In Konoha Village, it was raining heavily. Tsunade was looking at the direction of Otogakure, as if waiting for Danzo's return, but she was more looking forward to Jiraiya's safe return.

At this moment, the drizzling rain fell, soaking all the streets of Konoha Village.

In the Hokage's office, Tsunade was staring out the window in a daze.

"The annoying rain keeps falling." Tsunade said softly.

"If it's Jiraiya-sama, nothing will happen."

"That sama is quite..." Shizune was interrupted by Tsunade just as she was about to comfort him.

"That guy won't come back."

Shizune was stunned, but got Tsunade's naughty smile: "This is how I bet."

"Because I always lose when I bet..."

"So that's what you mean..." Shizune smiled and left the Hokage's office.

Only Tsunade was left alone in the office looking at the rain.

Tsunade remembered what Jiraiya said that evening.

"Men become strong after being dumped."

"If you don't have the courage to make dumping a joke after dinner, you won't be a man."

"And happiness is not what men pursue."

Thinking of this, Tsunade raised her lips slightly:

"He only knows how to play it cool."

"It's about time he stopped playing it cool after coming back."

The Hidden Rain Village.

Jiraiya, who has entered the Sage Mode, has two toads assisting him, one is Master Fukasaku and the other is Granny Shima.

The two leaned on Jiraiya's shoulders, and behind Jiraiya were several corpses of Pein.

After performing the Sage Technique Frog Scream

"In this way, I have made a choice."

Jiraiya, who was walking forward, was slightly stunned.

Behind him, Shurado appeared behind Jiraiya.

"Don't take it lightly, but you taught me that, Jiraiya-sensei." Pein's voice came out, and the moment Jiraiya was about to turn his head, a terrifying explosion occurred instantly.

Jiraiya was smashed and flew away, his left hand had been cut off by Shurado.

"Boy, your left hand was..." Granny Shima reminded Jiraiya hurriedly.

"I know!" Jiraiya gritted his teeth, and Lord Fukasaku was also confused at this time.

"What's going on?"

"It's different from the faces of the three people just now."

"I'm afraid this was also summoned by the summoning technique before!" Jiraiya frowned and explained.

In the distance, Pein's voice came.


Suddenly, six figures emerged and stood in front of Jiraiya.

"Pein Six Paths, here to see you!" Tendou standing in the middle said lightly.

"Six people, there are actually six people?!" Fukasaku was shocked.

Granny Shima seemed to know what this was at this time.

"Hey, look, the three people we just killed are here too!"

"Maybe the newly summoned guys resurrected them in some way."

"How could there be a ninjutsu that can revive three completely dead people..."

"Are these guys really human?"

Listening to the conversation between Fukasaku and Shima on his shoulders, Jiraiya finally spoke: "Pain, who are you..."

Tendo, who was standing in the middle, spoke: "Pain refers to the unified name of the six of us."


"All six of us have the Samsara Eye!" Jiraiya's pupils shrank as he spoke, because in front of him, the appearance of Tendou made him very familiar.

"Is it Yahiko?"

"What's going on! Isn't Yahiko dead? And those eyes!"

Listening to Jiraiya's question, Pein said lightly: "Do you see the shadow of Yahiko in me?"

"As expected of my former teacher."

"But Yahiko has been dead for a long time, and the one standing here is Pein."

Jiraiya was furious.

"I've heard enough of that nonsense! Why do you have the Rinnegan?"

Shinsaku beside him asked in confusion; "What's going on, little Jiraiya."

"One of my former disciples was among them."

"But that child doesn't have those eyes."

Listening to Jiraiya's words, Granny Shima was also confused: "What's going on? There are actually two children of prophecy among them."

"No...that's not right!" Jiraiya began to think about the various events of this battle.

At this time, Jiraiya finally realized that because of the existence of the Rinnegan, he had a preconceived notion that the original animal was Nagato.

But after a closer look, there was no chakra he was familiar with, and none of the six people looked like Nagato.

But there was also a person among them who looked like Yahiko and had Nagato's Rinnegan.

Is it Yahiko or Nagato? ! This question echoed in Jiraiya's mind.

"What the hell is wrong with you!" Jiraiya shouted.

"We are Pein, we are God." It was Tendō who responded to Jiraiya.

Immediately, the six paths of Pein rushed towards Jiraiya together. 、

"Little Jiraiya! Retreat!"

The six people attacked Jiraiya, but Jiraiya had only one target, Tendō who looked very much like Yahiko!

"Yahiko, why do you have Nagato's eyes!"

"Even if you know this, you can't defeat us." Tendō's faint voice came out, with coldness and murderous intent.

Tendō threw Jiraiya out, and then Shuradō instantly connected the missile.


