
A terrifying sandstorm rushed directly towards the four shadows.

"Oh? What a spectacular sandstorm." Hozuki Gengetsu nodded.

"This is the power of the One-Tailed Shukaku!" Luosha understood it immediately.

He slapped the ground with one hand, and countless gold sand surged and rushed towards the sandstorm.

"Gold sand..." The third generation Raikage is worthy of being a shadow-level strongman. He understood Luosha's power in an instant.

"So that's it, you can use magnetic escape to control gold sand."

The storm generated by the golden gold sand collided with Gaara's sandstorm, and the yellow sand surged, stopping the sandstorm in the distance here.

"Stopped?" said the third generation Raikage.

"Gold sand is heavier than sand. As long as gold sand is mixed into the sand, the movement of the sandstorm can be slowed down, or even offset." Hanako raised the corner of her mouth slightly.

"Good analysis, Hanako." Hozuki Gengetsu nodded.

"When the Shukaku of Sand ran wild, I used this method to stop the sand." Luosha said lightly.

"It's just one tail, but I'm defeated." Hana looked up at the sky and smiled coldly.

In this sky, Gaara stood on the sand and looked down at the five people below.

"It's not Shukaku, but Gaara?" Luosha was a little surprised.

"Today's official battle, I will not show mercy, Gaara." Hana shouted.

"Neither will I!" Gaara nodded and stretched out one hand. The sand stretched out countless hands and grabbed the thighs of the three shadows.

Hana's figure was blurred, and the sand had no way to deal with her.

She slapped the ground with one hand, and a huge earth wall appeared where the sand bound the three shadows.

"Earth escape·Earth flow wall!"

The huge earth wall engraved with many flowers instantly cut off Gaara's control over the three shadows, and the four shadows looked up at Gaara in the sky.

"Above?" Wu saw Ohnoki's hands clasped together, and a white light cone emerged.

"You've lived quite a long time! Ohnoki!"

"Is it thanks to the Dust Release?!" Wu also released the Dust Release at this time.

"Dust Release: Original World Separation Technique!"

A huge white light lit up, and the surroundings began to collide, and the entire area began to collapse.

"And me, old man Ohnoki!" Hana shouted, and she put her hands together, and a white light cone was released.

"Dust Release: Original World Separation Technique!"


"What?!" Ohnoki was shocked. Hana's Dust Release was even more powerful than what he and Wu performed.

The insertion of this force made both of them fly backwards, and everyone in the field except Hana was stumbling and rolling.

"Uchiha Hana, I didn't expect you to..." Wu was a little surprised.

"The surprise is still to come." Hana took a step back, and quickly formed seals with both hands. In just a moment, a huge fireball like a meteorite blasted towards Ohnoki.

The speed was too fast. Ohnoki had just released Dust Release, and now he couldn't dodge it.

"Old man Ohnoki!" Gaara shouted, controlling countless sand to resist.

However, Hana raised the corner of her mouth slightly, and pink eye shadow appeared at the corner of her eyes.

"Senjutsu: Inorganic Reincarnation."

Hana waved her arm, and Gaara's sand instantly collapsed. Yes, she was actually controlling sand at this time.


Before being hit, Ohnoki forced himself to hit, and barely touched the edge of the fireball.

But this kind of fireball, even the edge was shaken away by Ohnoki.

"So powerful..." The former four shadows looked at Hana, and they all swallowed their saliva.

"Only 15 years old, but he has such strength, the young are formidable." The third generation Raikage Ai said lightly.

"The one who just released the Dust Release, could it be that kid Ohnoki, the disciple of Wu? It's like he traveled through time and space." Hozuki Huanyue complained.

But at this moment, Hanako stepped into the rose vortex, and when she came out again, she was already on a huge mountain hundreds of meters away.

Although Hanako was in charge of the front battlefield, as the leader of the enemy generals, she should hand over the battlefield to the four shadows for now. She also wanted to see what the ninja coalition was planning.

"Father, long time no see." Gaara said lightly.

"Gaara, where is Shukaku?!" Rasa asked.

"That thing is gone."

"I am no longer the Jinchūriki created by my father!"

Seeing Gaara like this, Rasa also told Gaara the truth about his mother and uncle.

Rasa felt more and more guilty. He called himself a failed father, but Karura was really a great mother.

It was she who accompanied Gaara's growth in the form of sand. That power was enough to protect Gaara for a lifetime.

