
The huge explosion startled all the monks in the temple.

"What happened? Someone broke through the sealed iron wall."

"Go and report to Master Dilu!"

Looking at a group of bald monks, Feiduan was furious.

"It seems that they are all guys who don't want to convert to the evil god cult."

Some monks noticed the coats of the three people.

"The coats of these three people are the legendary..."

"No mistake, it's [Akatsuki]!"

Feiduan, Hanane and Kakuzu walked into the temple.

In a Buddhist temple, a monk sat cross-legged in the middle, with a relic in his hand, and seemed to be silently reciting Buddhist scriptures.

"Master Dilu, there is an intruder!" A monk said anxiously.

"Who is it?" Dilu's voice was very calm, as if he didn't care at all.

"It's [Akatsuki] people."

Hearing that it was Akatsuki, Dilu frowned, and his eyes gradually became solemn.

"I knew they would come." Thinking of this, Di Lu also shouted to the monk behind him and gradually stood up.

"I will go to fight, and the others will cover me!"

The three of them stood in place, and dozens of monks from the Fire Temple in front of them looked at Hana, Kakuzu and Hidan with serious eyes.

At this moment, they separated a road.

In the middle, a monk in a white cassock came out, and on his trouser legs there was the same symbol of the Twelve Guardian Ninjas as Asuma.

"Another monk who seems to be highly respected has come out." Hidan said sarcastically.

"Not only is he highly respected, but he is also on our bounty list." Kakuzu looked at Di Lu coldly.

"Who cares what kind of monk he is! Brother Hidan, go ahead! Bite him!" Hana pointed at Di Lu and shouted with a smile.

"Hey! Xiao Huayin, what do you think of me!"

"Brother Feiduan, his head is worth 30 million taels of reward!"

"Hey! You guys are really greedy for money!"

"If you treat a monk like this, he will go to hell!" Feiduan pouted with dissatisfaction.

"The judgment of hell is also determined by money, which is more than I can ask for." Kakuzu said indifferently.

"I am already in hell, and I don't care anymore." Huayin yawned as she said this.

Di Lu, who was far away, came over and whispered to the three people: "I don't know what you three want to do, please go back obediently."

"Don't you want to kill people in vain?"

"But my sect doesn't allow that!" Feiduan raised his sickle and smiled evilly at Di Lu.

Kakuzu also began to remind Hidan not to underestimate the enemy, and whispered to Hana and Hidan:

"The Fire Temple in the Land of Fire is a very famous ninja temple. Legend has it that the monks in the temple can use special powers known as the talents of the immortals."

"Especially the one with a bounty of 30 million taels was once an elite ninja selected as one of the Twelve Guardian Ninjas to protect the Daimyo of the Land of Fire."

"The loin cloth with the emblem of the Land of Fire is the best proof."

"Is it very powerful?" Hidan said with a slight raise of the corner of his mouth.

Listening to Kakuzu's explanation, Hana just stroked his mask disdainfully, and then took out the Kusanagi sword from his waist.

"Twelve Guardian Ninjas? It seems that Asuma-sensei is also one of the Twelve Guardian Ninjas." Hana said with a flat expression.

"Don't underestimate the enemy, little Hana, Hidan, you will die."

"I told you, you shouldn't say this to me." Hidan complained helplessly.

The Kusanagi sword in Hanako's hand flashed with blue lightning.

"Then let me prove that no matter who it is, they will be eclipsed in front of Uchiha!"

Hanako's three-magatama Sharingan appeared immediately.

Dilu was stunned. With the three-magatama Sharingan, he instantly recognized that this was an Uchiha.

"Uchiha? If I'm not mistaken, you are the only Uchiha girl alive in the world, Uchiha Hanako, right?"

"Is this your last words?" Hanako ignored Dilu and rushed directly towards Dilu.

Seeing that Hanako moved first, Hidan and Kakuzu also rushed towards Dilu.

Dilu made a Buddhist gesture with his hands, and ethereal music seemed to appear beside him. Behind him, a Thousand-handed Avalokitesvara formed by golden chakra appeared.