After coming out of the flower domain space, it was already outside the Hidden Rain Village.

"Little Hana, you just fought with Uchiha Itachi, you consumed too much. Although the chakra is fine, your pupil power has almost reached the limit!" Xiaonin's reminder came out and echoed in Hana's ears.

"So what!" Hanako ran towards the Hidden Rain Village with all her strength.

"If I slow down a step because of my body, I will never forgive myself!" Hanako ran very fast, ignoring the gradually blurry eyes and the few wounds on her body.

Jiraiya is her master and one of the most important people to her. Hanako can't accept that Jiraiya died here.

Jiraiya promised that he would win, but why did Black Zetsu's information say that Jiraiya was about to die.

Impossible, Jiraiya is so strong, Hanako ran faster and faster, as if if she slowed down a little, she would be separated from her forever. There were tears and blood in her eyes, and the white long sleeves with the Uchiha and Ryuchidong emblems were already a little torn.

Hanako was dusty, but her face was still so delicate. At this moment, she had no time to care about other things.

Jiraiya's appearance appeared in her mind. He was like her grandfather, paying attention to her. Thinking of this, Hanako ran faster and her body turned into a residual image.

A pink lightning seemed to be constantly shuttling through the Hidden Rain Village. This was Kanon's figure. She didn't want to see the person she cherished leave her again.


The Six Paths of Pain stood on the water surface. After the Animal Path was pulled underground, its breath disappeared.

Even the other Pains didn't notice it.

The Animal Path under the water fell into the toad's barrier. His foothold was about to disappear. Seeing this scene, the Animal Path also jumped up in one step, which just happened to hit Jiraiya's trajectory.

Granny Shima used her tongue to hang Jiraiya up, and the Rasengan flew out of his hand.

Jiraiya gasped for air. He finally killed a Pain.

"Well done, little Jiraiya." Fukasaku shouted.

But before Fukasaku could say more, the Animal Path pulled out its hand in the gastric juice, and a long black stick stabbed directly at Jiraiya.

Jiraiya stretched out his hand to block, but the black stick directly pierced Jiraiya's right chest.

This was the counterattack of the Animal Path, and it was after this attack that the Animal Path collapsed to the ground.

Jiraiya coughed up blood.

"Did I finally kill one person by dragging him into the barrier?"

Jiraiya broke the stick that pierced his hands and chest, but the effect of the Samsara Eye came again.

"The chakra in my body is disordered..." Jiraiya groaned in pain.

"Is it because of this?" Fukasaku said as he pulled the black stick off Jiraiya's shoulder.

But at this moment, Jiraiya closed his eyes and was thinking about the information in his mind.

"That face, that guy is undoubtedly Yahiko..."

He recalled the battle just now, and his thoughts became more and more confused, but one thing that confused him the most was what happened to Nagato, who swore to protect Konan and Yahiko at that time.

At this time, the forehead protector on the Animal Path slipped off, and a wound on it shocked Jiraiya.

The memories of his early years kept running in Jiraiya's mind. Yes, he remembered this person!

Jiraiya had fought with this man in front of him when he was young, and the scar on his forehead was caused by himself!

At this moment, Jiraiya thought of the prophecy of the Great Toad Sage again.

"You are the one guided by the reformer, and one day you will be forced to face a huge choice."

"In the dream, you traveled around the world and wrote books."

Thinking of this, Jiraiya was stunned, and he seemed to understand Pain's secret.

"I will go to those guys again because there are things that need to be confirmed."

"Please go back, both of you."

Hearing Jiraiya's decision, Granny Shima was also shocked.


"No, you will definitely be killed this time."

"The number of eyes has increased again, and the barrier trap cannot let the opponent fall into it again."

"Now thoseThe guy hasn't noticed this place yet, so if you want to escape, now is the only time!" Fukasaku yelled at Jiraiya.

"Although you might be killed if you go out now."

"But maybe you can get to know the enemy's true identity."

"If you miss this opportunity, there will probably never be anyone who can get so close to Pein again!"

"The only chance to know the truth is now!"

"Now is the time of choice as predicted by the Great Toad Sage."

"Brother and sister, please take back the information about Pein so far and this body of Pein."

"Then tell Tsunade..." Before Jiraiya finished speaking, Fukasaku interrupted him.

"It's enough to leave this matter to the child's mother."


Shima seemed to understand what Fukasaku meant, jumped off Jiraiya's shoulder, sucked Pein's body into the scroll, and left.

"You have to come back before dinner. "

"After this, I will go back to eat with little Jiraiya." Fukasaku said with a smile.

Jiraiya nodded slightly: "Thank you very much, both of you..."

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