After these words came out, Kakashi and Sakura were stunned. Sakura realized what she had been saying before, how important Kanon was in Naruto's heart.

Naruto could actually sacrifice his life for Kanon, and tears flowed from her eyes again.

Kanon said nothing, and it was useless for Naruto to say anything now.

Looking at Naruto's smile, Kanon felt that he was laughing at her, laughing at her previous weakness, laughing at her previous softness, and laughing at her failed past.

"After the war starts, I will kill you, Naruto."

Kanon snorted coldly, and immediately threw a Rasengan in her hand towards Naruto. The huge explosion instantly shook Naruto away and fell into the wall.

"I won't change my mind! I don't intend to understand you."

"I've had enough! I will complete the Moon Eye Project. Only in that world will I not lose everything I care about!"

"The only one who will die is you, Naruto."

"To die...die together...Kane."

"I'm too lazy to reason with you anymore. You don't deserve to listen." Hanane snorted coldly, turned around, and a rose vortex gradually appeared behind her.

"Kane, you are the first person in the world to recognize me. I will not give up on you and Sasuke."

"Enough, Naruto!" Kakashi stopped Naruto.

"Leave Hanane to me. You still have the great dream of becoming Hokage. There is no need to be buried with Hanane."

"How can someone who can't even save his companions become Hokage? Leave Sasuke and Hanane to me!" Naruto said firmly.

Sakura looked at Naruto's resolute expression and wiped away the tears from her eyes. As a member of Team 7, she could not do anything or say anything until now. All she could do now was to trust the two of them.

"I know, Naruto, I'll leave Hanane to you. Sakura, I'll leave my body to you." Kakashi walked forward.

"What are you going to do, Teacher Kakashi."

"I'm going to get rid of Madara here!"


Suddenly, a space appeared directly in front of the masked man, but was stopped by the masked man waving his hand.

"Stop, Kakashi."

"Such a technique is ineffective against me."

Kakashi was stunned, because his Kamui had no effect on the masked man.

"Let's go, Hanane."

"Madara, I have something to ask you later."

"I know, let's go first."

Suddenly, the rose vortex swallowed Hanane, and Zetsu disappeared. The masked man was also swallowed by the space vortex, and the three of them left here immediately.

Although blood was flowing from the corner of Naruto's mouth, he was smiling as the two left.

"Kane, come anytime. Maybe I can't forgive you, and I'm not your opponent, but... I will die with you." Naruto said softly.

"But Kanon is different now..." Sakura said with her head down.

"Even so, Kanon is still Kanon!" Naruto smiled and praised the two.

"Is Kanon still Kanon?" Kakashi nodded helplessly.


After arriving at Akatsuki's base, Kanon and the masked man walked slowly.

"What do you want to ask?"

"What is my stupid brother doing?"

"He wants to gain strength and is preparing to transplant Itachi's Sharingan."

"Does he finally want to become stronger?"

"Well, he has overused his Susanoo."

"Let me transplant it for him. Although he is one of the bastards I hate and the person Itachi cherishes the most, I don't want him to die."

Shinobu has taught Kanon how to transplant. Now she is qualified to help Sasuke transplant the Eternal Mangekyō, and she is indeed worried about the masked man.

"Why?" The masked man asked with a little doubt.

"Because he is my only relative."

"I want him to live, and wait until the day when our Infinite Tsukuyomi is activated, so that he can immerse himself in that perfect dream world!"

"Let him reunite with his best brother."

"But in that world, maybe my existence is not needed."

Kanaon said, and walked in with the masked man.

"By the way, Izumi's Sharingan and body are inside. I'll give it to you later."


One day later.

In the Flower Domain space, the fourth crystal coffin emerged, and Uchiha Izumi's intact body was placed here.

Looking at Izumi's closed eyes and the wound on his forehead that had been repaired by Hanayone, Hanayone burst into tears. Thinking of Izumi's smile and the way he cared about her before he died, she staggered to her knees.

Hanayone no longer knew how many tears she had shed since she was born, but looking at Izumi's body, she reallyIt is hard not to feel sad.

Although Izumi was killed by the masked man, even if she survived, she would definitely be killed by Uchiha Itachi. This is also indirectly caused by the corruption of Konoha. The masked man, Uchiha Itachi and Konoha are all related.

"Sister Izumi, you have worked hard all these years... Sleep in this warm flower field."