It was also she who watched Gaara become the independent Kazekage he is today.

Gaara burst into tears after knowing the truth.

Luosha looked at the sand-shaped figure behind Gaara.Karura nodded with relief.

"Even if she died, she still believed in you and protected you."

"She helped you get here."

"She gave you the life of a Kazekage, gave you friends, gave you bonds with your sister and brother, and other things."

"She gave you everything I took away."

"As a father, all I did was to hurt you."

"No, I'm not qualified to be your father."

Seeing this scene, Hana's eyes turned red for some reason. She didn't make a move, but just pulled down the fox mask on her forehead, covering her delicate face. The three magatama in her eyes rotated and looked at Luosha and Gaara who were confronting each other in the distance.

No matter when, Hana's thoughts for her relatives and companions always exist. Although it has been a long time, she also misses her father and mother, and wants to see the smiles of those people again.

But now, she has nothing left, nothing left, as if she is the only one left in the world.

Gaara in the distance was crying and whispered to Rasa.

"Mother is really amazing."

"This is the first time I have received medicine from my father since she gave me it."

At this moment, Rasa finally untied the knot in his heart.

"Gaara, you..."

"You have long surpassed the previous Kazekage..."

"The village is in your hands, Gaara!"

The gold dust fell, and Rasa was successfully sealed by Gaara.

Hana, however, held her chest with both hands, wearing a fox mask and looking down.

"Is the Impure World Reincarnation sealed? It's rubbish, the other three Kages, let me see your strength."


At the same time.

At a lake, the white-haired Nagato was supported by Uchiha Itachi.

"Uchiha Itachi, I will not forgive you for what you did to Hana..." Nagato shouted to Uchiha Itachi who was supporting him.

"Indeed... I can't forgive myself either..."

"Only before death can one see clearly what kind of person one is..."

"Hana was originally a strong, kind and peace-loving child... It's all my fault..." Uchiha Itachi lowered his head.

"Alas, we are all dead... I don't know if Konan took good care of Hana." Nagato murmured.

"Thank you for your love for Hana, Nagato, you are more like Hana's brother than I am..." Itachi whispered.

"Alas, before I died, I also did something to let Hana down, I don't know if she will forgive me..." Nagato said helplessly.

"It's been a long time since dawn, it seems that we are finally going to fight..." Uchiha Itachi said lightly.

"Who is coming?"

"It's him..." Nagato sensed Naruto's chakra.

"Is it very close?" Uchiha Itachi asked.

"I feel a sense of nostalgia..." Nagato looked ahead, and sure enough, Naruto and Killer Bee appeared there.

"Uchiha Itachi and Nagato?!" Naruto was shocked.

"Do you know him, Naruto?" Killer Bee said.

"Yes, I know both of them. One is Hanako's brother, and the other is my and Hanako's senior brother." Naruto replied.

Nagato in the distance looked at Naruto helplessly.

"I didn't expect to fight you, Naruto."

"We shouldn't have seen each other for a long time, but after all, he's dead. I felt like a blink of an eye had passed." Nagato sighed.

"You've changed, Naruto." Nagato said.

"You're talking about this." Naruto looked at the Nine-Tails Chakra Mode on his body.

"This is the Chakra Mode that controls the Nine-Tails Chakra. Hanako and my parents helped me master it."

"What?! Hanako helped you?!" Uchiha Itachi was surprised.

"Yes, she left Chakra in my body before you died, maybe to help me." Naruto said with a chuckle.

"I see, no wonder I thought you've changed."

"You look more confident too." Nagato nodded.

"Itachi, Kanon is my best friend. I understand what you did, but I can't forgive you." Naruto looked at Itachi who was reincarnated by the Impure World Reincarnation.

"Have you controlled the power of the Nine-Tails? Your growth rate is amazing..." Itachi was still a little surprised.

"He is my junior brother, just as I thought." Nagato was proud.

Killer Bee next to him also began to take credit.

"Does that mean you have overcome hatred? Naruto..." Nagato looked at Naruto.

"Well! With you as a senior brother and Kanon telling me about the pain, I practiced with Uncle Killer Bee in the Real Waterfall."

"And Mom and Dad, anyway, thanks to everyone, I can get to where I am now."

"Really..." Nagato nodded with relief.

Itachi frowned and looked at Naruto.People.

"Naruto, I have something to ask you."

"By the way, I also have something to ask you, Uchiha Itachi."

Naruto pointed at Uchiha Itachi.

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