On the roof of the Uchiha Guard, the masked man had changed into brand new clothes, waiting for Itachi to appear.

A gust of wind passed by, and a figure appeared behind him.

"It's over."

"You have a lot of injuries on your body?" Uchiha Itachi looked at the injuries on the masked man in surprise.

"Your sister is really a genius."

"Hana? What happened to her?" Uchiha Itachi was puzzled.

"Nothing, she's dead."

"You... No, nothing, let's go." The masked man whispered to Itachi.

"You go first, I'm going to remind the top leaders of Konoha."

After Itachi finished speaking, the masked man's body was enveloped by a space vortex, and within a few seconds, he had completely disappeared here.

After watching the masked man disappear, a note was left from the space distortion.

Itachi walked over and picked up the note, and suddenly his legs softened, he collapsed to the ground, and his pupils shrank suddenly.

Because this note was left by Hana, written to him and Sasuke.

The content of the letter was: "Itachi, Sasuke, I'm going to watch the moon. I've heated up the food. There are your favorite three-color dumplings and Sasuke's favorite salmon. PS: Remember to teach us to practice shuriken tomorrow!"

Looking at such a letter, Itachi thought of Kanon who was killed by Obito, and he struggled and suffered infinitely in his heart, but he had made a choice and there was no way back.

After threatening Danzo not to attack Sasuke.

He went to meet the Third Hokage in secret.

Sarutobi Hiruzen said to Uchiha Itachi: "In this way, Konoha avoided civil war."

"The village has kept peace."

"Yes." Itachi half-knelt on the ground, looking like he was obeying orders.

"But I still feel very sorry, and I'm still thinking, is there really no other way?"

"I'm very sorry..."

Listening to Itachi's apology, Sarutobi Hiruzen felt bad.

"I am the one who should apologize. From now on, Konoha will treat you as a traitor who killed a clan member."

"Issue a wanted order and hunt you down regardless of life or death."

"What are you going to do next?" Sarutobi Hiruzen asked.

"This time I borrowed the help of an organization called Akatsuki."

"In order to prevent them from breaking the agreement, I stayed with them to monitor them."

With that, Uchiha Itachi left in an instant.

Only the third generation Hokage, Sarutobi Hiruzen, was left in the place with melancholy.

"Where there is light, there will be darkness. The world cannot function normally without anyone. This is reality..."


Unconsciously, two hours passed, and Hanako was finally able to move.

She slowly walked down the cliff by climbing a tree with chakra.

Hanako dragged her heavy body and walked with a staggering step. Every step seemed to fall.

Finally, after an hour of trekking, she finally arrived at the Uchiha clan.

But everything here made Hanako feel terrified and nauseous. She kept vomiting until she vomited out everything in her stomach, but she couldn't get rid of this fear.

The ground was full of corpses without eyes, some of which were Uchiha people she knew.

Countless blood was still flowing, and the smell of blood was overflowing, but Hanako had no time to care about the appearance of these people. Everything the masked man described happened in front of her eyes.

Hanako, who had a bad premonition, took a step regardless of everything, and the corpses around her all lost their eyes.

At this moment, the one-magatama Sharingan in her eyes opened unconsciously.

She refused to believe what the masked man said until she came home.



"Sasuke brother..."

Hanako's voice was very weak, but no one responded after all.

Her breathing became more and more rapid. She searched every room, even the secret room where the tatami was opened, but she still couldn't find any trace of her parents.

There was only one room, and there was nothing in that room, just an empty room.

Hanako pushed the door open with both hands, and they were there! She raised her head excitedly, because her parents seemed to be inside, and she had seen a trace of their clothes.

But the next moment, what was reflected in Hanako's red magatama was the bodies of Uchiha Mikoto and Uchiha Fugaku.

Sasuke was no longer there.

It happened.

Everything was as the masked man said, and when the truth was in front of her, everything was powerless, and Hanako felt that her "world" collapsed.

The flower field in her heart was broken!

The most cherished parents, the most cherished brother, are all dead.

Hanako originally had a lot to say to her parents, and wanted to tell Sasuke and Itachi that she had defeated a very powerful opponent.

But nowShe couldn't utter a word, and Hana's body was shaking to the extreme.

Her favorite parents died at the hands of her elder brother who treated her best.

"What happened, Itachi-san."

"Why did you do such a thing... You promised me that you would practice shuriken with Shisui-san and me..."

"We clearly made a promise..."

In her mind, countless images surged, but none of them shocked Hana as much as the scene in front of her.

Hana's heart was like being cut by a sharp blade, and she felt tens of thousands of knives piercing through her body.

She couldn't understand why fate treated them so cruelly, why it took away the person she cherished most.

Hana's pupils shrank, and even the magatama of her Sharingan was so sad that it deformed. Countless blood threads spread around her Sharingan, and two bloody tears flowed from her eyes.

She couldn't understand this kind of thing, couldn't understand everything in front of her, as if this world and the flower field she thought of in her heart were separated at this moment...

Uchiha clan, when the Sharingan is impacted by extreme emotions, the Sharingan will evolve.

In Hanako's pupils, the single magatama Sharingan slowly rotated, followed by the two magatama, but the dizziness came again, and the Sharingan in her eyes rotated again, three magatama, no, it hasn't stopped yet!

At this moment, Hanako's eye magatama rotated again, turning into a blooming rose pattern, this is the Mangekyō Sharingan!

Mangekyō Sharingan

In her eyes, blood and tears flowed from the corners of her eyes, and the scarlet blood reflected the extreme pain in her heart.

At this moment, Hanako... How deep is your pain?

"I don't admit it!"

Hanako screamed to the sky, the whole person seemed to collapse, veins popped, the body was suppressed to the extreme, and trembled madly.

"What on earth is this place?! I won't admit that this is the flower field in my heart!"

Suddenly, countless cherry blossom petals flew out from Hana's right eye, and wherever the cherry blossoms touched, in addition to black flames, time and space were distorted.

Feeling that time had slowed down a lot, Hana trembled and took steps, wanting to pick up her mother's body, and her trembling hands wanted to touch her mother's body, which was already cold on her father's body.

But the whole trembling hand passed through Mikoto's body, which scared Hana. Her despair and pain were no less than anyone else, and the rose shape of the kaleidoscope in her eyes kept shaking.

Hana's bleeding hand desperately touched the faces of her mother and father, wanting to feel a trace of temperature, or a trace of breath, but their bodies had already stiffened and their blood had dried up.

Finally, she stood up with a trembling body, and said with a somewhat crazy expression: "Ah, I understand, I am not in the flower field, I may be... in hell..."

Hana looked forward, and the scenery in her eyes was no longer her former home, but a world formed by one colorful flower field after another.

Crystal clear flowers and bright flowers grow together, which is beautiful.

"This is the real flower field..."

Hana shed tears of blood and moaned in pain.

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