A warm breeze blew, and the white flowers around flew up, and the petals floated in front of her eyes along Hanayon's surging black hair.

This scene is beautiful, but also lonely and distressing, but Hanayon can't kill the masked man now. After all, there is still the Fourth Ninja World War. After completing the goal expected by Xiao Shinobu, the masked man will be killed by her.

After coming out of the flower domain space, Sasuke, who was already blind, lay on the stone bed. At this time, he had been anesthetized and fainted.

"Are you here?"

"Well, how is Brother Kisame doing?"

"Because of the arrival of the Raikage, the capture of the Eight-Tails failed."

"What?!" Hana stood up, and just as she was about to let go, she was pulled by the masked man.

"He is not dead, the mission was successful, and the mission I arranged for him to sneak into the enemy to steal intelligence."

Hearing this, Hana nodded slightly, and she said to the masked man with a serious expression; "Give me his location, I will save him in a critical moment."

"[Akatsuki] can't sacrifice anyone anymore." After Hana finished speaking, she also looked at the masked man indifferently, waiting for his reply.

"Okay." The masked man was helpless. Hana had already regarded [Akatsuki] as a family. In fact, he himself did not want to lose a member of [Akatsuki], so they had the same goal.

"In that case, Kanon-chan, I have one more thing to ask of you."

"What is it?"

"I need Nagato's Samsara Eye."

"Brother's Samsara Eye? Are you going to use it to activate the Infinite Tsukuyomi?"

"Yes." The masked man nodded.

"Okay, I'll discuss it with Sister Konan when the time comes."

"Let's get started, transplant eyes for this guy."

"Well, but what are you going to do by sending a few shadow clones to the major ninja villages?" The masked man nodded.

"Just let them feel a little pain, and make some preparations before the war."

"I will never forgive anyone who dares to be an enemy of Uchiha!"

"You are trying to get back at Sasuke."

The masked man chuckled and shook his head. Although the brother and sister in front of him had broken up, they still cared about each other's life and death. This might be a family.


The Hidden Cloud Village.

Ai and Killerbi were walking, while Darui was carrying a person wrapped in white cloth, who was Xi who was killed by Hanane.

At this moment, many ninjas in the village came here to welcome the Raikage.

"I'm back!" Killerbi was carrying Samehada towards the Hidden Cloud Village.

"Master Bi!"

"Oh! Omoi! Karui! Long time no see!"

"Are you still energetic, relaxed, and cheerful?" Killerbi smiled.

Omoi had tears in his eyes: "How is this possible! You suddenly left the village! How worried everyone is!"

Karui held a different opinion.

"It's enough that you came back alive."

Sackcloth walked in front of the Raikage and said to the two with a smile; "Master Raikage, you've worked hard, and we can bury the body." Sackcloth bowed.

"It's urgent. Call a meeting based on the Five Kage Talks immediately."

Darui was helpless. He wanted to take a break, after all, he was also seriously injured.

"It will be even harder next..."

"What...what are you talking about?" Omoi was a little confused.

"I heard it's the Fourth Ninja World War."

"Forming a ninja coalition." Darui said lightly.

The Raikage on the side raised his hand and said to everyone solemnly: "I'll tell you in detail at the meeting."

"Also, we must hold talks with the daimyo."

"I will ask for an audience for you." Ma Buyi bowed his head and said to the Raikage.

At this time, above the Hidden Cloud Village, Deidara was flying over with Hanane's shadow clone.

"Little Hanane, can we really show our art down here?"

"Don't worry, Deidara, you can show it here as you like." Hanane showed a twisted smile at the corner of her mouth, and a strong murderous intent came out in her empty eyes.

These bastards from Kumogakure actually dared to attack her brother. Even if that guy is trash, he is still a member of Uchiha. Kanon will never allow Uchiha to be humiliated.

"Although you want to make those people feel pain, using my art is indeed a feasible solution, but now you are a shadow clone, can you really do it?"

"Well, Deidara, I will give you a chance to use your art, and then you can retreat. Thank you very much this time for making five clay giant birds for me.""Of course not. What's the point of talking about gratitude between us? Do you need me to help you kill Sasuke? How dare that guy do this to you."

"No need, Deidara. Your art will only shine during the Fourth Ninja World War, right?"

"That's right. I have to prepare well." Deidara sneered.

"Are you ready? Start making Kumogakure feel pain."

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