate it?!"

"Oh, sorry, little Hana, I know, it's true, art is meaningful only when it is released to the strong." Deidara quickly scratched his head and admitted his mistake.

"Don't do it again next time!" Hana pouted.

After Gaara used up his last chakra and moved the sand that defended the entire village outside the village, his mouth corners slightly raised.

"Uchiha Hana... You are indeed a gentle person. If it weren't for you, Sand Village would have..."

"I'm not gentle at all, and don't talk anymore. I asked you to take action just because I didn't want to let the bored weak get involved in this battle."

After the voice fell, the Chidori Sharp Spear was retracted, and Gaara staggered to the ground and fainted.

Deidara landed and was bitten by Hana immediately.

"Hiss! It hurts!"

"I told you not to implicate the weak!"

"I'm wrong, isn't that enough..." Deidara used the giant bird to kill my belovedLuo rolled up and was about to leave the Sand Village with Hanako on board.

Kankuro, who was watching the battle from below, was horrified. He looked at the unconscious Gaara getting farther and farther away from him, and his expression became more and more solemn.

"Has that bastard Uchiha Hanako really joined Akatsuki?!"

"Go and rescue Lord Kazekage!" Someone immediately commanded.

Looking at the anxious ninjas of the Sand Village below, Hanako raised her lips slightly.

"The capture is complete, Deidara."

"Yeah, let's go."

Deidara said, controlling the giant bird and began to fly out of the village.

"Gaara!!!" Kankuro roared.

On the roof below, dozens of crossbow carts had already drawn their bows and arrows, and arrows with huge detonating tags were shot at Deidara's giant bird at a rapid speed.

Hanako knelt on one knee and touched the giant bird.

Suddenly, the flower domain was activated, and Deidara's giant bird became virtual along with Deidara. Dozens of arrows penetrated through, but there was no sense of reality.

"Not bad, little Hana."

"Hurry up, Deidara brother, they are getting anxious."

Sure enough, many explosions occurred in the sky.

"Stop attacking quickly, otherwise it is very likely to hurt Master Kazekage!"

Looking at the detonating clay giant bird in the sky, many Sand Ninjas did not know what Deidara and Hana's purpose was.

"They want to leave the village!" Kankuro saw what the two were doing at a glance.

Deidara on the giant bird sneered.

"Little Hana, Brother Scorpion should be getting impatient waiting."

"Yeah, let's go back quickly."

Hana said, looking at Gaara whose face was as shattered as before. If they fought in the Chunin Exam, she believed that the result would not change.

"Don't even think about running!" Kankuro roared and followed him out.

"Kankurō! Don't be so rash! Wait for the team to set off together."

"If you dawdle any longer, how can you catch up?!" Kankurō just shouted behind him and ran away.

"I'll send someone to chase them right away. Don't go too deep by yourself."

"Yeah! I know!"

It was then that Kankurō realized that Akatsuki was going after Gaara from the beginning.

"These bastards..."

Just as Kankurō was about to continue chasing, the jonin of the Sand Village beside him also caught up.

"We must not let them escape!"


Just as Deidara flew over the border of the Sand Village, the giant bird landed.

This sudden landing made Kankurō sweat coldly. He didn't know what they would do next. Maybe there was an ambush there, but he had to chase them because Gaara was still in their hands.

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