"What is that?!" Kakuzu was surprised, but Hanako, who was in the front, had already analyzed the principle of the opponent's Thousand-handed Avalokitesvara.

"It doesn't matter, just charge forward!" Feiduan shouted.

Immediately, Hanane's Kusanagi sword was caught by Dilu with his hands, and the lightning of Chidori Blade had little effect on Dilu.

But Hanane turned his body, did a somersault in front of Dilu, and immediately kicked Dilu in the neck with a whip kick.


The powerful blow surprised Dilu.But the Thousand-armed Avalokitesvara behind him was faster, forming a golden chakra fist to attack Hana at super speed.

But the next moment, Di Lu was stunned, and the golden fist actually penetrated through Hana's body.

As if he had expected it, the moment Hana pulled back her legs, she kicked again and flipped backwards. During the flip, she had already formed a seal.

"Fire Style: Phoenix Claw Red!"

Hana spewed out a huge flame, and in that huge flame, several shurikens were hidden and rushed towards Di Lu again.

"The people of the Uchiha family are really difficult to deal with." Di Lu curled his lips, stepped back several steps to avoid, and Fei Duan and Kakuzu rushed over instantly.

"Angry Vajra." Di Lu whispered softly as the two rushed over.

Kakuzu punched Di Lu, but was blocked by Di Lu, and the golden chakra instantly knocked Kakuzu out.

Looking at Kakuzu being knocked out, Fei Duan's skills were extremely agile.

"Got it!!!" Fei Duan shouted, and chopped the sickle towards Di Lu's head.

But he was still beaten by the angry King Kong in the sky, and the red chakra fist kept hitting Fei Duan.

In the end, Kakuzu and Fei Duan lay on the ground together, and only Hana was left standing.

Looking at the two falling, the angry King Kong was also released by Di Lu

"I will hold a funeral for the three of you." Di Lu said softly.

"You should keep it to yourself." Hana, wearing a mask, actually put the Kusanagi sword into the scabbard at this moment, ready to watch the show.

Just when Di Lu was a little confused, a voice came from his side.

"Who would accept a pagan funeral? It will be punished by the evil god."

"I'm so angry that I was beaten like this."

"Then I can abide by my precepts, little Hana." Fei Duan asked.

"It's up to you, brother Fei Duan, the next battlefield belongs to you." Hana chuckled.

Kakuzu, who was lying on the ground at the moment, also reminded Hidan: "However, this guy's body can be exchanged for money. Be careful that the body can be identified."

Hidan propped up the sickle, stood up, looked at Dilu, and said with a somewhat ferocious expression:

"Trade your life for money?"

"That's not what a human would do, really."

"Kanako, Kakuzu, you are not allowed to make a move next time."

"I'll take care of this guy!"

Hidan dragged the sickle and rushed towards Dilu.

Dilu was also furious. What did the three people on the opposite side think of him!

"Dilu of the Fire Temple will never lose to you crooked demons!"

"Come and meet him, Thousand Hands Kill!"

The Thousand Hands Guanyin appeared behind Dilu with chakra, and formed a golden chakra fist in front of him and attacked Hidan at high speed!

The horrible explosion made Feiduan stagger and fly backwards, but Feiduan was also very fast. In less than a few seconds, the sickle had scraped Dilu's thigh.

"It hurts! You bastard!"

Feidian, with many bruises on his body, was finally knocked to the ground by a fist.

Dilu didn't care about the wound on his thigh at all.

"It looks like it's over." Hana muttered.

"Well, it's almost done." Kakuzu also nodded slightly, agreeing with Hana's statement.

"End? What are you kidding?!" Dilu was a little puzzled.

Sure enough, at this moment, Feiduan stood up again, pierced his arm with a sickle, and a stream of blood gushed out of his body.

Then he licked Dilu's blood again, and then used the blood to draw a formation formed by a circle and a triangle on the ground.

"Self-harm?" Dilu frowned.

Suddenly, Feiduan's skin turned black, and a white outline like bones appeared on his cheeks and body.

This is his curse: Death by Blood.

"You bald bastard, it hurt just now! Let me let you have a taste of this pain too."

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