Seeing Hanako's name again, Naruto was overjoyed, and he looked at Sarutobi Hiruzen with surprise.

"Grandpa, can we go in?"

"Yes, but don't make loud noises." Sarutobi Hiruzen reminded Naruto, fearing that he would disturb others.


Sarutobi Hiruzen opened the door of the ward, and Naruto's little head came in from behind Sarutobi Hiruzen.

Sasuke's bed was empty, and the scene below made Naruto's pupils shrink suddenly.

The sun shone in through the half-open curtains, sprinkling on Uchiha Hanako's pale but still delicate face. Her forehead was wrapped in a white bandage, and bloodstains seeped out from the edge of the bandage.

Her long hair was scattered on the pillow, in sharp contrast to the scars on her cheeks. Her body was also wrapped in thick bandages, and mottled bloodstains were faintly visible.

She is like a flower in the hand. Although she has suffered from the ravages of the storm, her loveliness and beauty still quietly bloom in every breath she takes.

Naruto was depressed and walked to Hana's bed with Sarutobi Hiruzen.

"You should have heard about the Uchiha at school."

"Well..." Naruto nodded, his lips trembling, as if he was speaking up for Hana.

"Uchiha Sasuke was the only Uchiha who survived."

"Or rather, he was not cleansed by the genocide at all."

"And his sister, Uchiha Hana, must have suffered horrible torture and finally risked her life to survive."

"But she had too many wounds on her body. If she had been discovered a few days later, she might have died."

Naruto walked to Hana's bed. Her face was the same as before, cute and moving.

But the bandages wrapped around her body seemed to destroy such beauty.

"Grandpa, how long has she been in a coma?"

"Almost two days..." Sarutobi Hiruzen didn't know how long she had been in a coma, but it was at least one day.

"Okay, let's go out and let her rest."

After Naruto and Sarutobi Hiruzen walked out slowly, no one noticed that Hana's quilt had passed through her left hand and disappeared, but she still showed no signs of waking up.


Hana's heart was suffering from a storm.

She believed that all this was true, her own brother killed her parents.

Such a thing made Hana unacceptable. She kept thinking about the bits and pieces with her family from birth to now. She dreamed of thousands of scenes, but the ending of each one was that her parents fell in a pool of blood.

"Dad... Mom... Why do you leave me here alone..." Hana ran forward, wanting to throw herself into the familiar arms again.

"Hana, I'm sorry, Dad and Mom can't accompany you anymore." Uchiha Mikoto and Uchiha Fugaku gradually walked away.

No matter how hard she chased, she couldn't catch up with the two.

"Dad! Mom! Don't leave me!"

"Don't leave me!!!"

With a cry, Hana's eyes suddenly opened.

The severe pain in her body made her unable to move. The scarlet three-magatama Sharingan in her eyes emitted a red light, which was particularly dazzling in this dark room.

She looked at the dark ceiling and felt the breathing sound from the bed next to her. Tears flowed down her cheeks from the corners of the scarlet three-magatama Sharingan.

Hana knew that her parents were no longer in this world. She had lost everything, and the flower field in her heart was gradually empty.

A feeling of suffocation rose from Hana's heart. It was the longing for her parents, and hatred also emerged in her heart. She hated Uchiha Itachi. Why did her brother do this!

She turned her head slightly and looked at the boy in the bed next to her. She was stunned.

After she left home, she was unconscious and didn't know what she had done. She just went to the secret room of the shrine and hid with lifeless eyes.

At that time, Hana was not aware of reality and dreams. She thought she was the only one alive in the clan. Even when Sasuke found her, she just thought it was a dream and cried to him aggrievedly.

But now, her second brother, Uchiha Sasuke, was lying on the bed next to her, breathing evenly, obviously asleep.

Hana looked at her second brother, and the tears that had just been relieved fell again.

The feeling of surviving a desperate situation cannot be described in words. Only hot tears can express this feeling of encountering rain after drought.

Her second brother, Uchiha Sasuke, is really still alive. She is not the only Uchiha clan member left.

She just looked at her brother without saying a word.But there was some warmth flowing through his heart.


In the morning, the first ray of sunlight shone into the ward through the window, and Sasuke rubbed his sleepy eyes.

A new day began, and Sasuke rubbed his eyes again. This time he rubbed his eyes to make sure that he was not seeing things wrong.

Every time he came to this ward, the first thing he saw was Hanako in the next bed, just to confirm whether she had woken up.

She leaned on the bed, like a light flower in the water, her deep eyes reflected the rising sun outside the window, and her face looked particularly beautiful in the dim light.

Hanako's black and beautiful long hair was casually scattered on the pillow, but this was enough to prove that she had woken up.

After noticing the movement of the next bed, Hanako turned around following the sight of the rising sun and looked at Sasuke.

But at this time, despite how painful her heart was, Hanako still forced a smile.


Hearing Hanako's voice, Sasuke was stunned. For some reason, tears flowed from his eyes. Only the two of them were left in this world...

He walked gently to Hanako and whispered to her, "It's all my fault. I'm sorry for making you suffer..."

Looking at her brother, who was one year older than her, with tears in his eyes, Hanako reached out to hug him. Suddenly, a huge pain came from her body, and she gritted her teeth.

Seeing this, Sasuke quickly helped Hanako lie down.

"Hanako, wait for me to call a doctor for you."

Three minutes later, several nurses and doctors rushed in and began to change the dressing for Hanako.

Hanako was grimacing in pain, but she never uttered a word of pain.

Perhaps compared to the pain in her heart, the feeling of being torn apart is insignificant.

After Hanane's dressing was changed, the Third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen also came in. He looked at Hanane's awakening appearance and wanted to ask how she survived.

But he couldn't speak for a long time, because Hanane in front of him was just a six-year-old child, and it was so cruel to keep thinking about such a horrible and bloody scene.

In the end, he just comforted Hanane and expressed his deep sorrow.

"If you have any difficulties in the future, tell grandpa..."

In the end, Sarutobi Hiruzen left the ward after leaving only this sentence.

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